# coding: utf-8 from aiohttp import web import marshmallow from hapic import Hapic from hapic import HapicData from hapic.ext.aiohttp.context import AiohttpContext class TestAiohttpExt(object): async def test_aiohttp_only__ok__nominal_case( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): async def hello(request): return web.Response(text='Hello, world') app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/', hello) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 200 text = await resp.text() assert 'Hello, world' in text async def test_aiohttp_input_path__ok__nominal_case( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class InputPathSchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String() @hapic.input_path(InputPathSchema()) async def hello(request, hapic_data: HapicData): name = hapic_data.path.get('name') return web.Response(text='Hello, {}'.format(name)) app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/{name}', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/bob') assert resp.status == 200 text = await resp.text() assert 'Hello, bob' in text async def test_aiohttp_input_path__error_wrong_input_parameter( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class InputPathSchema(marshmallow.Schema): i = marshmallow.fields.Integer() @hapic.input_path(InputPathSchema()) async def hello(request, hapic_data: HapicData): i = hapic_data.path.get('i') return web.Response(text='integer: {}'.format(str(i))) app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/{i}', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/bob') # NOTE: should be integer here assert resp.status == 400 error = await resp.json() assert 'Validation error of input data' in error.get('message') assert {'i': ['Not a valid integer.']} == error.get('details') async def test_aiohttp_input_body__ok_nominal_case( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class InputBodySchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String() @hapic.input_body(InputBodySchema()) async def hello(request, hapic_data: HapicData): name = hapic_data.body.get('name') return web.Response(text='Hello, {}'.format(name)) app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_post('/', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post('/', data={'name': 'bob'}) assert resp.status == 200 text = await resp.text() assert 'Hello, bob' in text async def test_aiohttp_input_body__error__incorrect_input_body( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class InputBodySchema(marshmallow.Schema): i = marshmallow.fields.Integer() @hapic.input_body(InputBodySchema()) async def hello(request, hapic_data: HapicData): i = hapic_data.body.get('i') return web.Response(text='integer, {}'.format(i)) app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_post('/', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.post('/', data={'i': 'bob'}) # NOTE: should be int assert resp.status == 400 error = await resp.json() assert 'Validation error of input data' in error.get('message') assert {'i': ['Not a valid integer.']} == error.get('details') async def test_aiohttp_output_body__ok__nominal_case( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class OuputBodySchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String() @hapic.output_body(OuputBodySchema()) async def hello(request): return { 'name': 'bob', } app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 200 data = await resp.json() assert 'bob' == data.get('name') async def test_aiohttp_output_body__error__incorrect_output_body( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class OuputBodySchema(marshmallow.Schema): i = marshmallow.fields.Integer(required=True) @hapic.output_body(OuputBodySchema()) async def hello(request): return { 'i': 'bob', # NOTE: should be integer } app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 500 data = await resp.json() assert 'Validation error of output data' == data.get('message') assert { 'i': ['Missing data for required field.'], } == data.get('details') async def test_aiohttp_output_stream__ok__nominal_case( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class AsyncGenerator: def __init__(self): self._iterator = iter([ {'name': 'Hello, bob'}, {'name': 'Hello, franck'}, ]) async def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): return next(self._iterator) class OuputStreamItemSchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String() @hapic.output_stream(OuputStreamItemSchema()) async def hello(request): return AsyncGenerator() app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 200 line = await resp.content.readline() assert b'{"name": "Hello, bob"}\n' == line line = await resp.content.readline() assert b'{"name": "Hello, franck"}\n' == line async def test_aiohttp_output_stream__error__ignore( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class AsyncGenerator: def __init__(self): self._iterator = iter([ {'name': 'Hello, bob'}, {'nameZ': 'Hello, Z'}, # This line is incorrect {'name': 'Hello, franck'}, ]) async def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): return next(self._iterator) class OuputStreamItemSchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String(required=True) @hapic.output_stream(OuputStreamItemSchema(), ignore_on_error=True) async def hello(request): return AsyncGenerator() app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 200 line = await resp.content.readline() assert b'{"name": "Hello, bob"}\n' == line line = await resp.content.readline() assert b'{"name": "Hello, franck"}\n' == line async def test_aiohttp_output_stream__error__interrupt( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class AsyncGenerator: def __init__(self): self._iterator = iter([ {'name': 'Hello, bob'}, {'nameZ': 'Hello, Z'}, # This line is incorrect {'name': 'Hello, franck'}, # This line must not be reached ]) async def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): return next(self._iterator) class OuputStreamItemSchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String(required=True) @hapic.output_stream(OuputStreamItemSchema(), ignore_on_error=False) async def hello(request): return AsyncGenerator() app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/', hello) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) client = await aiohttp_client(app) resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 200 line = await resp.content.readline() assert b'{"name": "Hello, bob"}\n' == line line = await resp.content.readline() assert b'' == line def test_unit__generate_doc__ok__nominal_case( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class InputPathSchema(marshmallow.Schema): username = marshmallow.fields.String(required=True) class InputQuerySchema(marshmallow.Schema): show_deleted = marshmallow.fields.Boolean(required=False) class UserSchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String(required=True) @hapic.with_api_doc() @hapic.input_path(InputPathSchema()) @hapic.input_query(InputQuerySchema()) @hapic.output_body(UserSchema()) async def get_user(request, hapic_data): pass @hapic.with_api_doc() @hapic.input_path(InputPathSchema()) @hapic.output_body(UserSchema()) async def post_user(request, hapic_data): pass app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/{username}', get_user) app.router.add_post('/{username}', post_user) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) doc = hapic.generate_doc('aiohttp', 'testing') assert 'UserSchema' in doc.get('definitions') assert { 'name': {'type': 'string'} } == doc['definitions']['UserSchema'].get('properties') assert '/{username}' in doc.get('paths') assert 'get' in doc['paths']['/{username}'] assert 'post' in doc['paths']['/{username}'] assert [ { 'name': 'username', 'in': 'path', 'required': True, 'type': 'string', }, { 'name': 'show_deleted', 'in': 'query', 'required': False, 'type': 'boolean', } ] == doc['paths']['/{username}']['get']['parameters'] assert { 200: { 'schema': { '$ref': '#/definitions/UserSchema', }, 'description': '200', } } == doc['paths']['/{username}']['get']['responses'] assert [ { 'name': 'username', 'in': 'path', 'required': True, 'type': 'string', } ] == doc['paths']['/{username}']['post']['parameters'] assert { 200: { 'schema': { '$ref': '#/definitions/UserSchema', }, 'description': '200', } } == doc['paths']['/{username}']['get']['responses'] def test_unit__generate_output_stream_doc__ok__nominal_case( self, aiohttp_client, loop, ): hapic = Hapic(async_=True) class OuputStreamItemSchema(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.String(required=True) @hapic.with_api_doc() @hapic.output_stream(OuputStreamItemSchema()) async def get_users(request, hapic_data): pass app = web.Application(debug=True) app.router.add_get('/', get_users) hapic.set_context(AiohttpContext(app)) doc = hapic.generate_doc('aiohttp', 'testing') assert '/' in doc.get('paths') assert 'get' in doc['paths']['/'] assert 200 in doc['paths']['/']['get'].get('responses', {}) assert { 'items': { '$ref': '#/definitions/OuputStreamItemSchema' }, 'type': 'array', } == doc['paths']['/']['get']['responses'][200]['schema']