# coding: utf-8 import typing import pyglet import cocos from cocos import collision_model from cocos import euclid from synergine2.simulation import Subject from synergine2_cocos2d.animation import AnimatedInterface class Actor(AnimatedInterface, cocos.sprite.Sprite): animation_image_paths = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]] animation_images = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[pyglet.image.TextureRegion]] def __init__( self, image: pyglet.image.TextureRegion, subject: Subject, position=(0, 0), rotation=0, scale=1, opacity=255, color=(255, 255, 255), anchor=None, properties: dict=None, **kwargs ): super().__init__( image, position, rotation, scale, opacity, color, anchor, **kwargs ) self.subject = subject self.cshape = None # type: collision_model.AARectShape self.update_cshape() self.build_animation_images() self.current_image = image self.need_update_cshape = False self.properties = properties or {} self._freeze = False def freeze(self) -> None: """ Set object to freeze mode: No visual modification can be done anymore """ self._freeze = True def stop_actions(self, action_types: typing.Tuple[typing.Type[cocos.actions.Action], ...]) -> None: for action in self.actions: if isinstance(action, action_types): self.remove_action(action) def update_cshape(self) -> None: self.cshape = collision_model.AARectShape( euclid.Vector2(self.position[0], self.position[1]), self.width // 2, self.height // 2, ) self.need_update_cshape = False def update_position(self, new_position: euclid.Vector2) -> None: if self._freeze: return self.position = new_position self.cshape.center = new_position # Note: if remove: strange behaviour: drag change actor position with anomaly def build_animation_images(self) -> None: """ Fill self.animation_images with self.animation_image_paths :return: None """ for animation_name, animation_image_paths in self.animation_image_paths.items(): self.animation_images[animation_name] = [] for animation_image_path in animation_image_paths: self.animation_images[animation_name].append(pyglet.resource.image(animation_image_path)) def get_images_for_animation(self, animation_name: str) -> typing.List[pyglet.image.TextureRegion]: return self.animation_images.get(animation_name) def get_inanimate_image(self) -> pyglet.image.TextureRegion: return self.current_image def update_image(self, new_image: pyglet.image.TextureRegion): if self._freeze: return self.image = new_image self.image_anchor = new_image.width // 2, new_image.height // 2