// execute update code 60x per seconds pub const TARGET_FPS: u32 = 60; // execute meta code each 20 frames pub const META_EACH: u32 = 20; // execute physics code each 10 frames pub const PHYSICS_EACH: u32 = 10; // execute animate code each 30 frames pub const ANIMATE_EACH: u32 = 60; // change sprite animation tile 30 frames pub const SPRITE_EACH: u32 = 10; // max of frame_i used to calculate ticks pub const MAX_FRAME_I: u32 = 4294967295; // pixel offset by tick when player move screen display pub const DISPLAY_OFFSET_BY: f32 = 3.0; // pixel offset by tick when player move screen display with speed pub const DISPLAY_OFFSET_BY_SPEED: f32 = 10.0; // Width of sprite sheet pub const SCENE_ITEMS_SPRITE_SHEET_WIDTH: f32 = 800.0; // Height of sprite sheet pub const SCENE_ITEMS_SPRITE_SHEET_HEIGHT: f32 = 600.0; // Width of sprite sheet pub const UI_SPRITE_SHEET_WIDTH: f32 = 800.0; // Height of sprite sheet pub const UI_SPRITE_SHEET_HEIGHT: f32 = 600.0; // Width of one grid tile pub const GRID_TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 5.0; // Height of one grid tile pub const GRID_TILE_HEIGHT: f32 = 5.0; // pub const DEFAULT_SELECTED_SQUARE_SIDE: f32 = 14.0; // pub const DEFAULT_SELECTED_SQUARE_SIDE_HALF: f32 = DEFAULT_SELECTED_SQUARE_SIDE / 2.0; // pub const SCENE_ITEMS_CHANGE_ERR_MSG: &str = "scene_items content change !"; // pub const DEBUG: bool = true;