{% if display_edit_actions is not defined %} {% set display_edit_actions = true %} {% endif %} {% if display_social_buttons is not defined %} {% set display_social_buttons = true %} {% endif %} {% if display_player is not defined %} {% set display_player = true %} {% endif %} {% if display_comments is not defined %} {% set display_comments = true %} {% endif %} {% if his_group is not defined %} {% set his_group = false %} {% endif %} {% if display_autoplay is not defined %} {% set display_autoplay = false %} {% endif %} {% if tag_ids_json is not defined %} {% set tag_ids_json = '[]' %} {% endif %} {% if display_tags_proposition is not defined %} {% set display_tags_proposition = false %} {% endif %}
{% if element.embed %} {% else %} {% endif %}
  • {{ element.points|format_score }}
  • {% if app.user %} {% if element.owner.id != app.user.id %} {% if element.hasVoteGood(app.user.id) %} vote {% else %} vote {% endif %} {% else %} vote {% endif %} {% else %} vote {% endif %}
  • {% if not element.private %} {% if app.user %} {% if element.hasFavoriteUser(app.user.id) %} {{ 'element.favorite.remove'|trans({}, 'elements') }} {% else %} {{ 'element.favorite.add'|trans({}, 'elements') }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ 'element.favorite.add'|trans({}, 'elements') }} {% endif %} {% else %} favorite {% endif %}
{% if element.embed %} {{ element.name }} {% else %} {{ element.name }} {% endif %}
{% autoescape false %} {% if element.group and no_group_name is not defined%} {{ 'element.name.whoandgroup'|trans({ '%owner_url%' : path('show_user', {'slug': element.owner.slug}), '%owner_name%' : element.owner.name, '%group_url%' : path('show_group', {'slug': element.group.slug}), '%group_name%' : element.group.name }, 'elements') }} {% else %} {{ 'element.name.who'|trans({ '%owner_url%' : path('show_user', {'slug': element.owner.slug}), '%owner_name%' : element.owner.name }, 'elements') }} {% endif %} {{ element.created.date|date_or_relative_date }} {% if element.parent %} {{ 'element.name.reshare'|trans({ '%owner_url%' : path('show_user', {'slug': element.parent.owner.slug}), '%owner_name%' : element.parent.owner.name }, 'elements') }} {% endif %} {% endautoescape %}
{% if element.tags|length %}
    {% for tag in element.tags %}
  • {{ tag.name }} {% if app.user %} {% if app.user.haveTagsFavorite(tag.id) %} add-to-favorites {% else %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if display_comments %} {% autoescape false %} {% if element.comments|length > 1 %} {{ 'element.comments.thereare'|trans({'%count%':element.comments|length}, 'elements') }} {% elseif element.comments|length == 1 %} {{ 'element.comments.thereis'|trans({}, 'elements') }} {%endif %} {% endautoescape %} {{ 'element.comments.add'|trans({}, 'elements') }} {% endif %} {% if display_social_buttons %} {% set permalink = 'https:' ~ url('element_show_one', { 'element_id' : element.id, 'element_slug' : element.slug }, true) %} {% set element_title = 'Muzich - ' ~ element.name %} {% endif %}
{% if ids_display is defined %} {% if ids_display == event_const('TYPE_TAGS_PROPOSED') %} {% include 'MuzichCoreBundle:Element:tag.propositions.html.twig' with { 'propositions' : element.getTagsProposition, 'element_id' : element.id } %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if display_tags_proposition %} {% include 'MuzichCoreBundle:Element:tag.propositions.html.twig' with { 'propositions' : element.tagsProposition, 'element_id' : element.id } %} {% endif %} {% if display_player %} {% endif %} {% if display_comments %} {% endif %}