Changelog since Version 4.1.x

4.1.4 (2011-12-16)

 * added a memory spool (Swift_MemorySpool)
 * fixed too many opened files when sending emails with attachments

4.1.3 (2011-10-27)

 * added STARTTLS support
 * added missing @return tags on fluent methods
 * added a MessageLogger plugin that logs all sent messages
 * added composer.json

4.1.2 (2011-09-13)

 * fixed wrong detection of magic_quotes_runtime
 * fixed fatal errors when no To or Subject header has been set
 * fixed charset on parameter header continuations
 * added documentation about how to install Swiftmailer from the PEAR channel
 * fixed various typos and markup problem in the documentation
 * fixed warning when cache directory does not exist
 * fixed "slashes are escaped" bug
 * changed require_once() to require() in autoload

4.1.1 (2011-07-04)

 * added missing file in PEAR package

4.1.0 (2011-06-30)

 * documentation has been converted to ReST

4.1.0 RC1 (2011-06-17)

New features:

 * changed the Decorator Plugin to allow replacements in all headers
 * added Swift_Mime_Grammar and Swift_Validate to validate an email address
 * modified the autoloader to lazy-initialize Swiftmailer
 * removed Swift_Mailer::batchSend()
 * added NullTransport
 * added new plugins: RedirectingPlugin and ImpersonatePlugin
 * added a way to send messages asynchronously (Spool)