<?php require_once 'Swift/Tests/SwiftUnitTestCase.php'; class Swift_Bug76Test extends Swift_Tests_SwiftUnitTestCase { private $_inputFile; private $_outputFile; private $_encoder; public function skip() { $this->skipUnless( is_writable(SWIFT_TMP_DIR), '%s: This test requires tests/acceptance.conf.php to specify a ' . 'writable SWIFT_TMP_DIR' ); } public function setUp() { $this->_inputFile = SWIFT_TMP_DIR . '/in.bin'; file_put_contents($this->_inputFile, ''); $this->_outputFile = SWIFT_TMP_DIR . '/out.bin'; file_put_contents($this->_outputFile, ''); $this->_encoder = $this->_createEncoder(); } public function tearDown() { unlink($this->_inputFile); unlink($this->_outputFile); } public function testBase64EncodedLineLengthNeverExceeds76CharactersEvenIfArgsDo() { $this->_fillFileWithRandomBytes(1000, $this->_inputFile); $os = $this->_createStream($this->_inputFile); $is = $this->_createStream($this->_outputFile); $this->_encoder->encodeByteStream($os, $is, 0, 80); //Exceeds 76 $this->assertMaxLineLength(76, $this->_outputFile, '%s: Line length should not exceed 76 characters' ); } // -- Custom Assertions public function assertMaxLineLength($length, $filePath, $message = '%s') { $lines = file($filePath); foreach ($lines as $line) { $this->assertTrue((strlen(trim($line)) <= 76), $message); } } // -- Creation Methods private function _fillFileWithRandomBytes($byteCount, $file) { // I was going to use dd with if=/dev/random but this way seems more // cross platform even if a hella expensive!! file_put_contents($file, ''); $fp = fopen($file, 'wb'); for ($i = 0; $i < $byteCount; ++$i) { $byteVal = rand(0, 255); fwrite($fp, pack('i', $byteVal)); } fclose($fp); } private function _createEncoder() { return new Swift_Mime_ContentEncoder_Base64ContentEncoder(); } private function _createStream($file) { return new Swift_ByteStream_FileByteStream($file, true); } }