# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from http import HTTPStatus from flask import Flask import time import yaml from beaker.middleware import SessionMiddleware import hapic from example import HelloResponseSchema, HelloPathSchema, HelloJsonSchema, \ ErrorResponseSchema, HelloQuerySchema from hapic.data import HapicData # hapic.global_exception_handler(UnAuthExc, StandardErrorSchema) # hapic.global_exception_handler(UnAuthExc2, StandardErrorSchema) # hapic.global_exception_handler(UnAuthExc3, StandardErrorSchema) # bottle.default_app.push(app) # session_opts = { # 'session.type': 'file', # 'session.data_dir': '/tmp', # 'session.cookie_expires': 3600, # 'session.auto': True # } # session_middleware = SessionMiddleware( # app, # session_opts, # environ_key='beaker.session', # key='beaker.session.id', # ) # app = session_middleware.wrap_app def bob(f): def boby(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return boby class FlaskRoute(object): def __init__(self, app, rule, method, callback, name, **options): self.app = app self.rule = rule self.method = method self.callback = callback self.name = name class Flaskapp(Flask): @property def routes(self): result = [] for r in self.url_map.iter_rules(): rule = r.rule callback = self.view_functions[r.endpoint] method = [x for x in r.methods if x not in [ 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD']][0] # TODO : other solution ? name = r.endpoint app = self f = FlaskRoute(self, rule, method, callback, name) result.append(f) return result app = Flaskapp(__name__) class Controllers(object): @hapic.with_api_doc() # @hapic.ext.bottle.bottle_context() @hapic.handle_exception(ZeroDivisionError, http_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) @hapic.input_path(HelloPathSchema()) @hapic.input_query(HelloQuerySchema()) @hapic.output_body(HelloResponseSchema()) def hello(self, name: str, hapic_data: HapicData): """ my endpoint hello --- get: description: my description parameters: - in: "path" description: "hello" name: "name" type: "string" responses: 200: description: A pet to be returned schema: HelloResponseSchema """ if name == 'zero': raise ZeroDivisionError('Don\'t call him zero !') return { 'sentence': 'Hello !', 'name': name, } @hapic.with_api_doc() # @hapic.ext.bottle.bottle_context() # @hapic.error_schema(ErrorResponseSchema()) @hapic.input_path(HelloPathSchema()) @hapic.input_body(HelloJsonSchema()) @hapic.output_body(HelloResponseSchema()) @bob def hello2(self, name: str, hapic_data: HapicData): return { 'sentence': 'Hello !', 'name': name, 'color': hapic_data.body.get('color'), } kwargs = {'validated_data': {'name': 'bob'}, 'name': 'bob'} @hapic.with_api_doc() # @hapic.ext.bottle.bottle_context() # @hapic.error_schema(ErrorResponseSchema()) @hapic.input_path(HelloPathSchema()) @hapic.output_body(HelloResponseSchema()) def hello3(self, name: str): return { 'sentence': 'Hello !', 'name': name, } def bind(self, app): pass app.add_url_rule('/hello/', "hello", self.hello) app.add_url_rule('/hello/', "hello2", self.hello2, methods=['POST', ]) app.add_url_rule('/hello3/', "hello3", self.hello3) #app = bottle.Bottle() controllers = Controllers() controllers.bind(app) # time.sleep(1) # s = hapic.generate_doc(app) # ss = json.loads(json.dumps(s)) # for path in ss['paths']: # for method in ss['paths'][path]: # for response_code in ss['paths'][path][method]['responses']: # ss['paths'][path][method]['responses'][int(response_code)] = ss['paths'][path][method]['responses'][response_code] # del ss['paths'][path][method]['responses'][int(response_code)] # print(yaml.dump(ss, default_flow_style=False)) # time.sleep(1) hapic.set_context(hapic.ext.flask.FlaskContext()) print(json.dumps(hapic.generate_doc(app))) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() app.run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True)