<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools; use Doctrine\ORM\ORMException, Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type, Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager, Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata, Doctrine\ORM\Internal\CommitOrderCalculator, Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Event\GenerateSchemaTableEventArgs, Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Event\GenerateSchemaEventArgs; /** * The SchemaTool is a tool to create/drop/update database schemas based on * <tt>ClassMetadata</tt> class descriptors. * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Guilherme Blanco <guilhermeblanco@hotmail.com> * @author Jonathan Wage <jonwage@gmail.com> * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> * @author Benjamin Eberlei <kontakt@beberlei.de> */ class SchemaTool { /** * @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager */ private $_em; /** * @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform */ private $_platform; /** * Initializes a new SchemaTool instance that uses the connection of the * provided EntityManager. * * @param Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em */ public function __construct(EntityManager $em) { $this->_em = $em; $this->_platform = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform(); } /** * Creates the database schema for the given array of ClassMetadata instances. * * @param array $classes */ public function createSchema(array $classes) { $createSchemaSql = $this->getCreateSchemaSql($classes); $conn = $this->_em->getConnection(); foreach ($createSchemaSql as $sql) { $conn->executeQuery($sql); } } /** * Gets the list of DDL statements that are required to create the database schema for * the given list of ClassMetadata instances. * * @param array $classes * @return array $sql The SQL statements needed to create the schema for the classes. */ public function getCreateSchemaSql(array $classes) { $schema = $this->getSchemaFromMetadata($classes); return $schema->toSql($this->_platform); } /** * Some instances of ClassMetadata don't need to be processed in the SchemaTool context. This method detects them. * * @param ClassMetadata $class * @param array $processedClasses * @return bool */ private function processingNotRequired($class, array $processedClasses) { return ( isset($processedClasses[$class->name]) || $class->isMappedSuperclass || ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable() && $class->name != $class->rootEntityName) ); } /** * From a given set of metadata classes this method creates a Schema instance. * * @param array $classes * @return Schema */ public function getSchemaFromMetadata(array $classes) { $processedClasses = array(); // Reminder for processed classes, used for hierarchies $sm = $this->_em->getConnection()->getSchemaManager(); $metadataSchemaConfig = $sm->createSchemaConfig(); $metadataSchemaConfig->setExplicitForeignKeyIndexes(false); $schema = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema(array(), array(), $metadataSchemaConfig); $evm = $this->_em->getEventManager(); foreach ($classes as $class) { if ($this->processingNotRequired($class, $processedClasses)) { continue; } $table = $schema->createTable($class->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform)); $columns = array(); // table columns if ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable()) { $columns = $this->_gatherColumns($class, $table); $this->_gatherRelationsSql($class, $table, $schema); // Add the discriminator column $discrColumnDef = $this->_getDiscriminatorColumnDefinition($class, $table); // Aggregate all the information from all classes in the hierarchy foreach ($class->parentClasses as $parentClassName) { // Parent class information is already contained in this class $processedClasses[$parentClassName] = true; } foreach ($class->subClasses as $subClassName) { $subClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($subClassName); $this->_gatherColumns($subClass, $table); $this->_gatherRelationsSql($subClass, $table, $schema); $processedClasses[$subClassName] = true; } } else if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { // Add all non-inherited fields as columns $pkColumns = array(); foreach ($class->fieldMappings as $fieldName => $mapping) { if ( ! isset($mapping['inherited'])) { $columnName = $class->getQuotedColumnName($mapping['fieldName'], $this->_platform); $this->_gatherColumn($class, $mapping, $table); if ($class->isIdentifier($fieldName)) { $pkColumns[] = $columnName; } } } $this->_gatherRelationsSql($class, $table, $schema); // Add the discriminator column only to the root table if ($class->name == $class->rootEntityName) { $discrColumnDef = $this->_getDiscriminatorColumnDefinition($class, $table); } else { // Add an ID FK column to child tables /* @var Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $class */ $idMapping = $class->fieldMappings[$class->identifier[0]]; $this->_gatherColumn($class, $idMapping, $table); $columnName = $class->getQuotedColumnName($class->identifier[0], $this->_platform); // TODO: This seems rather hackish, can we optimize it? $table->getColumn($columnName)->setAutoincrement(false); $pkColumns[] = $columnName; // Add a FK constraint on the ID column $table->addUnnamedForeignKeyConstraint( $this->_em->getClassMetadata($class->rootEntityName)->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform), array($columnName), array($columnName), array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE') ); } $table->setPrimaryKey($pkColumns); } else if ($class->isInheritanceTypeTablePerClass()) { throw ORMException::notSupported(); } else { $this->_gatherColumns($class, $table); $this->_gatherRelationsSql($class, $table, $schema); } $pkColumns = array(); foreach ($class->identifier AS $identifierField) { if (isset($class->fieldMappings[$identifierField])) { $pkColumns[] = $class->getQuotedColumnName($identifierField, $this->_platform); } else if (isset($class->associationMappings[$identifierField])) { /* @var $assoc \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToOne */ $assoc = $class->associationMappings[$identifierField]; foreach ($assoc['joinColumns'] AS $joinColumn) { $pkColumns[] = $joinColumn['name']; } } } if (!$table->hasIndex('primary')) { $table->setPrimaryKey($pkColumns); } if (isset($class->table['indexes'])) { foreach ($class->table['indexes'] AS $indexName => $indexData) { $table->addIndex($indexData['columns'], $indexName); } } if (isset($class->table['uniqueConstraints'])) { foreach ($class->table['uniqueConstraints'] AS $indexName => $indexData) { $table->addUniqueIndex($indexData['columns'], $indexName); } } $processedClasses[$class->name] = true; if ($class->isIdGeneratorSequence() && $class->name == $class->rootEntityName) { $seqDef = $class->sequenceGeneratorDefinition; if (!$schema->hasSequence($seqDef['sequenceName'])) { $schema->createSequence( $seqDef['sequenceName'], $seqDef['allocationSize'], $seqDef['initialValue'] ); } } if ($evm->hasListeners(ToolEvents::postGenerateSchemaTable)) { $evm->dispatchEvent(ToolEvents::postGenerateSchemaTable, new GenerateSchemaTableEventArgs($class, $schema, $table)); } } if ($evm->hasListeners(ToolEvents::postGenerateSchema)) { $evm->dispatchEvent(ToolEvents::postGenerateSchema, new GenerateSchemaEventArgs($this->_em, $schema)); } return $schema; } /** * Gets a portable column definition as required by the DBAL for the discriminator * column of a class. * * @param ClassMetadata $class * @return array The portable column definition of the discriminator column as required by * the DBAL. */ private function _getDiscriminatorColumnDefinition($class, $table) { $discrColumn = $class->discriminatorColumn; if (!isset($discrColumn['type']) || (strtolower($discrColumn['type']) == 'string' && $discrColumn['length'] === null)) { $discrColumn['type'] = 'string'; $discrColumn['length'] = 255; } $table->addColumn( $discrColumn['name'], $discrColumn['type'], array('length' => $discrColumn['length'], 'notnull' => true) ); } /** * Gathers the column definitions as required by the DBAL of all field mappings * found in the given class. * * @param ClassMetadata $class * @param Table $table * @return array The list of portable column definitions as required by the DBAL. */ private function _gatherColumns($class, $table) { $columns = array(); $pkColumns = array(); foreach ($class->fieldMappings as $fieldName => $mapping) { if ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable() && isset($mapping['inherited'])) { continue; } $column = $this->_gatherColumn($class, $mapping, $table); if ($class->isIdentifier($mapping['fieldName'])) { $pkColumns[] = $class->getQuotedColumnName($mapping['fieldName'], $this->_platform); } } // For now, this is a hack required for single table inheritence, since this method is called // twice by single table inheritence relations if(!