elements.html.twig 2.1KB

  1. {% extends "MuzichHomeBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
  2. {% block title %}
  3. {% if event.type == event_const('TYPE_COMMENT_ADDED_ELEMENT') %}
  4. {{ 'events.view.title.comments'|trans({}, 'userui') }}
  5. {% endif %}
  6. {% if event.type == event_const('TYPE_FAV_ADDED_ELEMENT') %}
  7. {{ 'events.view.title.nvxfav'|trans({}, 'userui') }}
  8. {% endif %}
  9. {% if event.type == event_const('TYPE_TAGS_PROPOSED') %}
  10. {{ 'events.view.title.tagsprop'|trans({}, 'userui') }}
  11. {% endif %}
  12. {% endblock %}
  13. {% block mainbox_classes %}mainbox_nopadding{% endblock %}
  14. {% block content %}
  15. <div class="top_tools">
  16. <div class="show_options">
  17. {% if event.type != event_const('TYPE_TAGS_PROPOSED') %}
  18. <a class="button darkbutton" href="{{ path('event_delete', {
  19. 'event_id' : event.id,
  20. 'token' : app.user.getPersonalHash(event.id)
  21. }) }}" >
  22. {{ 'events.view.link_delete'|trans({}, 'userui') }}
  23. </a>
  24. {% endif %}
  25. </div>
  26. {% if event.type == event_const('TYPE_COMMENT_ADDED_ELEMENT') %}
  27. <h1>{{ 'events.view.title.comments'|trans({}, 'userui') }}</h1>
  28. <p>{{ 'events.view.text.comments'|trans({}, 'userui') }}</p>
  29. {% endif %}
  30. {% if event.type == event_const('TYPE_FAV_ADDED_ELEMENT') %}
  31. <h1>{{ 'events.view.title.nvxfav'|trans({}, 'userui') }}</h1>
  32. <p>{{ 'events.view.text.nvxfav'|trans({}, 'userui') }}</p>
  33. {% endif %}
  34. {% if event.type == event_const('TYPE_TAGS_PROPOSED') %}
  35. <h1>{{ 'events.view.title.tagsprop'|trans({}, 'userui') }}</h1>
  36. <p>{{ 'events.view.text.tagsprop'|trans({}, 'userui') }}</p>
  37. {% endif %}
  38. </div>
  39. {% include "MuzichCoreBundle:SearchElement:default.html.twig" with {
  40. 'noelements_filter' : true
  41. }%}
  42. {% if elements|length %}
  43. {% include "MuzichCoreBundle:SearchElement:more_button.html.twig" with {
  44. 'more_path' : path('search_elements_more', {
  45. 'session_id' : app.user.getPersonalHash(app.request.get('event_id')),
  46. 'id_limit' : last_element_id
  47. }),
  48. 'link_class' : 'event_view'
  49. }%}
  50. {% endif %}
  51. {% endblock %}