## Addtionals fields supported Using marshmallow schema, you have the possibility to add extra information in field in order to add them into auto-generated apispec documentation. ``` class MySchema(marshmallow.Schema): category = marshmallow.fields.String( required=True, description='a description', example='00010', format='binary', enum=['01000', '11111'], maxLength=5, minLength=5, ) ``` Not all field are fully supported now by Hapic. ## Supported Additional Fields in Hapic for query/path/body : General types: - format - description - enum - example (example is converted at the end of description for query/path) Number type: - maximum - exclusiveMaximum - minimum - exclusiveMinimum - multipleOf String type: - maxLength - minLength Theses field are related to OpenApiv2 spec, see this : https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#definitionsObject