""" Engulf is simulation containing: * Subjects who need to: * eat * low energy ground stuff * other alive subjects * other dead subjects * sleep * want to be not alone * with non aggressive subjects * want to be alone * reproduce * with non aggressive subjects * and transmit tendencies because their cultures can be * eat: - eat background stuff, + eat subjects * alone/not alone: - be alone + not alone """ import os import sys import logging synergine2_ath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../../')) sys.path.append(synergine2_ath) from random import randint, seed from sandbox.engulf.behaviour import GrassGrownUp, GrassSpawn, GrassSpawnBehaviour, MoveTo from synergine2.config import Config from synergine2.log import get_default_logger from sandbox.engulf.subject import Cell, Grass from sandbox.engulf.const import COLLECTION_GRASS from synergine2.core import Core from synergine2.cycle import CycleManager from synergine2.terminals import TerminalManager, Terminal, TerminalPackage from synergine2.xyz import Simulation from sandbox.engulf.simulation import EngulfSubjects from synergine2.xyz_utils import get_around_positions_of, get_distance_between_points class Engulf(Simulation): behaviours_classes = [ GrassSpawnBehaviour, ] class GameTerminal(Terminal): subscribed_events = [ GrassGrownUp, GrassSpawn, MoveTo, ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.gui = None self.asynchronous = False # TODO: config def receive(self, package: TerminalPackage): self.gui.before_received(package) super().receive(package) self.gui.after_received(package) def run(self): from sandbox.engulf import gui self.gui = gui.Game(self.config, self.logger, self) self.gui.run() def fill_with_random_cells( subjects: EngulfSubjects, count: int, start_position: tuple, end_position: tuple, ) -> None: cells = [] while len(cells) < count: position = ( randint(start_position[0], end_position[0]+1), randint(start_position[1], end_position[1]+1), 0, ) if position not in subjects.cell_xyz: cell = Cell( simulation=subjects.simulation, position=position, ) cells.append(cell) subjects.append(cell) def fill_with_random_grass( subjects: EngulfSubjects, start_count: int, start_position: tuple, end_position: tuple, density: int=5, ) -> None: grasses = [] while len(grasses) < start_count: position = ( randint(start_position[0], end_position[0]+1), randint(start_position[1], end_position[1]+1), 0, ) if position not in subjects.grass_xyz: grass = Grass( simulation=subjects.simulation, position=position, ) grasses.append(grass) subjects.append(grass) for grass in grasses: for around in get_around_positions_of(grass.position, distance=density): if around not in subjects.grass_xyz: new_grass = Grass( simulation=subjects.simulation, position=around, ) distance = get_distance_between_points(around, grass.position) new_grass.density = 100 - round((distance * 100) / 7) subjects.append(new_grass) def main(): seed(0) simulation = Engulf() subjects = EngulfSubjects(simulation=simulation) fill_with_random_cells( subjects, 30, (-34, -34, 0), (34, 34, 0), ) fill_with_random_grass( subjects, 5, (-34, -34, 0), (34, 34, 0), ) simulation.subjects = subjects config = Config() config.load_files(['sandbox/engulf/config.yaml']) logger = get_default_logger(level=logging.DEBUG) core = Core( config=config, logger=logger, simulation=simulation, cycle_manager=CycleManager( config=config, logger=logger, simulation=simulation, ), terminal_manager=TerminalManager( config=config, logger=logger, terminals=[GameTerminal( config, logger, asynchronous=False, )] ), cycles_per_seconds=1/config.core.cycle_duration, ) core.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()