menu = $factory->createItem('Root li', array('attributes' => array('class' => 'root'))); $this->pt1 = $this->menu->addChild('Parent 1'); $this->ch1 = $this->pt1->addChild('Child 1'); $this->ch2 = $this->pt1->addChild('Child 2'); // add the 3rd child via addChild with an object $this->ch3 = new MenuItem('Child 3', $factory); $this->pt1->addChild($this->ch3); $this->pt2 = $this->menu->addChild('Parent 2'); $this->ch4 = $this->pt2->addChild('Child 4'); $this->gc1 = $this->ch4->addChild('Grandchild 1'); } protected function tearDown() { $this->menu = null; $this->pt1 = null; $this->ch1 = null; $this->ch2 = null; $this->ch3 = null; $this->pt2 = null; $this->ch4 = null; $this->gc1 = null; } // prints a visual representation of our basic testing tree protected function printTestTree() { print(' Menu Structure '."\n"); print(' rt '."\n"); print(' / \ '."\n"); print(' pt1 pt2 '."\n"); print(' / | \ | '."\n"); print(' ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 '."\n"); print(' | '."\n"); print(' gc1 '."\n"); } }