build.xml 2.3KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <project name="Doctrine2" default="build" basedir=".">
  3. <taskdef classname="phing.tasks.ext.d51PearPkg2Task" name="d51pearpkg2" />
  4. <import file="${project.basedir}/lib/vendor/doctrine-build-common/packaging.xml" />
  5. <property file="" />
  6. <!--
  7. Fileset for artifacts shared across all distributed packages.
  8. -->
  9. <fileset id="shared-artifacts" dir=".">
  10. <include name="LICENSE"/>
  11. <include name="COPYRIGHT"/>
  12. <include name="CHANGELOG"/>
  13. </fileset>
  14. <!--
  15. Fileset for the sources of the Doctrine Common package.
  16. -->
  17. <fileset id="common-sources" dir="./lib">
  18. <include name="Doctrine/Common/**"/>
  19. </fileset>
  20. <!--
  21. Builds Common package, preparing it for distribution.
  22. -->
  23. <target name="copy-files" depends="prepare">
  24. <copy todir="${build.dir}/${}-${version}">
  25. <fileset refid="shared-artifacts"/>
  26. </copy>
  27. <copy todir="${build.dir}/${}-${version}">
  28. <fileset refid="common-sources"/>
  29. </copy>
  30. </target>
  31. <!--
  32. Builds distributable PEAR packages.
  33. -->
  34. <target name="define-pear-package" depends="copy-files">
  35. <d51pearpkg2 baseinstalldir="/" dir="${build.dir}/${}-${version}">
  36. <name>DoctrineCommon</name>
  37. <summary>Doctrine Common PHP Extensions</summary>
  38. <channel></channel>
  39. <description>The Doctrine Common package contains shared code between the other packages.</description>
  40. <lead user="jwage" name="Jonathan H. Wage" email="" />
  41. <lead user="guilhermeblanco" name="Guilherme Blanco" email="" />
  42. <lead user="romanb" name="Roman Borschel" email="" />
  43. <lead user="beberlei" name="Benjamin Eberlei" email="" />
  44. <license>LGPL</license>
  45. <version release="${pear.version}" api="${pear.version}" />
  46. <stability release="${pear.stability}" api="${pear.stability}" />
  47. <notes>-</notes>
  48. <dependencies>
  49. <php minimum_version="5.3.0" />
  50. <pear minimum_version="1.6.0" recommended_version="1.6.1" />
  51. </dependencies>
  52. </d51pearpkg2>
  53. </target>
  54. </project>