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- CLI main object changed its name and namespace. Renamed from Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Cli to Doctrine\Common\Cli\CliController.
- Doctrine\Common\Cli\CliController now only deals with namespaces. Ready to go, Core, Dbal and Orm are available and you can subscribe new tasks by retrieving the namespace and including new task. Example:
- [php]
- $cli->getNamespace('Core')->addTask('my-example', '\MyProject\Tools\Cli\Tasks\MyExampleTask');
- Tasks have implemented a new way to build documentation. Although it is still possible to define the help manually by extending the basicHelp and extendedHelp, they are now optional.
- With new required method AbstractTask::buildDocumentation, its implementation defines the TaskDocumentation instance (accessible through AbstractTask::getDocumentation()), basicHelp and extendedHelp are now not necessary to be implemented.
- * A bunch of Methods on both Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform and Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\AbstractSchemaManager
- have changed quite significantly by adopting the new Schema instance objects.
- * Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::setExpireResultCache() -> expireResultCache()
- * Doctrine\ORM\Query::setExpireQueryCache() -> expireQueryCache()
- * "doctrine schema-tool --drop" now always drops the complete database instead of
- only those tables defined by the current database model. The previous method had
- problems when foreign keys of orphaned tables pointed to tables that were schedulded
- for deletion.
- * Use "doctrine schema-tool --update" to get a save incremental update for your
- database schema without deleting any unused tables, sequences or foreign keys.
- * Use "doctrine schema-tool --complete-update" to do a full incremental update of
- your schema.