trace.html.twig 1.2KB

  1. {% if trace.function %}
  2. at
  3. <strong>
  4. <abbr title="{{ trace.class }}">{{ trace.short_class }}</abbr>
  5. {{ trace.type ~ trace.function }}
  6. </strong>
  7. ({{ trace.args|format_args }})
  8. {% endif %}
  9. {% if trace.file is defined and trace.file and trace.line is defined and trace.line %}
  10. {{ trace.function ? '<br />' : '' }}
  11. in {{ trace.file|format_file(trace.line) }}&nbsp;
  12. {% spaceless %}
  13. <a href="#" onclick="toggle('trace_{{ prefix ~ '_' ~ i }}'); switchIcons('icon_{{ prefix ~ '_' ~ i }}_open', 'icon_{{ prefix ~ '_' ~ i }}_close'); return false;">
  14. <img class="toggle" id="icon_{{ prefix ~ '_' ~ i }}_close" alt="-" src="{{ asset('bundles/framework/images/blue_picto_less.gif') }}" style="visibility: {{ 0 == i ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }}" />
  15. <img class="toggle" id="icon_{{ prefix ~ '_' ~ i }}_open" alt="+" src="{{ asset('bundles/framework/images/blue_picto_more.gif') }}" style="visibility: {{ 0 == i ? 'hidden' : 'visible' }}; margin-left: -18px" />
  16. </a>
  17. {% endspaceless %}
  18. <div id="trace_{{ prefix ~ '_' ~ i }}" style="display: {{ 0 == i ? 'block' : 'none' }}" class="trace">
  19. {{ trace.file|file_excerpt(trace.line) }}
  20. </div>
  21. {% endif %}