123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- {% extends "MuzichFavoriteBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
- {% block title %}{% endblock %}
- {% block mainbox_classes %}{% endblock %}
- {% block content %}
- <div class="top_tools">
- <a class="autoplay_playlist" href="{{ path('playlist_datas_for_autoplay', { 'playlist_id' : playlist.id }) }}" >
- Lire
- </a>
- {% if app.user %}
- {% if not playlist.owned(app.user) and viewed_user.id != app.user.id %}
- {% if not app.user.havePlaylistPicked(playlist) %}
- <a class="playlist_pick" href="{{ path_token('playlist_pick', { 'playlist_id' : playlist.id }) }}" >
- P
- </a>
- {% else %}
- <a class="playlist_unpick" href="{{ path_token('playlist_unpick', { 'playlist_id' : playlist.id }) }}" >
- uP
- </a>
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- <h2>{{ playlist.name }}</h2>
- {% include "MuzichCoreBundle:Tag:tag_cloud.html.twig" with {
- 'tags' : playlist.tags
- } %}
- {% if playlist.elements|length %}
- <form action="{{ path_token('playlist_update_order', { 'playlist_id' : playlist.id }) }}" method="post">
- <ul class="playlist_elements">
- {% for element in playlist.elements %}
- <li class="playlist_element">
- <input type="hidden" name="elements[]" value="{{ element.id }}" />
- <a class="autoplay_playlist" href="{{ path('playlist_datas_for_autoplay', { 'playlist_id' : playlist.id, 'offset' : loop.index0 }) }}">
- play
- </a>
- <a class="open_element" href="{{ path('element_get_one', { 'element_id' : element.id }) }}" data-id="{{ element.id }}">
- {{ element.name }}
- </a>
- <a class="remove_element" href="{{ path_token('playlist_remove_element', { 'playlist_id' : playlist.id, 'element_id' : element.id }) }}">
- X
- </a>
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- </form>
- {% endif %}
- </div>
- {% endblock %}