#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * Coding Standards (a.k.a. CS) * * This script is designed to clean up the source files and thus follow coding * conventions. * * @see http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/contributing/code/standards.html * */ require_once __DIR__.'/autoload.php.dist'; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; $fix = isset($argv[1]) && 'fix' == $argv[1]; $finder = new Finder(); $finder ->files() ->name('*.md') ->name('*.php') ->name('*.php.dist') ->name('*.twig') ->name('*.xml') ->name('*.xml.dist') ->name('*.yml') ->in(array(__DIR__.'/src', __DIR__.'/tests')) ->notName(basename(__FILE__)) ->exclude('.git') ->exclude('vendor') ; $count = 0; foreach ($finder as $file) { /* @var $file Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo */ // These files are skipped because tests would break foreach(array( 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/ClassLoader/ClassCollectionLoaderTest.php', 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/DependencyInjection/Fixtures/containers/container9.php', 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/DependencyInjection/Fixtures/includes/foo.php', 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/DependencyInjection/Fixtures/php/services9.php', 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/DependencyInjection/Fixtures/yaml/services9.yml', 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/Routing/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher1.php', 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/Routing/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher2.php', 'tests/Symfony/Tests/Component/Yaml/Fixtures/sfTests.yml', ) as $skippedFile) { if ($skippedFile === substr($file->getRealPath(), strlen($skippedFile) * -1)) { continue(2); } } $old = file_get_contents($file->getRealpath()); $new = $old; // [Structure] Never use short tags (<?) $new = str_replace('<? ', '<?php ', $new); // [Structure] Indentation is done by steps of four spaces (tabs are never allowed) $new = preg_replace_callback('/^( *)(\t+)/m', function ($matches) use ($new) { return $matches[1].str_repeat(' ', strlen($matches[2])); }, $new); // [Structure] Use the linefeed character (0x0A) to end lines $new = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $new); // [Structure] Don't add trailing spaces at the end of lines $new = preg_replace('/[ \t]*$/m', '', $new); // [Structure] Add a blank line before return statements $new = preg_replace_callback('/(^.*$)\n(^ +return)/m', function ($match) { // don't add it if the previous line is ... if ( preg_match('/\{$/m', $match[1]) || // ... ending with an opening brace preg_match('/\:$/m', $match[1]) || // ... ending with a colon (e.g. a case statement) preg_match('%^ *//%m', $match[1]) || // ... an inline comment preg_match('/^$/m', $match[1]) // ... already blank ) { return $match[1]."\n".$match[2]; } return $match[1]."\n\n".$match[2]; }, $new); // [Structure] A file must always ends with a linefeed character if (strlen($new) && "\n" != substr($new, -1)) { $new .= "\n"; } if ($new != $old) { $count++; if ($fix) { file_put_contents($file->getRealpath(), $new); } printf('%4d) %s'.PHP_EOL, $count, $file->getRelativePathname()); } } exit($count ? 1 : 0);