container = $container; $this->translator = $translator; } public function getName() { return 'muzich_social_bar'; } public function getFunctions() { return array( 'socialButtons' => new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'getSocialButtons' ,array('is_safe' => array('html'))), 'facebookButton' => new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'getFacebookLikeButton' ,array('is_safe' => array('html'))), 'twitterButton' => new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'getTwitterButton' ,array('is_safe' => array('html'))), 'googlePlusButton' => new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'getGooglePlusButton' ,array('is_safe' => array('html'))), ); } public function getSocialButtons($parameters = array()) { // no parameters were defined, keeps default values if (!array_key_exists('facebook', $parameters)){ $render_parameters['facebook'] = array(); // parameters are defined, overrides default values }else if(is_array($parameters['facebook'])){ $render_parameters['facebook'] = $parameters['facebook']; // the button is not displayed }else{ $render_parameters['facebook'] = false; } if (!array_key_exists('twitter', $parameters)){ $render_parameters['twitter'] = array(); }else if(is_array($parameters['twitter'])){ $render_parameters['twitter'] = $parameters['twitter']; }else{ $render_parameters['twitter'] = false; } if (!array_key_exists('googleplus', $parameters)){ $render_parameters['googleplus'] = array(); }else if(is_array($parameters['googleplus'])){ $render_parameters['googleplus'] = $parameters['googleplus']; }else{ $render_parameters['googleplus'] = false; } // get the helper service and display the template return $this->container->get('muzich.socialBarHelper')->socialButtons($render_parameters); } // public function getFacebookLikeButton($parameters = array()) { // default values, you can override the values by setting them $parameters = $parameters + array( 'url' => null, 'locale' => 'fr_FR', 'send' => false, 'width' => 300, 'showFaces' => false, 'layout' => 'button_count' ); return $this->container->get('muzich.socialBarHelper')->facebookButton($parameters); } public function getTwitterButton($parameters = array()) { $parameters = $parameters + array( 'url' => null, 'locale' => 'fr', 'message' => $this->translator->trans('element.share.twitter.text', array(), 'userui'), 'text' => 'Tweet', 'via' => 'Muzich_Official', 'tag' => 'music' ); return $this->container->get('muzich.socialBarHelper')->twitterButton($parameters); } public function getGooglePlusButton($parameters = array()) { $parameters = $parameters + array( 'url' => null, 'locale' => 'en', 'size' => 'medium', 'annotation' => 'bubble', 'width' => '300' ); return $this->container->get('muzich.socialBarHelper')->googlePlusButton($parameters); } }