123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480 |
- Twig for Developers
- ===================
- This chapter describes the API to Twig and not the template language. It will
- be most useful as reference to those implementing the template interface to
- the application and not those who are creating Twig templates.
- Basics
- ------
- Twig uses a central object called the **environment** (of class
- ``Twig_Environment``). Instances of this class are used to store the
- configuration and extensions, and are used to load templates from the file
- system or other locations.
- Most applications will create one ``Twig_Environment`` object on application
- initialization and use that to load templates. In some cases it's however
- useful to have multiple environments side by side, if different configurations
- are in use.
- The simplest way to configure Twig to load templates for your application
- looks roughly like this::
- require_once '/path/to/lib/Twig/Autoloader.php';
- Twig_Autoloader::register();
- $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates');
- $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array(
- 'cache' => '/path/to/compilation_cache',
- ));
- This will create a template environment with the default settings and a loader
- that looks up the templates in the ``/path/to/templates/`` folder. Different
- loaders are available and you can also write your own if you want to load
- templates from a database or other resources.
- .. note::
- Notice that the second argument of the environment is an array of options.
- The ``cache`` option is a compilation cache directory, where Twig caches
- the compiled templates to avoid the parsing phase for sub-sequent
- requests. It is very different from the cache you might want to add for
- the evaluated templates. For such a need, you can use any available PHP
- cache library.
- To load a template from this environment you just have to call the
- ``loadTemplate()`` method which then returns a ``Twig_Template`` instance::
- $template = $twig->loadTemplate('index.html');
- To render the template with some variables, call the ``render()`` method::
- echo $template->render(array('the' => 'variables', 'go' => 'here'));
- .. note::
- The ``display()`` method is a shortcut to output the template directly.
- You can also load and render the template in one fell swoop::
- echo $twig->render('index.html', array('the' => 'variables', 'go' => 'here'));
- Environment Options
- -------------------
- When creating a new ``Twig_Environment`` instance, you can pass an array of
- options as the constructor second argument::
- $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array('debug' => true));
- The following options are available:
- * ``debug``: When set to ``true``, the generated templates have a
- ``__toString()`` method that you can use to display the generated nodes
- (default to ``false``).
- * ``charset``: The charset used by the templates (default to ``utf-8``).
- * ``base_template_class``: The base template class to use for generated
- templates (default to ``Twig_Template``).
- * ``cache``: An absolute path where to store the compiled templates, or
- ``false`` to disable caching (which is the default).
- * ``auto_reload``: When developing with Twig, it's useful to recompile the
- template whenever the source code changes. If you don't provide a value for
- the ``auto_reload`` option, it will be determined automatically based on the
- ``debug`` value.
- * ``strict_variables``: If set to ``false``, Twig will silently ignore invalid
- variables (variables and or attributes/methods that do not exist) and
- replace them with a ``null`` value. When set to ``true``, Twig throws an
- exception instead (default to ``false``).
- * ``autoescape``: If set to ``true``, auto-escaping will be enabled by default
- for all templates (default to ``true``).
- * ``optimizations``: A flag that indicates which optimizations to apply
- (default to ``-1`` -- all optimizations are enabled; set it to ``0`` to
- disable).
- Loaders
- -------
- Loaders are responsible for loading templates from a resource such as the file
- system.
- Compilation Cache
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- All template loaders can cache the compiled templates on the filesystem for
- future reuse. It speeds up Twig a lot as templates are only compiled once; and
- the performance boost is even larger if you use a PHP accelerator such as APC.
- See the ``cache`` and ``auto_reload`` options of ``Twig_Environment`` above
- for more information.
- Built-in Loaders
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Here is a list of the built-in loaders Twig provides:
- * ``Twig_Loader_Filesystem``: Loads templates from the file system. This
- loader can find templates in folders on the file system and is the preferred
- way to load them::
- $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($templateDir);
- It can also look for templates in an array of directories::
- $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(array($templateDir1, $templateDir2));
- With such a configuration, Twig will first look for templates in
- ``$templateDir1`` and if they do not exist, it will fallback to look for
- them in the ``$templateDir2``.
