# Blameable behavior extension for Doctrine 2 **Blameable** behavior will automate the update of username or user reference fields on your Entities or Documents. It works through annotations and can update fields on creation, update or even on specific property value change. This is very similar to Timestampable but sets a string or user object for a user association. If you map the blame onto a string field, this extension will try to assign the user name. If you map the blame onto a association field, this extension will try to assign the user object to it. Note that you need to set the user on the BlameableListener (unless you use the Symfony2 extension which does automatically assign the current security context user). Features: - Automatic predifined user field update on creation, update and even on record property changes - ORM and ODM support using same listener - Specific annotations for properties, and no interface required - Can react to specific property or relation changes to specific value - Can be nested with other behaviors - Annotation, Yaml and Xml mapping support for extensions **Symfony:** - **Blameable** is available as [Bundle](http://github.com/stof/StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle) for **Symfony2**, together with all other extensions This article will cover the basic installation and functionality of **Blameable** behavior Content: - [Including](#including-extension) the extension - Entity [example](#entity-mapping) - Document [example](#document-mapping) - [Yaml](#yaml-mapping) mapping example - [Xml](#xml-mapping) mapping example - Advanced usage [examples](#advanced-examples) - Using [Traits](#traits) ## Setup and autoloading Read the [documentation](http://github.com/l3pp4rd/DoctrineExtensions/blob/master/doc/annotations.md#em-setup) or check the [example code](http://github.com/l3pp4rd/DoctrineExtensions/tree/master/example) on how to setup and use the extensions in most optimized way. ## Blameable Entity example: ### Blameable annotations: - **@Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\Blameable** this annotation tells that this column is blameable by default it updates this column on update. If column is not a string field or an association it will trigger an exception. Available configuration options: - **on** - is main option and can be **create, update, change** this tells when it should be updated - **field** - only valid if **on="change"** is specified, tracks property for changes - **value** - only valid if **on="change"** is specified, if tracked field has this **value** then it updates the blame **Note:** that Blameable interface is not necessary, except in cases there you need to identify entity as being Blameable. The metadata is loaded only once then cache is activated ``` php id; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } } ``` ## Blameable Document example: ``` php id; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function getCreatedBy() { return $this->createdBy; } public function getUpdatedBy() { return $this->updatedBy; } } ``` Now on update and creation these annotated fields will be automatically updated ## Yaml mapping example: Yaml mapped Article: **/mapping/yaml/Entity.Article.dcm.yml** ``` --- Entity\Article: type: entity table: articles id: id: type: integer generator: strategy: AUTO fields: title: type: string length: 64 createdBy: type: string gedmo: blameable: on: create updatedBy: type: string gedmo: blameable: on: update ``` ## Xml mapping example ``` xml ``` ## Advanced examples: ### Using dependency of property changes Add another entity which would represent Article Type: ``` php id; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } } ``` Now update the Article Entity to reflect publishedBy on Type change: ``` php type = $type; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function getCreatedBy() { return $this->createdBy; } public function getUpdatedBy() { return $this->updatedBy; } public function getPublishedBy() { return $this->publishedBy; } } ``` Yaml mapped Article: **/mapping/yaml/Entity.Article.dcm.yml** ``` --- Entity\Article: type: entity table: articles id: id: type: integer generator: strategy: AUTO fields: title: type: string length: 64 createdBy: type: string gedmo: blameable: on: create updatedBy: type: string gedmo: blameable: on: update publishedBy: type: string gedmo: blameable: on: change field: type.title value: Published manyToOne: type: targetEntity: Entity\Type inversedBy: articles ``` Now few operations to get it all done: ``` php setTitle('My Article'); $em->persist($article); $em->flush(); // article: $createdBy, $updatedBy were set $type = new Type; $type->setTitle('Published'); $article = $em->getRepository('Entity\Article')->findByTitle('My Article'); $article->setType($type); $em->persist($article); $em->persist($type); $em->flush(); // article: $publishedBy, $updatedBy were set $article->getPublishedBy(); // the user that published this article ``` Easy like that, any suggestions on improvements are very welcome ## Traits You can use blameable traits for quick **createdBy** **updatedBy** string definitions when using annotation mapping. **Note:** this feature is only available since php **5.4.0**. And you are not required to use the Traits provided by extensions. ``` php