assertInstanceOf('Assetic\\Asset\\AssetInterface', $coll, 'AssetCollection implements AssetInterface'); } public function testLoadFilter() { $filter = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Filter\\FilterInterface'); $filter->expects($this->once())->method('filterLoad'); $coll = new AssetCollection(array(new StringAsset('')), array($filter)); $coll->load(); } public function testDumpFilter() { $filter = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Filter\\FilterInterface'); $filter->expects($this->once())->method('filterDump'); $coll = new AssetCollection(array(new StringAsset('')), array($filter)); $coll->dump(); } public function testNestedCollectionLoad() { $content = 'foobar'; $count = 0; $matches = array(); $filter = new CallablesFilter(function($asset) use ($content, &$matches, &$count) { ++$count; if ($content == $asset->getContent()) { $matches[] = $asset; } }); $innerColl = new AssetCollection(array(new StringAsset($content))); $outerColl = new AssetCollection(array($innerColl), array($filter)); $outerColl->load(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($matches), '->load() applies filters to leaves'); $this->assertEquals(1, $count, '->load() applies filters to leaves only'); } public function testMixedIteration() { $asset = new StringAsset('asset'); $nestedAsset = new StringAsset('nested'); $innerColl = new AssetCollection(array($nestedAsset)); $contents = array(); $filter = new CallablesFilter(function($asset) use (&$contents) { $contents[] = $asset->getContent(); }); $coll = new AssetCollection(array($asset, $innerColl), array($filter)); $coll->load(); $this->assertEquals(array('asset', 'nested'), $contents, '->load() iterates over multiple levels'); } public function testLoadDedupBySourceUrl() { $asset1 = new StringAsset('asset', array(), '/some/dir', ''); $asset2 = new StringAsset('asset', array(), '/some/dir', ''); $coll = new AssetCollection(array($asset1, $asset2)); $coll->load(); $this->assertEquals('asset', $coll->getContent(), '->load() detects duplicate assets based on source URL'); } public function testLoadDedupByStrictEquality() { $asset = new StringAsset('foo'); $coll = new AssetCollection(array($asset, $asset)); $coll->load(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $coll->getContent(), '->load() detects duplicate assets based on strict equality'); } public function testDumpDedupBySourceUrl() { $asset1 = new StringAsset('asset', array(), '/some/dir', ''); $asset2 = new StringAsset('asset', array(), '/some/dir', ''); $coll = new AssetCollection(array($asset1, $asset2)); $coll->load(); $this->assertEquals('asset', $coll->dump(), '->dump() detects duplicate assets based on source URL'); } public function testDumpDedupByStrictEquality() { $asset = new StringAsset('foo'); $coll = new AssetCollection(array($asset, $asset)); $coll->load(); $this->assertEquals('foo', $coll->dump(), '->dump() detects duplicate assets based on strict equality'); } public function testIterationFilters() { $count = 0; $filter = new CallablesFilter(function() use (&$count) { ++$count; }); $coll = new AssetCollection(); $coll->add(new StringAsset('')); $coll->ensureFilter($filter); foreach ($coll as $asset) { $asset->dump(); } $this->assertEquals(1, $count, 'collection filters are called when child assets are iterated over'); } public function testSetContent() { $coll = new AssetCollection(); $coll->setContent('asdf'); $this->assertEquals('asdf', $coll->getContent(), '->setContent() sets the content'); } /** * @dataProvider getTimestampsAndExpected */ public function testGetLastModified($timestamps, $expected) { $asset = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Asset\\AssetInterface'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($timestamps); $i++) { $asset->expects($this->at($i)) ->method('getLastModified') ->will($this->returnValue($timestamps[$i])); } $coll = new AssetCollection(array_fill(0, count($timestamps), $asset)); $this->assertEquals($expected, $coll->getLastModified(), '->getLastModifed() returns the highest last modified'); } public function getTimestampsAndExpected() { return array( array(array(1, 2, 3), 3), array(array(5, 4, 3), 5), array(array(3, 8, 5), 8), array(array(3, 8, null), 8), ); } public function testRecursiveIteration() { $asset1 = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Asset\\AssetInterface'); $asset2 = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Asset\\AssetInterface'); $asset3 = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Asset\\AssetInterface'); $asset4 = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Asset\\AssetInterface'); $coll3 = new AssetCollection(array($asset1, $asset2)); $coll2 = new AssetCollection(array($asset3, $coll3)); $coll1 = new AssetCollection(array($asset4, $coll2)); $i = 0; foreach ($coll1 as $a) { $i++; } $this->assertEquals(4, $i, 'iteration with a recursive iterator is recursive'); } public function testRecursiveDeduplication() { $asset = $this->getMock('Assetic\\Asset\\AssetInterface'); $coll3 = new AssetCollection(array($asset, $asset)); $coll2 = new AssetCollection(array($asset, $coll3)); $coll1 = new AssetCollection(array($asset, $coll2)); $i = 0; foreach ($coll1 as $a) { $i++; } $this->assertEquals(1, $i, 'deduplication is performed recursively'); } public function testIteration() { $asset1 = new StringAsset('asset1', array(), '/some/dir', 'foo.css'); $asset2 = new StringAsset('asset2', array(), '/some/dir', 'foo.css'); $asset3 = new StringAsset('asset3', array(), '/some/dir', 'bar.css'); $coll = new AssetCollection(array($asset1, $asset2, $asset3)); $count = 0; foreach ($coll as $a) { ++$count; } $this->assertEquals(2, $count, 'iterator filters duplicates based on url'); } public function testBasenameCollision() { $asset1 = new StringAsset('asset1', array(), '/some/dir', 'foo/foo.css'); $asset2 = new StringAsset('asset2', array(), '/some/dir', 'bar/foo.css'); $coll = new AssetCollection(array($asset1, $asset2)); $urls = array(); foreach ($coll as $leaf) { $urls[] = $leaf->getTargetPath(); } $this->assertEquals(2, count(array_unique($urls)), 'iterator prevents basename collisions'); } public function testEmptyMtime() { $coll = new AssetCollection(); $this->assertNull($coll->getLastModified(), '->getLastModified() returns null on empty collection'); } public function testLeafManipulation() { $coll = new AssetCollection(array(new StringAsset('asdf'))); foreach ($coll as $leaf) { $leaf->setTargetPath('asdf'); } foreach ($coll as $leaf) { $this->assertEquals('asdf', $leaf->getTargetPath(), 'leaf changes persist between iterations'); } } }