 *	@package	SimpleTest
 *	@subpackage	Extensions
 *	@version	$Id: selenese_tester.php 1802 2008-09-08 10:43:58Z maetl_ $

 * include SimpleTest files
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../unit_tester.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/selenium/remote-control.php';

 * SeleneseTestCase
 * Integrate selenese html test suite support (can be generated by selenium-IDE)
 * @category Testing
 * @package SimpleTest
 * @subpackage Extensions
 * @author Guidet Alexandre <alwex@free.fr>
 * @param simpleSelenium $selenium
 * @param string $html
 * @param  string $testFile
 * @param array $parsed_table
 * @param string $logMessages
 * @param array $_commandMap
class SeleneseTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
	var $selenium;
	var $html;
	var $testFile;
	var $parsed_table;
	var $logMessages;
	var $_commandMap = array("verify",
	 * constructor
	 * Construct the object with the specified browser and url
	 * @param string $browser
	 * @param string $url
	function __construct($browser, $url) {
		$this->selenium = new SimpleSeleniumRemoteControl($browser, $url);
		$this->parsed_table = array();
	 * tidy
	 * Reformat the selenium-IDE html test suites
	function tidy() {
		$tmp = $this->html;
		preg_match('/<meta.*>/', $tmp, $matche);	
		$matche[0] = str_replace("/>", ">", $matche[0]);
		$matche[0] = str_replace(">", "/>", $matche[0]);
		$tmp = preg_replace('/<meta.*>/', $matche[0], $tmp);
		$this->html = $tmp;

	 * parse
	 * Extract the called selenium fonction from the html suite
	function parse() {
		$parsedTab = array();
		$key1 = 0;
		$contenthtml = new DOMDocument;
		$content = simplexml_import_dom($contenthtml);
		foreach ($content->body->table->tbody->tr as $tr){
			$key2 = 0;
			foreach ($tr->td as $td){
				$parsedTab[$key1][$key2] = $td;

		$this->parsed_table = $parsedTab;

	 * assertFunction
	 * Integrate selenium fonctions in simpletest
	 * @param string $function
	 * @param string $param1
	 * @param string $param2
	function assertFunction($function, $param1, $param2) {
		$_verifyMap = array('verify', 'verifyTextPresent', 'verifyTextNotPresent', 'verifyValue');
		$reponse = $this->selenium->__call($function, array($param1, $param2));
		$message = $reponse;
		$message .= " using command '".$function ."' with target '".$param1."'";
		if (!empty($param2)) {
			$message .= " and value '".$param2."'";
		$message .= " in file '".$this->testFile."'";

		if (!in_array($function, $_verifyMap)) {
			$reponse = substr($reponse, 0, 2) == 'OK' ? true : false;
		$this->assertTrue($reponse, $message);

	 * launch
	 * Launch the html test suite from a PHP variable on the url declared wihle 
	 * constructing the object. The filename is used to localize the error.
	 * @param string $testFile
	 * @param string $filename
	function launch($html="") {
		$this->html = $html;
		foreach ($this->parsed_table as $test) {	
			if (in_array($test[0], $this->_commandMap)) {
				$this->assertFunction($test[0], $test[1], $test[2]);
			} else {		
				$this->selenium->__call($test[0], array($test[1], $test[2]));
	 * launchPhpFile
	 * Parse the PHP file then launch the computed test suite
	 * @param string $file
    function launchPhpFile($file) {
        $data = ob_get_contents();
        $this->testFile = $file;
        $this->html = $data;
	 * launchFile
	 * Launch the html test suite file on the url declared wihle constructing the object
	 * @param string $testFile
	function launchFile($testFile) {
		$this->testFile = $testFile; 
		$this->html = file_get_contents($testFile);