- * ``Twig_Loader_String``: Loads templates from a string. It's a dummy loader
- as you pass it the source code directly::
- $loader = new Twig_Loader_String();
- * ``Twig_Loader_Array``: Loads a template from a PHP array. It's passed an
- array of strings bound to template names. This loader is useful for unit
- testing::
- $loader = new Twig_Loader_Array($templates);
- .. tip::
- When using the ``Array`` or ``String`` loaders with a cache mechanism, you
- should know that a new cache key is generated each time a template content
- "changes" (the cache key being the source code of the template). If you
- don't want to see your cache grows out of control, you need to take care
- of clearing the old cache file by yourself.
- Create your own Loader
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- All loaders implement the ``Twig_LoaderInterface``::
- interface Twig_LoaderInterface
- {
- /**
- * Gets the source code of a template, given its name.
- *
- * @param string $name string The name of the template to load
- *
- * @return string The template source code
- */
- function getSource($name);
- /**
- * Gets the cache key to use for the cache for a given template name.
- *
- * @param string $name string The name of the template to load
- *
- * @return string The cache key
- */
- function getCacheKey($name);
- /**
- * Returns true if the template is still fresh.
- *
- * @param string $name The template name
- * @param timestamp $time The last modification time of the cached template
- */
- function isFresh($name, $time);
- }
- As an example, here is how the built-in ``Twig_Loader_String`` reads::
- class Twig_Loader_String implements Twig_LoaderInterface
- {
- public function getSource($name)
- {
- return $name;
- }
- public function getCacheKey($name)
- {
- return $name;
- }
- public function isFresh($name, $time)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- The ``isFresh()`` method must return ``true`` if the current cached template
- is still fresh, given the last modification time, or ``false`` otherwise.
- Using Extensions
- ----------------
- Twig extensions are packages that add new features to Twig. Using an
- extension is as simple as using the ``addExtension()`` method::
- $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Sandbox());
- Twig comes bundled with the following extensions:
- * *Twig_Extension_Core*: Defines all the core features of Twig.
- * *Twig_Extension_Escaper*: Adds automatic output-escaping and the possibility
- to escape/unescape blocks of code.
- * *Twig_Extension_Sandbox*: Adds a sandbox mode to the default Twig
- environment, making it safe to evaluated untrusted code.
- * *Twig_Extension_Optimizer*: Optimizers the node tree before compilation.
- The core, escaper, and optimizer extensions do not need to be added to the
- Twig environment, as they are registered by default. You can disable an
- already registered extension::
- $twig->removeExtension('escaper');
- Built-in Extensions
- -------------------
- This section describes the features added by the built-in extensions.
- .. tip::
- Read the chapter about extending Twig to learn how to create your own
- extensions.
- Core Extension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ``core`` extension defines all the core features of Twig:
- * Tags:
- * ``for``
- * ``if``
- * ``extends``
- * ``include``
- * ``block``
- * ``filter``
- * ``macro``
- * ``import``
- * ``from``
- * ``set``
- * ``spaceless``
- * Filters:
- * ``date``
- * ``format``
- * ``replace``
- * ``url_encode``
- * ``json_encode``
- * ``title``
- * ``capitalize``
- * ``upper``
- * ``lower``
- * ``striptags``
- * ``join``
- * ``reverse``
- * ``length``
- * ``sort``
- * ``merge``
- * ``default``
- * ``keys``
- * ``escape``
- * ``e``
- * Functions:
- * ``range``
- * ``constant``
- * ``cycle``
- * ``parent``
- * ``block``
- * Tests:
- * ``even``
- * ``odd``
- * ``defined``
- * ``sameas``
- * ``null``
- * ``divisibleby``
- * ``constant``
- * ``empty``
- Escaper Extension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ``escaper`` extension adds automatic output escaping to Twig. It defines a
- new tag, ``autoescape``, and a new filter, ``raw``.
- When creating the escaper extension, you can switch on or off the global
- output escaping strategy::
- $escaper = new Twig_Extension_Escaper(true);
- $twig->addExtension($escaper);
- If set to ``true``, all variables in templates are escaped, except those using
- the ``raw`` filter:
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {{ article.to_html|raw }}
- You can also change the escaping mode locally by using the ``autoescape`` tag:
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {% autoescape true %}
- {% var %}
- {% var|raw %} {
- {% var|escape %} {
- {% endautoescape %}
- .. warning::
- The ``autoescape`` tag has no effect on included files.
