# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import re import typing from http import HTTPStatus from hapic.context import ContextInterface from hapic.context import RouteRepresentation from hapic.decorator import DecoratedController from hapic.decorator import DECORATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME from hapic.exception import OutputValidationException from hapic.processor import RequestParameters from hapic.processor import ProcessValidationError if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.config import Configurator # Bottle regular expression to locate url parameters PYRAMID_RE_PATH_URL = re.compile(r'') class PyramidContext(ContextInterface): def __init__(self, configurator: 'Configurator'): self.configurator = configurator def get_request_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs) -> RequestParameters: req = args[-1] # TODO : Check # TODO : move this code to check_json # same idea as in : https://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/_modules/bottle.html#BaseRequest.json if req.body and req.content_type in ('application/json', 'application/json-rpc'): json_body = req.json_body # TODO : raise exception if not correct , return 400 if uncorrect instead ? else: json_body = {} return RequestParameters( path_parameters=req.matchdict, query_parameters=req.GET, body_parameters=json_body, form_parameters=req.POST, header_parameters=req.headers, files_parameters={}, # TODO - G.M - 2017-11-05 - Code it ) def get_response( self, response: dict, http_code: int, ) -> 'Response': from pyramid.response import Response return Response( body=json.dumps(response), headers=[ ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ], status=http_code, ) def get_validation_error_response( self, error: ProcessValidationError, http_code: HTTPStatus=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) -> typing.Any: # TODO BS 20171010: Manage error schemas, see #4 from pyramid.response import Response from hapic.hapic import _default_global_error_schema unmarshall = _default_global_error_schema.dump(error) if unmarshall.errors: raise OutputValidationException( 'Validation error during dump of error response: {}'.format( str(unmarshall.errors) ) ) return Response( body=json.dumps(unmarshall.data), headers=[ ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), ], status=int(http_code), ) def find_route( self, decorated_controller: DecoratedController, ) -> RouteRepresentation: for category in self.configurator.introspector.get_category('views'): view_intr = category['introspectable'] route_intr = category['related'] reference = decorated_controller.reference route_token = getattr( view_intr.get('callable'), DECORATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, None, ) match_with_wrapper = view_intr.get('callable') == reference.wrapper match_with_wrapped = view_intr.get('callable') == reference.wrapped match_with_token = route_token == reference.token if match_with_wrapper or match_with_wrapped or match_with_token: # TODO BS 20171107: C'est une liste de route sous pyramid !!! # Mais de toute maniere les framework womme pyramid, flask # peuvent avoir un controlleur pour plusieurs routes doc # .find_route doit retourner une liste au lieu d'une seule # route route_pattern = route_intr[0].get('pattern') route_method = route_intr[0].get('request_methods')[0] return RouteRepresentation( rule=self.get_swagger_path(route_pattern), method=route_method, original_route_object=route_intr[0], ) def get_swagger_path(self, contextualised_rule: str) -> str: # TODO BS 20171110: Pyramid allow route like '/{foo:\d+}', so adapt # and USE regular expression (see https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/urldispatch.html#custom-route-predicates) # nopep8 return contextualised_rule def by_pass_output_wrapping(self, response: typing.Any) -> bool: return False