# coding: utf-8 import collections import typing from synergine2.base import BaseObject from synergine2.config import Config from synergine2.share import shared from synergine2.utils import get_mechanisms_classes class Intention(object): pass class IntentionManager(object): intentions = shared.create(['{id}', 'intentions'], {}) # type: typing.Dict[typing.Type[Intention], Intention] def __init__(self): self._id = id(self) self.intentions = {} @property def id(self) -> int: return self._id def set(self, intention: Intention) -> None: self.intentions[type(intention)] = intention def get(self, intention_type: typing.Type[Intention]) -> Intention: # TODO: Raise specialised exception if KeyError return self.intentions[intention_type] class Subject(BaseObject): collections = [] behaviours_classes = [] behaviour_selector_class = None # type: typing.Type[SubjectBehaviourSelector] intention_manager_class = None # type: typing.Type[IntentionManager] def __init__( self, config: Config, simulation: 'Simulation', ): # TODO: Bannir les attribut de classe passé en reference ! Et meme virer les attr de classe tout court. self.collections = self.collections[:] self.config = config self._id = id(self) # We store object id because it's lost between process self.simulation = simulation self.intentions = None if self.behaviour_selector_class: self.behaviour_selector = self.behaviour_selector_class() else: self.behaviour_selector = SubjectBehaviourSelector() if self.intention_manager_class: self.intentions = self.intention_manager_class() else: self.intentions = IntentionManager() @property def id(self) -> int: try: return self._id except AttributeError: pass def change_id(self, id_: int) -> None: self._id = id_ def expose(self) -> None: subject_behaviours_index = shared.get('subject_behaviours_index').setdefault(self._id, []) subject_mechanisms_index = shared.get('subject_mechanisms_index').setdefault(self._id, []) subject_classes = shared.get('subject_classes') for behaviour_class in self.behaviours_classes: subject_behaviours_index.append(id(behaviour_class)) for mechanism_class in behaviour_class.use: subject_mechanisms_index.append(id(mechanism_class)) subject_classes[self._id] = id(type(self)) for collection in self.collections: self.simulation.collections.setdefault(collection, []).append(self.id) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format( type(self).__name__, self.id, ) class Subjects(list): """ TODO: Manage other list methods """ subject_ids = shared.create('subject_ids', []) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.simulation = kwargs.pop('simulation') self.removes = [] self.adds = [] self.track_changes = False self.index = {} self._auto_expose = True super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.auto_expose: for subject in self: subject.expose() @property def auto_expose(self) -> bool: return self._auto_expose @auto_expose.setter def auto_expose(self, value: bool) -> None: assert self._auto_expose self._auto_expose = value def remove(self, value: Subject): # Remove from index del self.index[value.id] self.subject_ids.remove(value.id) # Remove from subjects list super().remove(value) # Remove from collections for collection_name in value.collections: self.simulation.collections[collection_name].remove(value) # Add to removed listing if self.track_changes: self.removes.append(value) # TODO: Supprimer des choses du shared ! Sinon fuite mémoire dans la bdd def append(self, p_object): # Add to index self.index[p_object.id] = p_object self.subject_ids.append(p_object.id) # Add to subjects list super().append(p_object) # Add to adds list if self.track_changes: self.adds.append(p_object) if self.auto_expose: p_object.expose() def extend(self, iterable): for item in iterable: self.append(item) class Simulation(BaseObject): accepted_subject_class = Subjects behaviours_classes = [] subject_behaviours_index = shared.create('subject_behaviours_index', {}) subject_mechanisms_index = shared.create('subject_mechanisms_index', {}) subject_classes = shared.create('subject_classes', {}) collections = shared.create('collections', {}) def __init__( self, config: Config, ): self.config = config self._subjects = None # type: Subjects # Should contain all usable class of Behaviors, Mechanisms, SubjectBehaviourSelectors, # IntentionManagers, Subject self._index = {} # type: typing.Dict[int, type] self._index_locked = False self.behaviours = {} self.mechanisms = {} for mechanism_class in get_mechanisms_classes(self): self.mechanisms[mechanism_class.__name__] = mechanism_class( config=self.config, simulation=self, ) for behaviour_class in self.behaviours_classes: self.behaviours[behaviour_class.__name__] = behaviour_class( config=self.config, simulation=self, ) def add_to_index(self, *classes: type) -> None: assert not self._index_locked for class_ in classes: self._index[id(class_)] = class_ @property def index(self) -> typing.Dict[int, type]: return self._index def lock_index(self) -> None: self._index_locked = True @property def subjects(self): return self._subjects @subjects.setter def subjects(self, value: 'Subjects'): if not isinstance(value, self.accepted_subject_class): raise Exception('Simulation.subjects must be {0} type'.format( self.accepted_subject_class, )) self._subjects = value def get_or_create_subject(self, subject_id: int) -> Subject: try: return self._subjects.index[subject_id] except KeyError: # We should be in process context and subject have to been created subject_class_id = shared.get('subject_classes')[subject_id] subject_class = self.index[subject_class_id] subject = subject_class(self.config, self) subject.change_id(subject_id) self.subjects.append(subject) return subject class Mechanism(BaseObject): pass class SubjectMechanism(Mechanism): def __init__( self, config: Config, simulation: Simulation, subject: Subject, ): self.config = config self.simulation = simulation self.subject = subject def run(self): raise NotImplementedError() class SimulationMechanism(Mechanism): """If parallelizable behaviour, call """ parallelizable = False def __init__( self, config: Config, simulation: Simulation, ): self.config = config self.simulation = simulation def repr_debug(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ def run(self, process_number: int=None, process_count: int=None): raise NotImplementedError() class Event(BaseObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def repr_debug(self) -> str: return self.__class__.__name__ class Behaviour(BaseObject): def run(self, data): raise NotImplementedError() class SubjectBehaviour(Behaviour): frequency = 1 use = [] # type: typing.List[typing.Type[SubjectMechanism]] def __init__( self, config: Config, simulation: Simulation, subject: Subject, ): self.config = config self.simulation = simulation self.subject = subject def run(self, data): """ Method called in subprocess. If return equivalent to False, behaviour produce nothing. If return equivalent to True, action bahaviour method will be called with these data Note: Returned data will be transfered from sub processes. Prefer scalar types. """ raise NotImplementedError() # TODO Test it and change to strictly False def action(self, data) -> [Event]: """ Method called in main process Return events will be give to terminals """ raise NotImplementedError() class SimulationBehaviour(Behaviour): frequency = 1 use = [] def __init__( self, config: Config, simulation: Simulation, ): self.config = config self.simulation = simulation def run(self, data): """ Method called in subprocess if mechanisms are parallelizable, in main process if not. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def merge_data(cls, new_data, start_data=None): """ Called if behaviour executed in subprocess """ raise NotImplementedError() def action(self, data) -> [Event]: """ Method called in main process Return events will be give to terminals """ raise NotImplementedError() class SubjectBehaviourSelector(BaseObject): def reduce_behaviours( self, behaviours: typing.Dict[typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour], object], ) -> typing.Dict[typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour], object]: return behaviours