// jsreporter.js // Script to support JsReporter class // Relies heavily on the X library in x.js // X v3.14.1, Cross-Browser DHTML Library from Cross-Browser.com // Copyright (c) 2004 Jason E. Sweat (jsweat_php@yahoo.com) // // SimpleTest - http://simpletest.sf.net/ // Copyright (c) 2003,2004 Marcus Baker (marcus@lastcraft.com) // $Id: webunit.js 506 2004-02-14 18:24:13Z jsweat $ // Variables: min_x=500; min_y=400; groups = new Array(); cases = new Array(); methods = new Array(); current_group=0; current_case=0; current_method=0; Hash = { Set : function(foo,bar) {this[foo] = bar;}, Get : function(foo) {return this[foo];} } // Functions: function wait_start() { var wait_x; var wait_y; wait_x = xWidth('wait'); wait_y = xHeight('wait'); xMoveTo('wait', (xClientWidth()-wait_x)/2, (xClientHeight()-wait_y)/2); xShow('wait'); } function layout() { xResizeTo('webunit', max(xClientWidth()-30,min_x), max(xClientHeight()-20,min_y)); xMoveTo('webunit', 5, 5); xResizeTo('tabs', xWidth('webunit')-10, xHeight('webunit')/3); xLeft('tabs', 5); xShow('webunit'); xShow('tabs'); activate_tab('fail'); xShow('visible_tab'); xZIndex('visible_tab', 2) xResizeTo('msg', xWidth('webunit')-17, xHeight('webunit')/3-20); xLeft('msg', 2); xTop('msg',2*xHeight('webunit')/3); xShow('msg'); } function set_div_content(div, content) { xGetElementById(div).innerHTML = content; } function copy_div_content(divsrc, divtrgt) { xGetElementById(divtrgt).innerHTML = xGetElementById(divsrc).innerHTML; } function activate_tab(tab) { if (tab == 'fail') { copy_div_content('fail', 'visible_tab'); xGetElementById('failtab').className = 'activetab'; xZIndex('failtab', 3) xGetElementById('treetab').className = 'inactivetab'; xZIndex('treetab', 1) } if (tab == 'tree') { copy_div_content('tree', 'visible_tab'); xGetElementById('failtab').className = 'inactivetab'; xZIndex('failtab', 1) xGetElementById('treetab').className = 'activetab'; xZIndex('treetab', 3) } } function add_group(group_name) { var add; add = { Set : function(foo,bar) {this[foo] = bar;}, Get : function(foo) {return this[foo];} } add.Set('desc', group_name); add.Set('pass', true); groups[groups.length] = add; current_group = groups.length - 1; cases[current_group] = new Array(); methods[current_group] = new Array(); } function add_case(case_name) { var curgroup; var add; add = { Set : function(foo,bar) {this[foo] = bar;}, Get : function(foo) {return this[foo];} } add.Set('desc', case_name); add.Set('pass', true); curgroup = cases[current_group]; cases[current_group][curgroup.length] = add; current_case = curgroup.length - 1; methods[current_group][current_case] = new Array(); } function add_method(method_name) { var curcase; var add; add = { Set : function(foo,bar) {this[foo] = bar;}, Get : function(foo) {return this[foo];} } add.Set('desc', method_name); add.Set('pass', true); add.Set('msg',''); curcase = methods[current_group][current_case]; methods[current_group][current_case][curcase.length] = add; current_method = curcase.length - 1; } function add_fail(msg) { var oldmsg; add_log(msg); groups[current_group].Set('pass', false); cases[current_group][current_case].Set('pass', false); methods[current_group][current_case][current_method].Set('pass', false); oldmsg = methods[current_group][current_case][current_method].Get('msg'); methods[current_group][current_case][current_method].Set('msg', oldmsg+msg); } function add_log(msg) { var faildiv; faildiv = xGetElementById('fail'); faildiv.innerHTML = faildiv.innerHTML + msg; } function set_msg(gid, cid, mid) { var passfail; var msg=methods[gid][cid][mid].Get('msg'); if ('' == msg) { passfail = (methods[gid][cid][mid].Get('pass')) ? 'pass' : 'fail'; msg = 'No output for <span class="' + passfail + '">' + groups[gid].Get('desc') + '->' + cases[gid][cid].Get('desc') + '->' + methods[gid][cid][mid].Get('desc') + '</span><br />'; } xGetElementById('msg').innerHTML = msg; } function make_tree() { var content; var passfail; content = '<ul>'; for (x in groups) { passfail = (groups[x].Get('pass')) ? 'pass' : 'fail'; content += '<li class="'+passfail+'">'+groups[x].Get('desc')+'<ul>'; for (y in cases[x]) { passfail = (cases[x][y].Get('pass')) ? 'pass' : 'fail'; content += '<li class="'+passfail+'">'+cases[x][y].Get('desc')+'<ul>'; for (z in methods[x][y]) { passfail = (methods[x][y][z].Get('pass')) ? 'pass' : 'fail'; content += '<li class="'+passfail+'"><a href="javascript:set_msg('+x+','+y+','+z+')">'+methods[x][y][z].Get('desc')+'</a></li>'; } content += '</ul></li>'; } content += '</ul></li>'; } content += '</ul>'; xGetElementById('tree').innerHTML = content; if (xGetElementById('treetab').className == 'activetab') { activate_tab('tree'); } else { activate_tab('fail'); } } function make_output(data) { } function make_fail_msg(id, msg) { } function max(n1, n2) { if (n1 > n2) { return n1; } else { return n2; } }