
  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import json
  3. import re
  4. import typing
  5. try: # Python 3.5+
  6. from http import HTTPStatus
  7. except ImportError:
  8. from http import client as HTTPStatus
  9. from hapic.context import BaseContext
  10. from hapic.context import RouteRepresentation
  11. from hapic.decorator import DecoratedController
  12. from hapic.decorator import DECORATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
  13. from hapic.exception import OutputValidationException
  14. from hapic.processor import RequestParameters
  15. from hapic.processor import ProcessValidationError
  16. from hapic.error import DefaultErrorBuilder
  17. from hapic.error import ErrorBuilderInterface
  18. if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
  19. from pyramid.response import Response
  20. from pyramid.config import Configurator
  21. # Bottle regular expression to locate url parameters
  22. PYRAMID_RE_PATH_URL = re.compile(r'')
  23. class PyramidContext(BaseContext):
  24. def __init__(
  25. self,
  26. configurator: 'Configurator',
  27. default_error_builder: ErrorBuilderInterface = None,
  28. ):
  29. self.configurator = configurator
  30. self.default_error_builder = \
  31. default_error_builder or DefaultErrorBuilder() # FDV
  32. def get_request_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs) -> RequestParameters:
  33. req = args[-1] # TODO : Check
  34. # TODO : move this code to check_json
  35. # same idea as in :
  36. if req.body and req.content_type in ('application/json', 'application/json-rpc'):
  37. json_body = req.json_body
  38. # TODO : raise exception if not correct , return 400 if uncorrect instead ?
  39. else:
  40. json_body = {}
  41. return RequestParameters(
  42. path_parameters=req.matchdict,
  43. query_parameters=req.GET,
  44. body_parameters=json_body,
  45. form_parameters=req.POST,
  46. header_parameters=req.headers,
  47. files_parameters={}, # TODO - G.M - 2017-11-05 - Code it
  48. )
  49. def get_response(
  50. self,
  51. response: str,
  52. http_code: int,
  53. mimetype: str='application/json',
  54. ) -> 'Response':
  55. # INFO - G.M - 20-04-2018 - No message_body for some http code,
  56. # no Content-Type needed if no content
  57. # see:
  58. if http_code in [204, 304] or (100 <= http_code <= 199):
  59. headers = []
  60. else:
  61. headers = [
  62. ('Content-Type', mimetype),
  63. ]
  64. from pyramid.response import Response
  65. return Response(
  66. body=response,
  67. headers=headers,
  68. status=http_code,
  69. )
  70. def get_validation_error_response(
  71. self,
  72. error: ProcessValidationError,
  73. http_code: HTTPStatus=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
  74. ) -> typing.Any:
  75. from pyramid.response import Response
  76. error_content = self.default_error_builder.build_from_validation_error(
  77. error,
  78. )
  79. # Check error
  80. dumped = self.default_error_builder.dump(error).data
  81. unmarshall = self.default_error_builder.load(dumped)
  82. if unmarshall.errors:
  83. raise OutputValidationException(
  84. 'Validation error during dump of error response: {}'.format(
  85. str(unmarshall.errors)
  86. )
  87. )
  88. return Response(
  89. body=json.dumps(error_content),
  90. headers=[
  91. ('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
  92. ],
  93. status=int(http_code),
  94. )
  95. def find_route(
  96. self,
  97. decorated_controller: DecoratedController,
  98. ) -> RouteRepresentation:
  99. for category in self.configurator.introspector.get_category('views'):
  100. view_intr = category['introspectable']
  101. route_intr = category['related']
  102. reference = decorated_controller.reference
  103. route_token = getattr(
  104. view_intr.get('callable'),
  106. None,
  107. )
  108. match_with_wrapper = view_intr.get('callable') == reference.wrapper
  109. match_with_wrapped = view_intr.get('callable') == reference.wrapped
  110. match_with_token = route_token == reference.token
  111. if match_with_wrapper or match_with_wrapped or match_with_token:
  112. # TODO BS 20171107: C'est une liste de route sous pyramid !!!
  113. # Mais de toute maniere les framework womme pyramid, flask
  114. # peuvent avoir un controlleur pour plusieurs routes doc
  115. # .find_route doit retourner une liste au lieu d'une seule
  116. # route
  117. route_pattern = route_intr[0].get('pattern')
  118. route_method = route_intr[0].get('request_methods')[0]
  119. return RouteRepresentation(
  120. rule=self.get_swagger_path(route_pattern),
  121. method=route_method,
  122. original_route_object=route_intr[0],
  123. )
  124. def get_swagger_path(self, contextualised_rule: str) -> str:
  125. # TODO BS 20171110: Pyramid allow route like '/{foo:\d+}', so adapt
  126. # and USE regular expression (see # nopep8
  127. # INFO - G.M - 27-04-2018 - route_pattern of pyramid without '/' case.
  128. # For example, when using config.include with route_prefix param,
  129. # there is no '/' at beginning of the path.
  130. if contextualised_rule[0] != '/':
  131. contextualised_rule = '/{}'.format(contextualised_rule)
  132. return contextualised_rule
  133. def by_pass_output_wrapping(self, response: typing.Any) -> bool:
  134. return False
  135. def add_view(
  136. self,
  137. route: str,
  138. http_method: str,
  139. view_func: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any],
  140. ) -> None:
  141. self.configurator.add_route(
  142. name=route,
  143. path=route,
  144. request_method=http_method
  145. )
  146. self.configurator.add_view(
  147. view_func,
  148. route_name=route,
  149. )
  150. def serve_directory(
  151. self,
  152. route_prefix: str,
  153. directory_path: str,
  154. ) -> None:
  155. self.configurator.add_static_view(
  156. name=route_prefix,
  157. path=directory_path,
  158. )