$table->hasIndex('primary')) { //$table->setPrimaryKey($pkColumns); } return $columns; } /** * Creates a column definition as required by the DBAL from an ORM field mapping definition. * * @param ClassMetadata $class The class that owns the field mapping. * @param array $mapping The field mapping. * @param Table $table * @return array The portable column definition as required by the DBAL. */ private function _gatherColumn($class, array $mapping, $table) { $columnName = $class->getQuotedColumnName($mapping['fieldName'], $this->_platform); $columnType = $mapping['type']; $options = array(); $options['length'] = isset($mapping['length']) ? $mapping['length'] : null; $options['notnull'] = isset($mapping['nullable']) ? ! $mapping['nullable'] : true; if ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable() && count($class->parentClasses) > 0) { $options['notnull'] = false; } $options['platformOptions'] = array(); $options['platformOptions']['version'] = $class->isVersioned && $class->versionField == $mapping['fieldName'] ? true : false; if(strtolower($columnType) == 'string' && $options['length'] === null) { $options['length'] = 255; } if (isset($mapping['precision'])) { $options['precision'] = $mapping['precision']; } if (isset($mapping['scale'])) { $options['scale'] = $mapping['scale']; } if (isset($mapping['default'])) { $options['default'] = $mapping['default']; } if (isset($mapping['columnDefinition'])) { $options['columnDefinition'] = $mapping['columnDefinition']; } if ($class->isIdGeneratorIdentity() && $class->getIdentifierFieldNames() == array($mapping['fieldName'])) { $options['autoincrement'] = true; } if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined() && $class->name != $class->rootEntityName) { $options['autoincrement'] = false; } if ($table->hasColumn($columnName)) { // required in some inheritance scenarios $table->changeColumn($columnName, $options); } else { $table->addColumn($columnName, $columnType, $options); } $isUnique = isset($mapping['unique']) ? $mapping['unique'] : false; if ($isUnique) { $table->addUniqueIndex(array($columnName)); } } /** * Gathers the SQL for properly setting up the relations of the given class. * This includes the SQL for foreign key constraints and join tables. * * @param ClassMetadata $class * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table $table * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema $schema * @return void */ private function _gatherRelationsSql($class, $table, $schema) { foreach ($class->associationMappings as $fieldName => $mapping) { if (isset($mapping['inherited'])) { continue; } $foreignClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($mapping['targetEntity']); if ($mapping['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE && $mapping['isOwningSide']) { $primaryKeyColumns = $uniqueConstraints = array(); // PK is unnecessary for this relation-type $this->_gatherRelationJoinColumns($mapping['joinColumns'], $table, $foreignClass, $mapping, $primaryKeyColumns, $uniqueConstraints); foreach($uniqueConstraints AS $indexName => $unique) { $table->addUniqueIndex($unique['columns'], is_numeric($indexName) ? null : $indexName); } } else if ($mapping['type'] == ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_MANY && $mapping['isOwningSide']) { //... create join table, one-many through join table supported later throw ORMException::notSupported(); } else if ($mapping['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY && $mapping['isOwningSide']) { // create join table $joinTable = $mapping['joinTable']; $theJoinTable = $schema->createTable($foreignClass->getQuotedJoinTableName($mapping, $this->_platform)); $primaryKeyColumns = $uniqueConstraints = array(); // Build first FK constraint (relation table => source table) $this->_gatherRelationJoinColumns($joinTable['joinColumns'], $theJoinTable, $class, $mapping, $primaryKeyColumns, $uniqueConstraints); // Build second FK constraint (relation table => target table) $this->_gatherRelationJoinColumns($joinTable['inverseJoinColumns'], $theJoinTable, $foreignClass, $mapping, $primaryKeyColumns, $uniqueConstraints); $theJoinTable->setPrimaryKey($primaryKeyColumns); foreach($uniqueConstraints AS $indexName => $unique) { $theJoinTable->addUniqueIndex($unique['columns'], is_numeric($indexName) ? null : $indexName); } } } } /** * Get the class metadata that is responsible for the definition of the referenced column name. * * Previously this was a simple task, but with DDC-117 this problem is actually recursive. If its * not a simple field, go through all identifier field names that are associations recursivly and * find that referenced column name. * * TODO: Is there any way to make this code more pleasing? * * @param ClassMetadata $class * @param string $referencedColumnName * @return array(ClassMetadata, referencedFieldName) */ private function getDefiningClass($class, $referencedColumnName) { $referencedFieldName = $class->getFieldName($referencedColumnName); if ($class->hasField($referencedFieldName)) { return array($class, $referencedFieldName); } else if (in_array($referencedColumnName, $class->getIdentifierColumnNames())) { // it seems to be an entity as foreign key foreach ($class->getIdentifierFieldNames() AS $fieldName) { if ($class->hasAssociation($fieldName) && $class->getSingleAssociationJoinColumnName($fieldName) == $referencedColumnName) { return $this->getDefiningClass( $this->_em->getClassMetadata($class->associationMappings[$fieldName]['targetEntity']), $class->getSingleAssociationReferencedJoinColumnName($fieldName) ); } } } return null; } /** * Gather columns and fk constraints that are required for one part of relationship. * * @param array $joinColumns * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table $theJoinTable * @param ClassMetadata $class * @param array $mapping * @param array $primaryKeyColumns * @param array $uniqueConstraints */ private function _gatherRelationJoinColumns($joinColumns, $theJoinTable, $class, $mapping, &$primaryKeyColumns, &$uniqueConstraints) { $localColumns = array(); $foreignColumns = array(); $fkOptions = array(); $foreignTableName = $class->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform); foreach ($joinColumns as $joinColumn) { $columnName = $joinColumn['name']; list($definingClass, $referencedFieldName) = $this->getDefiningClass($class, $joinColumn['referencedColumnName']); if (!$definingClass) { throw new \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException( "Column name `".$joinColumn['referencedColumnName']."` referenced for relation from ". $mapping['sourceEntity'] . " towards ". $mapping['targetEntity'] . " does not exist." ); } $primaryKeyColumns[] = $columnName; $localColumns[] = $columnName; $foreignColumns[] = $joinColumn['referencedColumnName']; if ( ! $theJoinTable->hasColumn($joinColumn['name'])) { // Only add the column to the table if it does not exist already. // It might exist already if the foreign key is mapped into a regular // property as well. $fieldMapping = $definingClass->getFieldMapping($referencedFieldName); $columnDef = null; if (isset($joinColumn['columnDefinition'])) { $columnDef = $joinColumn['columnDefinition']; } else if (isset($fieldMapping['columnDefinition'])) { $columnDef = $fieldMapping['columnDefinition']; } $columnOptions = array('notnull' => false, 'columnDefinition' => $columnDef); if (isset($joinColumn['nullable'])) { $columnOptions['notnull'] = !$joinColumn['nullable']; } if ($fieldMapping['type'] == "string" && isset($fieldMapping['length'])) { $columnOptions['length'] = $fieldMapping['length']; } else if ($fieldMapping['type'] == "decimal") { $columnOptions['scale'] = $fieldMapping['scale']; $columnOptions['precision'] = $fieldMapping['precision']; } $theJoinTable->addColumn($columnName, $fieldMapping['type'], $columnOptions); } if (isset($joinColumn['unique']) && $joinColumn['unique'] == true) { $uniqueConstraints[] = array('columns' => array($columnName)); } if (isset($joinColumn['onUpdate'])) { $fkOptions['onUpdate'] = $joinColumn['onUpdate']; } if (isset($joinColumn['onDelete'])) { $fkOptions['onDelete'] = $joinColumn['onDelete']; } } $theJoinTable->addUnnamedForeignKeyConstraint( $foreignTableName, $localColumns, $foreignColumns, $fkOptions ); } /** * Drops the database schema for the given classes. * * In any way when an exception is thrown it is supressed since drop was * issued for all classes of the schema and some probably just don't exist. * * @param array $classes * @return void */ public function dropSchema(array $classes) { $dropSchemaSql = $this->getDropSchemaSQL($classes); $conn = $this->_em->getConnection(); foreach ($dropSchemaSql as $sql) { try { $conn->executeQuery($sql); } catch(\Exception $e) { } } } /** * Drops all elements in the database of the current connection. * * @return void */ public function dropDatabase() { $dropSchemaSql = $this->getDropDatabaseSQL(); $conn = $this->_em->getConnection(); foreach ($dropSchemaSql as $sql) { $conn->executeQuery($sql); } } /** * Gets the SQL needed to drop the database schema for the connections database. * * @return array */ public function getDropDatabaseSQL() { $sm = $this->_em->getConnection()->getSchemaManager(); $schema = $sm->createSchema(); $visitor = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Visitor\DropSchemaSqlCollector($this->_platform); /* @var $schema \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema */ $schema->visit($visitor); return $visitor->getQueries(); } /** * Get SQL to drop the tables defined by the passed classes. * * @param array $classes * @return array */ public function getDropSchemaSQL(array $classes) { $visitor = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Visitor\DropSchemaSqlCollector($this->_platform); $schema = $this->getSchemaFromMetadata($classes); $sm = $this->_em->getConnection()->getSchemaManager(); $fullSchema = $sm->createSchema(); foreach ($fullSchema->getTables() AS $table) { if (!$schema->hasTable($table->getName())) { foreach ($table->getForeignKeys() AS $foreignKey) { /* @var $foreignKey \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\ForeignKeyConstraint */ if ($schema->hasTable($foreignKey->getForeignTableName())) { $visitor->acceptForeignKey($table, $foreignKey); } } } else { $visitor->acceptTable($table); foreach ($table->getForeignKeys() AS $foreignKey) { $visitor->acceptForeignKey($table, $foreignKey); } } } if ($this->_platform->supportsSequences()) { foreach ($schema->getSequences() AS $sequence) { $visitor->acceptSequence($sequence); } foreach ($schema->getTables() AS $table) { /* @var $sequence Table */ if ($table->hasPrimaryKey()) { $columns = $table->getPrimaryKey()->getColumns(); if (count($columns) == 1) { $checkSequence = $table->getName() . "_" . $columns[0] . "_seq"; if ($fullSchema->hasSequence($checkSequence)) { $visitor->acceptSequence($fullSchema->getSequence($checkSequence)); } } } } } return $visitor->getQueries(); } /** * Updates the database schema of the given classes by comparing the ClassMetadata * instances to the current database schema that is inspected. If $saveMode is set * to true the command is executed in the Database, else SQL is returned. * * @param array $classes * @param boolean $saveMode * @return void */ public function updateSchema(array $classes, $saveMode=false) { $updateSchemaSql = $this->getUpdateSchemaSql($classes, $saveMode); $conn = $this->_em->getConnection(); foreach ($updateSchemaSql as $sql) { $conn->executeQuery($sql); } } /** * Gets the sequence of SQL statements that need to be performed in order * to bring the given class mappings in-synch with the relational schema. * If $saveMode is set to true the command is executed in the Database, * else SQL is returned. * * @param array $classes The classes to consider. * @param boolean $saveMode True for writing to DB, false for SQL string * @return array The sequence of SQL statements. */ public function getUpdateSchemaSql(array $classes, $saveMode=false) { $sm = $this->_em->getConnection()->getSchemaManager(); $fromSchema = $sm->createSchema(); $toSchema = $this->getSchemaFromMetadata($classes); $comparator = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Comparator(); $schemaDiff = $comparator->compare($fromSchema, $toSchema); if ($saveMode) { return $schemaDiff->toSaveSql($this->_platform); } else { return $schemaDiff->toSql($this->_platform); } } }