{% extends "MuzichHomeBundle::layout.html.twig" %} {% block title %}{{ group.name }}{% endblock %} {% block mainbox_classes %}mainbox_nopadding{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if his_group or group.open %} {% include 'MuzichCoreBundle:Component:element_add_buttons_topright.html.twig' %} {% endif %}
{% if his_group %} {{ 'group.edit'|trans({}, 'groups') }} {% endif %}

{{ group.name }}

{% if his_group or group.open %} {% include 'MuzichCoreBundle:Component:element_add_box.html.twig' with { 'group_slug' : group.slug, 'show_add_to_group' : false } %} {% endif %}

{% if count_owned != 0 %} {{ 'show.user.elements.count'|trans({ '%count_owned%' : count_owned, '%count_favorited%': count_favorited, '%count_favorited_users%': count_favorited_users }, 'elements') }} {% else %} {{ 'show.user.elements.no_count'|trans({}, 'elements') }} {% endif %}
{% if count_followers > 1 %} {{ 'show.user.followers.x_count'|trans({'%count%':count_followers, '%name%':group.name }, 'elements') }} {% elseif count_followers == 0 %} {{ 'show.user.followers.zero_count'|trans({'%name%':group.name }, 'elements') }} {% else %} {{ 'show.user.followers.one_count'|trans({'%count%':count_followers, '%name%':group.name }, 'elements') }} {% endif %}

{{ group.description }}

{% include "MuzichCoreBundle:Tag:tagsList.show.html.twig" with { 'object_id' : group.id, 'object_type' : 'group', 'display_autoplay' : true, 'autoplay_context' : 'show_group' } %}
{% include "MuzichCoreBundle:SearchElement:default.html.twig" with { 'no_group_name' : true, 'his_group' : his_group, 'group' : group }%} {% if more_count is defined %} {% if elements|length %} {% include "MuzichCoreBundle:SearchElement:more_button.html.twig" with { 'more_path' : path('show_elements_get', { 'type' : 'group', 'object_id' : group.id, 'tags_ids_json' : '[]' }), 'more_url_path' : path('show_elements_get', { 'type' : 'group', 'object_id' : group.id, 'tags_ids_json' : '' }) }%} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}