- The escaping rules are implemented as follows:
- * Literals (integers, booleans, arrays, ...) used in the template directly as
- variables or filter arguments are never automatically escaped:
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {{ "Twig<br />" }} {
- {% set text = "Twig<br />" %}
- {{ text }} {
- * Expressions which the result is always a literal or a variable marked safe
- are never automatically escaped:
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {{ foo ? "Twig<br />" : "<br />Twig" }} {
- {% set text = "Twig<br />" %}
- {{ foo ? text : "<br />Twig" }} {
- {% set text = "Twig<br />" %}
- {{ foo ? text|raw : "<br />Twig" }} {
- {% set text = "Twig<br />" %}
- {{ foo ? text|escape : "<br />Twig" }} {
- * Escaping is applied before printing, after any other filter is applied:
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {{ var|upper }} {
- * The `raw` filter should only be used at the end of the filter chain:
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {{ var|raw|upper }} {
- {{ var|upper|raw }} {
- * Automatic escaping is not applied if the last filter in the chain is marked
- safe for the current context (e.g. ``html`` or ``js``). ``escaper`` and
- ``escaper('html')`` are marked safe for html, ``escaper('js')`` is marked
- safe for javascript, ``raw`` is marked safe for everything.
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {% autoescape true js %}
- {{ var|escape('html') }} {
- {{ var }} {
- {{ var|escape('js') }} {
- {% endautoescape %}
- .. note::
- Note that autoescaping has some limitations as escaping is applied on
- expressions after evaluation. For instance, when working with
- concatenation, ``{{ foo|raw ~ bar }}`` won't give the expected result as
- escaping is applied on the result of the concatenation, not on the
- individual variables (so, the ``raw`` filter won't have any effect here).
- Sandbox Extension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ``sandbox`` extension can be used to evaluate untrusted code. Access to
- unsafe attributes and methods is prohibited. The sandbox security is managed
- by a policy instance. By default, Twig comes with one policy class:
- ``Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy``. This class allows you to white-list some
- tags, filters, properties, and methods::
- $tags = array('if');
- $filters = array('upper');
- $methods = array(
- 'Article' => array('getTitle', 'getBody'),
- );
- $properties = array(
- 'Article' => array('title', 'body'),
- );
- $functions = array('range');
- $policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy($tags, $filters, $methods, $properties, $functions);
- With the previous configuration, the security policy will only allow usage of
- the ``if`` tag, and the ``upper`` filter. Moreover, the templates will only be
- able to call the ``getTitle()`` and ``getBody()`` methods on ``Article``
- objects, and the ``title`` and ``body`` public properties. Everything else
- won't be allowed and will generate a ``Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError`` exception.
- The policy object is the first argument of the sandbox constructor::
- $sandbox = new Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy);
- $twig->addExtension($sandbox);
- By default, the sandbox mode is disabled and should be enabled when including
- untrusted template code by using the ``sandbox`` tag:
- .. code-block:: jinja
- {% sandbox %}
- {% include 'user.html' %}
- {% endsandbox %}
- You can sandbox all templates by passing ``true`` as the second argument of
- the extension constructor::
- $sandbox = new Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy, true);
- Optimizer Extension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ``optimizer`` extension optimizes the node tree before compilation::
- $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Optimizer());
- By default, all optimizations are turned on. You can select the ones you want
- to enable by passing them to the constructor::
- $optimizer = new Twig_Extension_Optimizer(Twig_NodeVisitor_Optimizer::OPTIMIZE_FOR);
- $twig->addExtension($optimizer);
- Exceptions
- ----------
- Twig can throw exceptions:
- * ``Twig_Error``: The base exception for all errors.
- * ``Twig_Error_Syntax``: Thrown to tell the user that there is a problem with
- the template syntax.
- * ``Twig_Error_Runtime``: Thrown when an error occurs at runtime (when a filter
- does not exist for instance).
- * ``Twig_Error_Loader``: Thrown when an error occurs during template loading.
- * ``Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError``: Thrown when an unallowed tag, filter, or
- method is called in a sandboxed template.