generator: admingenerator.generator.doctrine params: model: Muzich\CoreBundle\Entity\FollowGroup namespace_prefix: Muzich bundle_name: AdminBundle fields: follower: formType: shtumi_ajax_autocomplete formOptions: entity_alias: users group: formType: shtumi_ajax_autocomplete formOptions: entity_alias: groups builders: list: params: title: List for Follow Groups display: [ follower, group ] actions: new: ~ object_actions: show: ~ edit: ~ delete: ~ filters: params: display: [ follower, group ] new: params: title: New object for Group Follow display: [ follower, group ] actions: save: ~ list: ~ edit: params: title: "You're editing the object \"%object%\"|{ %object%: }|" display: [ follower, group ] actions: save: ~ list: ~ show: params: title: "You're viewing the object \"%object%\"|{ %object%: }|" display: [ follower, group ] actions: list: ~ new: ~ delete: ~