use ggez; use ggez::event::KeyCode; use ggez::graphics; use ggez::graphics::{DrawMode, MeshBuilder}; use ggez::timer::check_update_time; use ggez::{event, input}; use ggez::{Context, GameResult}; use glam::Vec2; use std::env; use std::path; type Point2 = Vec2; type Vector2 = Vec2; const TARGET_FPS: u32 = 60; // execute update code 60x per seconds const META_EACH: u32 = 20; // execute meta code each 20 frames const PHYSICS_EACH: u32 = 10; // execute physics code each 10 frames const ANIMATE_EACH: u32 = 60; // execute animate code each 30 frames const SPRITE_EACH: u32 = 10; // change sprite animation tile 30 frames const MAX_FRAME_I: u32 = 4294967295; // max of frame_i used to calculate ticks const DISPLAY_OFFSET_BY: f32 = 3.0; const DISPLAY_OFFSET_BY_SPEED: f32 = 10.0; const SPRITE_SHEET_WIDTH: f32 = 800.0; const SPRITE_SHEET_HEIGHT: f32 = 600.0; fn vec_from_angle(angle: f32) -> Vector2 { let vx = angle.sin(); let vy = angle.cos(); Vector2::new(vx, vy) } struct SpriteInfo { relative_start_y: f32, relative_tile_width: f32, relative_tile_height: f32, tile_count: u16, tile_width: f32, tile_height: f32, } impl SpriteInfo { // TODO: ask on rust community if this is performant, or how to make it static pub fn from_type(type_: &SpriteType) -> Self { let (start_y, tile_width, tile_height, tile_count) = match type_ { SpriteType::WalkingSoldier => (12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 8), SpriteType::CrawlingSoldier => (26.0, 26.0, 26.0, 8), SpriteType::StandingSoldier => (0.0, 12.0, 12.0, 1), }; Self { relative_start_y: start_y / SPRITE_SHEET_HEIGHT, relative_tile_width: tile_width / SPRITE_SHEET_WIDTH, relative_tile_height: tile_height / SPRITE_SHEET_HEIGHT, tile_count, tile_width, tile_height, } } } enum SpriteType { WalkingSoldier, CrawlingSoldier, StandingSoldier, } enum ItemBehavior { Standing(u32), // since Crawling, Walking(Vector2), } struct ItemState { current_behavior: ItemBehavior, } impl ItemState { pub fn new(current_behavior: ItemBehavior) -> Self { Self { current_behavior } } pub fn sprite_type(&self) -> SpriteType { // Here some logical about state and current behavior to determine sprite type match self.current_behavior { ItemBehavior::Crawling => SpriteType::CrawlingSoldier, ItemBehavior::Walking(_) => SpriteType::WalkingSoldier, ItemBehavior::Standing(_) => SpriteType::StandingSoldier, } } } struct SceneItem { position: Point2, state: ItemState, meta_events: Vec, current_frame: u16, } impl SceneItem { pub fn new(position: Point2, state: ItemState) -> Self { let sprite_type = state.sprite_type(); Self { position, state, meta_events: vec![], current_frame: 0, } } pub fn sprite_info(&self) -> SpriteInfo { SpriteInfo::from_type(&self.state.sprite_type()) } pub fn tick_sprite(&mut self) { self.current_frame += 1; // TODO: good way to have sprite info ? performant ? if self.current_frame >= self.sprite_info().tile_count { self.current_frame = 0; } } pub fn as_draw_param(&self, current_frame: f32) -> graphics::DrawParam { let sprite_info = self.sprite_info(); graphics::DrawParam::new() .src(graphics::Rect::new( current_frame as f32 * sprite_info.relative_tile_width, sprite_info.relative_start_y, sprite_info.relative_tile_width, sprite_info.relative_tile_height, )) .rotation(90.0f32.to_radians()) .offset(Point2::new(0.5, 0.5)) } } enum PhysicEvent { Explosion, } enum MetaEvent { FearAboutExplosion, } struct MainState { frame_i: u32, sprite_sheet_batch: graphics::spritebatch::SpriteBatch, map_batch: graphics::spritebatch::SpriteBatch, scene_items: Vec, physics_events: Vec, display_offset: Point2, } impl MainState { fn new(ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { let sprite_sheet = graphics::Image::new(ctx, "/sprite_sheet.png").unwrap(); let sprite_sheet_batch = graphics::spritebatch::SpriteBatch::new(sprite_sheet); let map = graphics::Image::new(ctx, "/map1bg.png").unwrap(); let map_batch = graphics::spritebatch::SpriteBatch::new(map); let mut scene_items = vec![]; for x in 0..1 { for y in 0..4 { let current_behavior = if y % 2 == 0 { ItemBehavior::Walking(vec_from_angle(90.0)) } else { ItemBehavior::Crawling }; scene_items.push(SceneItem::new( Point2::new((x as f32 * 24.0) + 100.0, (y as f32 * 24.0) + 100.0), ItemState::new(current_behavior), )); } } let s = MainState { frame_i: 0, sprite_sheet_batch, map_batch, scene_items, physics_events: vec![], display_offset: Point2::new(0.0, 0.0), }; Ok(s) } fn inputs(&mut self, ctx: &Context) { let display_offset_by = if input::keyboard::is_mod_active(ctx, input::keyboard::KeyMods::SHIFT) { DISPLAY_OFFSET_BY_SPEED } else { DISPLAY_OFFSET_BY }; if input::keyboard::is_key_pressed(ctx, KeyCode::Left) { self.display_offset.x += display_offset_by; } if input::keyboard::is_key_pressed(ctx, KeyCode::Right) { self.display_offset.x -= display_offset_by; } if input::keyboard::is_key_pressed(ctx, KeyCode::Up) { self.display_offset.y += display_offset_by; } if input::keyboard::is_key_pressed(ctx, KeyCode::Down) { self.display_offset.y -= display_offset_by; } } // TODO: manage errors fn physics(&mut self) { // Scene items movements for scene_item in self.scene_items.iter_mut() { match scene_item.state.current_behavior { ItemBehavior::Walking(vector) => { // TODO ici il faut calculer le déplacement réél (en fonction des ticks, etc ...) scene_item.position.x += 1.0; } _ => {} } } // (FAKE) Drop a bomb to motivate stop move if self.frame_i % 600 == 0 && self.frame_i != 0 { self.physics_events.push(PhysicEvent::Explosion); } } fn metas(&mut self) { for physic_event in &self.physics_events { match physic_event { PhysicEvent::Explosion => { for scene_item in self.scene_items.iter_mut() { scene_item.meta_events.push(MetaEvent::FearAboutExplosion); } } } } } fn animate(&mut self) { // TODO: ici il faut reflechir a comment organiser les comportements for scene_item in self.scene_items.iter_mut() { for meta_event in &scene_item.meta_events { match meta_event { MetaEvent::FearAboutExplosion => { scene_item.state = ItemState::new(ItemBehavior::Standing(self.frame_i)); } } } match scene_item.state.current_behavior { ItemBehavior::Crawling => { scene_item.state = ItemState::new(ItemBehavior::Walking(vec_from_angle(90.0))); } ItemBehavior::Walking(_) => { scene_item.state = ItemState::new(ItemBehavior::Crawling); } ItemBehavior::Standing(since) => { if self.frame_i - since >= 120 { scene_item.state = ItemState::new(ItemBehavior::Walking(vec_from_angle(90.0))); } } } scene_item.meta_events.drain(..); } } fn tick_sprites(&mut self) { for scene_item in self.scene_items.iter_mut() { scene_item.tick_sprite(); } } fn position_with_display_offset(&self, position: &Point2) -> Point2 { Point2::new( position.x + self.display_offset.x, position.y + self.display_offset.y, ) } } impl event::EventHandler for MainState { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { while check_update_time(ctx, TARGET_FPS) { self.inputs(ctx); // TODO: meta: calculer par ex qui voit qui (soldat voit un ennemi: ajouter l'event a vu // ennemi, dans animate il se mettra a tirer) let tick_sprite = self.frame_i % SPRITE_EACH == 0; let tick_animate = self.frame_i % ANIMATE_EACH == 0; let tick_physics = self.frame_i % PHYSICS_EACH == 0; let tick_meta = self.frame_i % META_EACH == 0; // Apply moves, explosions, etc if tick_physics { self.physics(); } // Generate meta events according to physics events and current physic state if tick_meta { self.metas(); } // Animate scene items according to meta events if tick_animate { self.animate(); }; // Change scene items tiles if tick_sprite { self.tick_sprites(); } // Increment frame counter self.frame_i += 1; if self.frame_i >= MAX_FRAME_I { self.frame_i = 0; } // Empty physics event self.physics_events.drain(..); } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult { graphics::clear(ctx, graphics::BLACK); let mut mesh_builder = MeshBuilder::new(); for scene_item in self.scene_items.iter() { self.sprite_sheet_batch.add( scene_item .as_draw_param(scene_item.current_frame as f32) .dest(scene_item.position.clone()), ); DrawMode::fill(), scene_item.position.clone(), 2.0, 2.0, graphics::WHITE, )?; } self.map_batch.add( graphics::DrawParam::new() .src(graphics::Rect::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)) .dest(Point2::new(0.0, 0.0)), ); let mesh =; graphics::draw( ctx, &self.map_batch, graphics::DrawParam::new() .dest(self.position_with_display_offset(&Point2::new(0.0, 0.0))), )?; graphics::draw( ctx, &self.sprite_sheet_batch, graphics::DrawParam::new() .dest(self.position_with_display_offset(&Point2::new(0.0, 0.0))), )?; graphics::draw( ctx, &mesh, graphics::DrawParam::new() .dest(self.position_with_display_offset(&Point2::new(0.0, 0.0))), )?; self.sprite_sheet_batch.clear(); self.map_batch.clear(); graphics::present(ctx)?; println!("FPS: {}", ggez::timer::fps(ctx)); Ok(()) } } pub fn main() -> GameResult { let resource_dir = if let Ok(manifest_dir) = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") { let mut path = path::PathBuf::from(manifest_dir); path.push("resources"); path } else { path::PathBuf::from("./resources") }; let cb = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("oc", "bux") .add_resource_path(resource_dir) .window_mode(ggez::conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)); let (mut ctx, event_loop) =; let state = MainState::new(&mut ctx)?; event::run(ctx, event_loop, state) }