elements.en.yml 5.3KB

  1. noelements:
  2. sentence: Nothing to display
  3. sentence_filter: |
  4. Nothin to display, this may due because of an heavy filter
  5. or you have choice "My Network" et don't have followed users.
  6. <br />You can add tags or
  7. <a class="filter_clear_url" href="#" >%link_string%</a>.
  8. sentence_filter_link_string: delete them.
  9. nofound_anymore: Share not found (maybe deleted by owner)
  10. element:
  11. favorite:
  12. add: Add to faves
  13. remove: Remove from faves
  14. add:
  15. group:
  16. will_be_in: This element will be add to the group.
  17. url_title_step2: Ressource
  18. show:
  19. close_embed: Close the player
  20. open_embed: Display the player
  21. open_link: Open the page
  22. name:
  23. who: sent by <a href="%owner_url%">%owner_name%</a>
  24. whoandgroup: sent by <a href="%owner_url%">%owner_name%</a> in the group <a href="%group_url%">%group_name%</a>
  25. reshare: (reshare from the initial share of <a href="%owner_url%">%owner_name%</a>)
  26. link: Open the original page
  27. edit:
  28. link: Modify
  29. autoplay:
  30. title: Launch with autoplay
  31. remove:
  32. link: Delete
  33. confirm:
  34. sentence: Are your sure?
  35. yes: Yes, I am...
  36. no: No, please, don't!
  37. group:
  38. remove_from:
  39. title: Remove from the group %group_name%
  40. confirm:
  41. title: Are you sure?
  42. yes: Yes, I am...
  43. no: No, please, don't!
  44. tag:
  45. addtofav:
  46. title: Add to you faves tags.
  47. confirm:
  48. sentence: Add to faves?
  49. yes: Of course!
  50. no: What? No!
  51. isfav:
  52. title: The tag "%tagname%" is already in your faves!
  54. add: Add comments
  55. thereis: Display comment
  56. thereare: Display <strong>%count%</strong> comments
  57. hideis: Hide comment
  58. hideare: Hide comments
  59. add_submit: Comment
  60. add_cancel: Cancel
  61. edit_submit: Send
  62. edit_cancel: Cancel
  63. errors:
  64. min: Comment must at least have %limit% letters
  65. max: Comment must not have more than %limit% letters
  66. unknow: An error occured
  67. follow:
  68. label: Tell me when there is a new comment.
  69. vote:
  70. good: This share deserve a point more! (Clic again to delete this point)
  71. tag_proposition:
  72. form:
  73. submit: propose tags
  74. cancel: Cancel
  75. description: Propose below tags you think are great for this one!
  76. error:
  77. empty: Please, type tags to make a proposal.
  78. view_propositions:
  79. link: See tags proposal
  80. description_one: A user suggests those tags
  81. description_x: Some users suggest those tages
  82. link_accept: Accept suggestion
  83. link_refuse_one: Refuse proposal
  84. link_refuse_x: Refuse proposals
  85. comment:
  86. edit:
  87. link: Modify your comment
  88. remove:
  89. link: Delete your comment
  90. confirm:
  91. sentence: Are you sure?
  92. yes: Of course!
  93. no: No, please...
  94. elements:
  95. ajax:
  96. more:
  97. noelements: No other element
  98. autoplay:
  99. launch: Auto play.
  100. noelements:
  101. text: No share to read
  102. show:
  103. user:
  105. zero_count: nobody follow %name%
  106. one_count: %count% person follow %name%
  107. x_count: %count% persons follow %name%
  108. elements:
  109. no_count: No share
  110. count: %count_owned% shares (with %count_favorited% faves by %count_favorited_users% users)
  111. tag_favorites:
  112. help: Filter sharings selecting tags below(you can choose more than one).
  113. playlist:
  114. start_here: Start playlist here
  115. remove_element: Remove this share from playlist
  116. open: Open
  117. read: Read
  118. pick: Add to my playlists
  119. unpick: Remove from my playlists
  120. gotoplaylists: Go back to %user_username% playlistsusername%
  121. user_title: %user_username% playlists
  122. openplaylist: View playlist musics
  123. delete: Delete playlist
  124. play: Play playlist
  125. add_this_element: Add this share to playlist
  126. create_and_add: "Add share to new playlist:"
  127. add_to: "Or to existing playlist:"
  128. create_submit: Create
  129. public_label: Make this playlist public
  130. public_word: (public)
  131. contained: Music already in playlist
  132. not_contained: Music not already in playlist
  133. how_add_element: |
  134. To add music in your playlists you have to use share buttons (at top right).
  135. You will choose or create playlist for the music.
  136. edit: Edit
  137. update_submit: Update
  138. goback: Back
  139. edit_title: Edit "%playlist_name%"