<?php /** * base include file for eclipse plugin * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage Eclipse * @version $Id: eclipse.php 1787 2008-04-26 20:35:39Z pp11 $ */ /**#@+ * simpletest include files */ include_once 'unit_tester.php'; include_once 'test_case.php'; include_once 'invoker.php'; include_once 'socket.php'; include_once 'mock_objects.php'; /**#@-*/ /** * base reported class for eclipse plugin * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage Eclipse */ class EclipseReporter extends SimpleScorer { /** * Reporter to be run inside of Eclipse interface. * @param object $listener Eclipse listener (?). * @param boolean $cc Whether to include test coverage. */ function __construct(&$listener, $cc=false){ $this->listener = &$listener; $this->SimpleScorer(); $this->case = ""; $this->group = ""; $this->method = ""; $this->cc = $cc; $this->error = false; $this->fail = false; } /** * Means to display human readable object comparisons. * @return SimpleDumper Visual comparer. */ function getDumper() { return new SimpleDumper(); } /** * Localhost connection from Eclipse. * @param integer $port Port to connect to Eclipse. * @param string $host Normally localhost. * @return SimpleSocket Connection to Eclipse. */ function &createListener($port, $host=""){ $tmplistener = &new SimpleSocket($host, $port, 5); return $tmplistener; } /** * Wraps the test in an output buffer. * @param SimpleInvoker $invoker Current test runner. * @return EclipseInvoker Decorator with output buffering. * @access public */ function &createInvoker(&$invoker){ $eclinvoker = &new EclipseInvoker($invoker, $this->listener); return $eclinvoker; } /** * C style escaping. * @param string $raw String with backslashes, quotes and whitespace. * @return string Replaced with C backslashed tokens. */ function escapeVal($raw){ $needle = array("\\","\"","/","\b","\f","\n","\r","\t"); $replace = array('\\\\','\"','\/','\b','\f','\n','\r','\t'); return str_replace($needle, $replace, $raw); } /** * Stash the first passing item. Clicking the test * item goes to first pass. * @param string $message Test message, but we only wnat the first. * @access public */ function paintPass($message){ if (! $this->pass){ $this->message = $this->escapeVal($message); } $this->pass = true; } /** * Stash the first failing item. Clicking the test * item goes to first fail. * @param string $message Test message, but we only wnat the first. * @access public */ function paintFail($message){ //only get the first failure or error if (! $this->fail && ! $this->error){ $this->fail = true; $this->message = $this->escapeVal($message); $this->listener->write('{status:"fail",message:"'.$this->message.'",group:"'.$this->group.'",case:"'.$this->case.'",method:"'.$this->method.'"}'); } } /** * Stash the first error. Clicking the test * item goes to first error. * @param string $message Test message, but we only wnat the first. * @access public */ function paintError($message){ if (! $this->fail && ! $this->error){ $this->error = true; $this->message = $this->escapeVal($message); $this->listener->write('{status:"error",message:"'.$this->message.'",group:"'.$this->group.'",case:"'.$this->case.'",method:"'.$this->method.'"}'); } } /** * Stash the first exception. Clicking the test * item goes to first message. * @param string $message Test message, but we only wnat the first. * @access public */ function paintException($exception){ if (! $this->fail && ! $this->error){ $this->error = true; $message = 'Unexpected exception of type[' . get_class($exception) . '] with message [' . $exception->getMessage() . '] in [' . $exception->getFile() .' line '. $exception->getLine() . ']'; $this->message = $this->escapeVal($message); $this->listener->write( '{status:"error",message:"' . $this->message . '",group:"' . $this->group . '",case:"' . $this->case . '",method:"' . $this->method . '"}'); } } /** * We don't display any special header. * @param string $test_name First test top level * to start. * @access public */ function paintHeader($test_name) { } /** * We don't display any special footer. * @param string $test_name The top level test. * @access public */ function paintFooter($test_name) { } /** * Paints nothing at the start of a test method, but stash * the method name for later. * @param string $test_name Name of test that is starting. * @access public */ function paintMethodStart($method) { $this->pass = false; $this->fail = false; $this->error = false; $this->method = $this->escapeVal($method); } /** * Only send one message if the test passes, after that * suppress the message. * @param string $test_name Name of test that is ending. * @access public */ function paintMethodEnd($method){ if ($this->fail || $this->error || ! $this->pass){ } else { $this->listener->write( '{status:"pass",message:"' . $this->message . '",group:"' . $this->group . '",case:"' . $this->case . '",method:"' . $this->method . '"}'); } } /** * Stashes the test case name for the later failure message. * @param string $test_name Name of test or other label. * @access public */ function paintCaseStart($case){ $this->case = $this->escapeVal($case); } /** * Drops the name. * @param string $test_name Name of test or other label. * @access public */ function paintCaseEnd($case){ $this->case = ""; } /** * Stashes the name of the test suite. Starts test coverage * if enabled. * @param string $group Name of test or other label. * @param integer $size Number of test cases starting. * @access public */ function paintGroupStart($group, $size){ $this->group = $this->escapeVal($group); if ($this->cc){ if (extension_loaded('xdebug')){ xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE); } } } /** * Paints coverage report if enabled. * @param string $group Name of test or other label. * @access public */ function paintGroupEnd($group){ $this->group = ""; $cc = ""; if ($this->cc){ if (extension_loaded('xdebug')){ $arrfiles = xdebug_get_code_coverage(); xdebug_stop_code_coverage(); $thisdir = dirname(__FILE__); $thisdirlen = strlen($thisdir); foreach ($arrfiles as $index=>$file){ if (substr($index, 0, $thisdirlen)===$thisdir){ continue; } $lcnt = 0; $ccnt = 0; foreach ($file as $line){ if ($line == -2){ continue; } $lcnt++; if ($line==1){ $ccnt++; } } if ($lcnt > 0){ $cc .= round(($ccnt/$lcnt) * 100, 2) . '%'; }else{ $cc .= "0.00%"; } $cc.= "\t". $index . "\n"; } } } $this->listener->write('{status:"coverage",message:"' . EclipseReporter::escapeVal($cc) . '"}'); } } /** * Invoker decorator for Eclipse. Captures output until * the end of the test. * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage Eclipse */ class EclipseInvoker extends SimpleInvokerDecorator{ function __construct(&$invoker, &$listener) { $this->listener = &$listener; $this->SimpleInvokerDecorator($invoker); } /** * Starts output buffering. * @param string $method Test method to call. * @access public */ function before($method){ ob_start(); $this->invoker->before($method); } /** * Stops output buffering and send the captured output * to the listener. * @param string $method Test method to call. * @access public */ function after($method) { $this->invoker->after($method); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($output !== ""){ $result = $this->listener->write('{status:"info",message:"' . EclipseReporter::escapeVal($output) . '"}'); } } } ?>