parent = array(); $this->blocks = array( 'title' => array($this, 'block_title'), 'content_header' => array($this, 'block_content_header'), 'content' => array($this, 'block_content'), ); } public function getParent(array $context) { $parent = "AcmeDemoBundle::layout.html.twig"; if ($parent instanceof Twig_Template) { $name = $parent->getTemplateName(); $this->parent[$name] = $parent; $parent = $name; } elseif (!isset($this->parent[$parent])) { $this->parent[$parent] = $this->env->loadTemplate($parent); } return $this->parent[$parent]; } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array()) { $context = array_merge($this->env->getGlobals(), $context); $this->getParent($context)->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks)); } // line 3 public function block_title($context, array $blocks = array()) { echo "Symfony - Welcome"; } // line 5 public function block_content_header($context, array $blocks = array()) { echo ""; } // line 7 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 8 echo "


Congratulations! You have successfully installed a new Symfony application.

env, $this->env->getExtension('assets')->getAssetUrl("bundles/acmedemo/images/welcome-quick-tour.gif"), "html"); echo "\" alt=\"Quick tour\" />
Read the Quick Tour
"; // line 19 if (($this->getAttribute($this->getContext($context, 'app'), "environment", array(), "any", false) == "dev")) { // line 20 echo "
env, $this->env->getExtension('assets')->getAssetUrl("bundles/acmedemo/images/welcome-configure.gif"), "html"); echo "\" alt=\"Configure your appication\" />
env, $this->env->getExtension('routing')->getPath("_configurator_home"), "html"); echo "\">Configure
"; } // line 27 echo "
env, $this->env->getExtension('assets')->getAssetUrl("bundles/acmedemo/images/welcome-demo.gif"), "html"); echo "\" alt=\"Demo\" />
env, $this->env->getExtension('routing')->getPath("_demo"), "html"); echo "\">Run The Demo
"; } public function getTemplateName() { return "AcmeDemoBundle:Welcome:index.html.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } }