1. Changelog since Version 4.x.x
  2. =============================
  3. 4.2.2 (2012-10-25)
  4. ------------------
  5. * added the possibility to throttle messages per second in ThrottlerPlugin (mostly for Amazon SES)
  6. * switched mime.qpcontentencoder to automatically use the PHP native encoder on PHP 5.4.7+
  7. * allowed specifying a whitelist with regular expressions in RedirectingPlugin
  8. 4.2.1 (2012-07-13)
  9. ------------------
  10. * changed the coding standards to PSR-1/2
  11. * fixed issue with autoloading
  12. * added NativeQpContentEncoder to enhance performance (for PHP 5.3+)
  13. 4.2.0 (2012-06-29)
  14. ------------------
  15. * added documentation about how to use the Japanese support introduced in 4.1.8
  16. * added a way to override the default configuration in a lazy way
  17. * changed the PEAR init script to lazy-load the initialization
  18. * fixed a bug when calling Swift_Preferences before anything else (regression introduced in 4.1.8)
  19. 4.1.8 (2012-06-17)
  20. ------------------
  21. * added Japanese iso-2022-jp support
  22. * changed the init script to lazy-load the initialization
  23. * fixed docblocks (@id) which caused some problems with libraries parsing the dobclocks
  24. * fixed Swift_Mime_Headers_IdentificationHeader::setId() when passed an array of ids
  25. * fixed encoding of email addresses in headers
  26. * added replacements setter to the Decorator plugin
  27. 4.1.7 (2012-04-26)
  28. ------------------
  29. * fixed QpEncoder safeMapShareId property
  30. 4.1.6 (2012-03-23)
  31. ------------------
  32. * reduced the size of serialized Messages
  33. 4.1.5 (2012-01-04)
  34. ------------------
  35. * enforced Swift_Spool::queueMessage() to return a Boolean
  36. * made an optimization to the memory spool: start the transport only when required
  37. * prevented stream_socket_client() from generating an error and throw a Swift_TransportException instead
  38. * fixed a PHP warning when calling to mail() when safe_mode is off
  39. * many doc tweaks
  40. 4.1.4 (2011-12-16)
  41. ------------------
  42. * added a memory spool (Swift_MemorySpool)
  43. * fixed too many opened files when sending emails with attachments
  44. 4.1.3 (2011-10-27)
  45. ------------------
  46. * added STARTTLS support
  47. * added missing @return tags on fluent methods
  48. * added a MessageLogger plugin that logs all sent messages
  49. * added composer.json
  50. 4.1.2 (2011-09-13)
  51. ------------------
  52. * fixed wrong detection of magic_quotes_runtime
  53. * fixed fatal errors when no To or Subject header has been set
  54. * fixed charset on parameter header continuations
  55. * added documentation about how to install Swiftmailer from the PEAR channel
  56. * fixed various typos and markup problem in the documentation
  57. * fixed warning when cache directory does not exist
  58. * fixed "slashes are escaped" bug
  59. * changed require_once() to require() in autoload
  60. 4.1.1 (2011-07-04)
  61. ------------------
  62. * added missing file in PEAR package
  63. 4.1.0 (2011-06-30)
  64. ------------------
  65. * documentation has been converted to ReST
  66. 4.1.0 RC1 (2011-06-17)
  67. ----------------------
  68. New features:
  69. * changed the Decorator Plugin to allow replacements in all headers
  70. * added Swift_Mime_Grammar and Swift_Validate to validate an email address
  71. * modified the autoloader to lazy-initialize Swiftmailer
  72. * removed Swift_Mailer::batchSend()
  73. * added NullTransport
  74. * added new plugins: RedirectingPlugin and ImpersonatePlugin
  75. * added a way to send messages asynchronously (Spool)