<?php require '../lib/SqlFormatter.php'; //this is the default value //set to '0' to disable caching //a value between 10 and 20 seems to give the best result SqlFormatter::$max_cachekey_size = 15; //the sample query file is filled with install scripts for PrestaShop //and some sample catalog data from Magento $contents = file_get_contents('sql.sql'); //queries are separated by 2 new lines $queries = explode("\n\n",$contents); //track time and memory usage $start = microtime(true); $ustart = memory_get_usage(true); //track number of queries and size of queries $num = 0; $chars = 0; foreach ($queries as $query) { //do formatting and highlighting SqlFormatter::format($query); $num++; $chars += strlen($query); } $uend = memory_get_usage(true); $end = microtime(true); echo "<p>Formatted ".$num." queries using a max_cachekey_size of ".SqlFormatter::$max_cachekey_size."</p>"; echo "<p>Average query length of ".number_format($chars/$num,5)." characters</p>"; echo "<p>Took ".number_format($end-$start,5)." seconds total, ".number_format(($end-$start)/$num,5)." seconds per query, ".number_format(1000*($end-$start)/$chars,5)." seconds per 1000 characters</p>"; echo "<p>Used ".number_format($uend-$ustart)." bytes of memory</p>"; echo "<h3>Cache Stats</h3><pre>".print_r(SqlFormatter::getCacheStats(),true)."</pre>";