text.en.yml 8.4KB

  1. site:
  2. description: |
  3. Find and share internet music ! Muzi.ch is a sharre network
  4. where you can listen your, firend and all world uers music.
  5. sites:
  6. subtitle: Support des sites externes
  7. text: |
  8. Lorsque vous ajoutez un lien sur le réseau Muzi.ch celui-ci est
  9. interprété afin d'intégrer directement le contenu que vous souhaitez
  10. partager. Ci-dessous la liste des sites dont certaines ressources sont
  11. actuellement supportées.
  12. dev:
  13. subtitle: Muzich est en cours de construction
  14. text: |
  15. Actuellement vous utilisez une version de test. De nombreuses
  16. fonctionnalités doivent voir le jour au fur et a mesure du développement.
  17. about:
  18. subtitle: Découvrez et partagez la musique d'internet
  19. text: |
  20. Grâce au réseau de Muzi.ch découvrez chaque jour de nouvelles musiques partagés
  21. par les autres membres de ce réseau. Partagez également vos coups de cœurs
  22. sur ce même réseau.
  23. mail:
  24. general:
  25. footer: >
  26. --------------------------------
  27. For contact us : contact@muzi.ch
  28. Muzi.ch - Find and share your music discovery
  29. 12b avenue de la roche, 04310 Peyruis, FRANCE.
  30. resetting_password:
  31. subject: Muzi.ch: Reset password
  32. content: >
  33. Hello %username%,
  34. A password reset query has been done. If you don't query that, delete this email.
  35. In oppposite, if wou want change your Muzi.ch password, go to: %url%
  36. Cordially,
  37. Muzi.ch team
  38. change_email:
  39. subject: Muzi.ch: Change email
  40. content: >
  41. Hello %username%,
  42. A email change query has been done. If you don't query that, delete this email.
  43. In oppposite, if you want to configure this new email adresse, go to: %url%
  44. Cordially,
  45. Muzi.ch team
  46. presubscription:
  47. subject: Muzi.ch: Registration confirmation
  48. text: >
  49. An registration query on muzi.ch has been done. If you don't query that, delete this email.
  50. In oppposite, for confirm your registration go to: %url%
  51. Thank you!
  52. Cordially,
  53. Muzi.ch team
  54. confirm_email:
  55. subject: Muzi.ch: Email confirmation
  56. text: >
  57. You registered on http://muzi.ch. If you don't query that, delete this email.
  58. In oppposite, for confirm your email go to: %url%
  59. Thank you!
  60. Cordially,
  61. Muzi.ch team
  62. help:
  63. element_add_url:
  64. title1: Add a share: HTTP address
  65. text1: |
  66. You have to paste the internet page link in this field.
  67. Take care to share the correct url page: Exemple: if you perform a search
  68. don't share the search page adresse but the result page adress !
  69. text1_plugin: Soon an internet navigator plugin will make all of it easier.
  70. title2: Exemple with Youtube
  71. title3: Exemple with Soundcloud
  72. tags_prompt:
  73. title: Tags list
  74. text: |
  75. Tag lists are way to filter shares and specify music styles.
  76. For that you have to add your tags:
  77. subtitle1: Start to enter your tag
  78. subtitle2: Choose corresponding tag in list
  79. subtitle3: You can add others
  80. subtitle4: As much as you want !
  81. know_more:
  82. presentation:
  83. title: Share and discover music !
  84. text: |
  85. Muzi.ch is a network dedicated to discover and share music on website
  86. like soundcloud, Deezer, Youtube ... With some tools you can discover
  87. music with your taste, listen them, create playlist ...
  88. flux:
  89. title: Share feed
  90. text: |
  91. A feed (user shares) what you can filter with your favorites music styles
  92. autoplay:
  93. title: Autoplay
  94. text: |
  95. You can automatically play musics, playlists, favorites ...
  96. reputation:
  97. title: Make you an reputation
  98. text: |
  99. More your shares are listen, favoriteds, etc ... More your reputation inscrease !
  100. User other user reputation to make your own network of music lovers.
  101. help_tour:
  102. buttons:
  103. next: Next
  104. prev: Previous
  105. start: Start
  106. end: Don't display anymore
  107. close: Close
  108. home:
  109. welcome:
  110. tour: |
  111. "<h1>A little demonstration tour ?</h1>"+
  112. "<p>Push Start button to start a tour</p>"
  113. elements:
  114. tour: |
  115. "<h1>The feed</h1>"+
  116. "<p>You will find here all users shares.</p>"
  117. tooltip: |
  118. "<p>Shares are show most recently at top.</p>"
  119. element:
  120. tour: |
  121. "<h1>Shares</h1>"+
  122. "<p>Different action are possible ...</p>"
  123. play: |
  124. "<p>By clicking on thumbnail you can start playing the music "+
  125. "or open the link shared.</p>"
  126. actions: |
  127. "<p>You can, on each shares: "+
  128. "<strong>Open original page</strong>, "+
  129. "<strong>launch autoplay</strong> (if link is supported), "+
  130. "<strong>add it to one of your playlists</strong>, "+
  131. "<strong>propose tags</strong>, "+
  132. "<strong>share it again</strong> et "+
  133. "<strong>report it.</strong> "+
  134. "</p>"
  135. likefav: |
  136. "<p>If you like the share you can reward the user or add it in your favorites.</p>"
  137. filters:
  138. tour: |
  139. "<h1>Filter</h1>"+
  140. "<p>You can filter shares with your favorites musics styles.</p>"
  141. tags: |
  142. "<p>You can enter all your favorites music styles for see only musics corresponding at your taste.</p>"
  143. network:
  144. tour: |
  145. "<h1>Networks</h1>"+
  146. "<p>You can choos to display shares of global network or personal network.</p>"
  147. public: |
  148. "<p>The global network is all user's share in the world</p>"
  149. private: |
  150. "<p>The personal network is only share of your followed users and groups</p>"
  151. playlist: |
  152. "<p>You can create and follow playlists</p>"
  153. addelement:
  154. tour: |
  155. "<h1>Add a share</h1>"+
  156. "<p>An other important thing is adding share to network. "+
  157. "More your share will be appreciated, more your reputation wil be increased. "+
  158. "And more you use tags for specify music style, more your share will be listened.</p>"
  159. url: |
  160. "<p>The first thing to do in to add URL (http://) of page "+
  161. "where an music is listenable.</p>"
  162. form: |
  163. "<p>If muzi.ch know shared website, it will prepare informations for you"+
  164. "otherwise you will have to add information manually. <strong>Think to add "+
  165. "tags !</strong></p>"
  166. end:
  167. tour: |
  168. "<h1>Let's go !</h1>"+
  169. "<p>Have fun !</p>"
  170. go: |
  171. "<p>Tet's go !</p>"