This README applies to anyone who checks out the source from git. If you're reading this page on, and you don't have git installed or know about git, you can download this repository by using the "download" button on, right above the file list. PREAMBLE: --------- The git repository is structured in the expected way where "master" is the main branch you should use if you want to have bleeding-edge updates. Any other branch should be ignored since it will likely contain unstable and/or experimental developments. Generally speaking you should feel safe using the "master" branch in production code. Anything likely to break will be committed to another branch. Only bugfixes and clean non-breaking feature additions will be performed in master. All releases (post version 4.0.0) are tagged using the version number of that release. Earlier versions exist in a subversion repository at the old sourceforge project page. WHAT IS SWIFT MAILER? --------------------- Swift Mailer is a component based mailing solution for PHP 5. It is released under the LGPL license. Homepage: Documentation: Mailing List: Bugs: Repository: Swift Mailer is highly object-oriented by design and lends itself to use in complex web application with a great deal of flexibility. For full details on usage, see the documentation. IMPORTANT: Users upgrading from version 3.x or earlier absolutely MUST read the documentation. In short, the API is considerably different so your old code won't "just work". DONATIONS: ---------- If you'd like to make a donation, we are working on a system where donations are taken on a per-feature-request basis via the website with target amounts for each feature. In the meantime however you may donate directly to the author via PayPal: PayPal: Donations are certainly voluntary, but seriously, you donors are complete legends and drive this project! :) WHY SO MUCH CLUTTER? -------------------- As you can probably see, there are a lot more files in here than you find in the pre-packaged versions. That's because I store notes (UML, RFCs etc) in the repository. The main library files live in /lib and the tests live in /tests. You can run the tests by pointing your web browser at /test-suite, or by running the command "php test-suite/run.php". Some tests will be "skipped" if tests/smoke.conf.php and tests/acceptance.conf.php are not editted. This is harmless and normal. If you want to create a bundled-up package from subversion you can do so if you have Ant ( installed. Simply run "ant package" from this directory and the tar.gz file will be created in the /build directory. Running the command "ant" with no arguments will bundle up the package without compressing it into a tar.gz file. Tests can also be run using "ant test" provided php is on your PATH environment variable. EoM