# Reference Integrity behavior extension for Doctrine 2 **ReferenceIntegrity** behavior will automate the reference integrity for referenced documents. It works through annotations and yaml, and supports 'nullify' and 'restrict' which throws an exception. So let's say you have a Type which is referenced to multiple Articles, when deleting the Type, by default the Article would still have a reference to Type, since Mongo doesn't care. When setting the ReferenceIntegrity to 'nullify' it would then automatically remove the reference from Article. Features: - Automatically remove referenced association - ODM only - ReferenceOne and ReferenceMany support - 'nullify' and 'restrict' support - Annotation and Yaml mapping support for extensions **Symfony:** - **ReferenceIntegrity** is available as [Bundle](http://github.com/stof/StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle) for **Symfony2**, together with all other extensions This article will cover the basic installation and functionality of **ReferenceIntegrity** behavior Content: - [Including](#including-extension) the extension - Document [example](#document-mapping) - [Yaml](#yaml-mapping) mapping example - Usage [examples](#advanced-examples) <a name="including-extension"></a> ## Setup and autoloading Read the [documentation](http://github.com/l3pp4rd/DoctrineExtensions/blob/master/doc/annotations.md#em-setup) or check the [example code](http://github.com/l3pp4rd/DoctrineExtensions/tree/master/example) on how to setup and use the extensions in most optimized way. <a name="document-mapping"></a> ## ReferenceIntegrity Document example: ``` php <?php namespace Document; use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as ODM; use Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation as Gedmo; /** * @ODM\Document(collection="types") */ class Type { /** * @ODM\Id */ private $id; /** * @ODM\String */ private $title; /** * @ODM\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Article", mappedBy="type") * @Gedmo\ReferenceIntegrity("nullify") * @var Article */ protected $article; // ... } ``` It is necessary to have the 'mappedBy' option set, to be able to access the referenced documents. On removal of Type, on the referenced Article the Type reference will be nullified (removed) <a name="yaml-mapping"></a> ## Yaml mapping example: Yaml mapped Article: **/mapping/yaml/Documents.Article.dcm.yml** ``` --- Document\Type: type: document collection: types fields: id: id: true title: type: string article: reference: true type: one mappedBy: type targetDocument: Document\Article gedmo: referenceIntegrity: nullify # or restrict ``` It is necessary to have the 'mappedBy' option set, to be able to access the referenced documents. <a name="advanced-examples"></a> ## Usage examples: Few operations to see it in action: ``` php <?php $article = new Article; $article->setTitle('My Article'); $type = new Type; $type->setTitle('Published'); $article = $em->getRepository('Entity\Article')->findByTitle('My Article'); $article->setType($type); $em->persist($article); $em->persist($type); $em->flush(); $type = $em->getRepository('Entity\Type')->findByTitle('Published'); $em->remove($type); $em->flush(); $article = $em->getRepository('Entity\Article')->findByTitle('My Article'); $article->getType(); // won't be referenced to Type anymore ``` When 'ReferenceIntegrity' is set to 'restrict' a `ReferenceIntegrityStrictException` will be thrown, only when there is a referenced document. Easy like that, any suggestions on improvements are very welcome