# coding: utf-8 import typing from math import acos from math import degrees from math import sqrt from synergine2.exceptions import SynergineException from synergine2.share import shared from synergine2.simulation import Subject """ Positions are exprimed as tuple: (x, y, z) Considering start point at top left: Z # # # #-------------> X |. | . | . | Y """ COLLECTION_XYZ = 'COLLECTION_XYZ' NORTH = 11 NORTH_EST = 12 EST = 15 SOUTH_EST = 18 SOUTH = 17 SOUTH_WEST = 16 WEST = 13 NORTH_WEST = 10 DIRECTIONS = ( NORTH, NORTH_EST, EST, SOUTH_EST, SOUTH, SOUTH_WEST, WEST, NORTH_WEST, ) DIRECTION_FROM_NORTH_DEGREES = { (0, 22.5): NORTH, (22.5, 67): NORTH_EST, (67, 112.5): EST, (112.5, 157.5): SOUTH_EST, (157.5, 202.5): SOUTH, (202.5, 247.5): SOUTH_WEST, (247.5, 292.5): WEST, (292.5, 337.5): NORTH_WEST, (337.5, 360): NORTH, (337.5, 0): NORTH } DIRECTION_SLIGHTLY = { NORTH: (NORTH_WEST, NORTH, NORTH_EST), NORTH_EST: (NORTH, NORTH_EST, EST), EST: (NORTH_EST, EST, SOUTH_EST), SOUTH_EST: (EST, SOUTH_EST, SOUTH), SOUTH: (SOUTH_EST, SOUTH, SOUTH_WEST), SOUTH_WEST: (SOUTH, SOUTH_WEST, WEST), WEST: (SOUTH_WEST, WEST, NORTH_WEST), NORTH_WEST: (WEST, NORTH_WEST, NORTH), } DIRECTION_MODIFIERS = { NORTH_WEST: (-1, -1, 0), NORTH: (0, -1, 0), NORTH_EST: (1, -1, 0), WEST: (-1, 0, 0), EST: (1, 0, 0), SOUTH_WEST: (-1, 1, 0), SOUTH: (0, 1, 0), SOUTH_EST: (1, 1, 0), } class XYZException(SynergineException): pass class PositionNotPossible(XYZException): pass def get_degree_from_north(a, b): if a == b: return 0 ax, ay = a[0], a[1] bx, by = b[0], b[1] Dx, Dy = ax, ay - 1 ab = sqrt((bx - ax) ** 2 + (by - ay) ** 2) aD = sqrt((Dx - ax) ** 2 + (Dy - ay) ** 2) Db = sqrt((bx - Dx) ** 2 + (by - Dy) ** 2) degs = degrees(acos((ab ** 2 + aD ** 2 - Db ** 2) / (2 * ab * aD))) if bx < ax: return 360 - degs return degs class XYZSubjectMixinMetaClass(type): def __init__(cls, name, parents, attribs): super().__init__(name, parents, attribs) collections = getattr(cls, "collections", []) if COLLECTION_XYZ not in collections: collections.append(COLLECTION_XYZ) class XYZSubjectMixin(object, metaclass=XYZSubjectMixinMetaClass): position = shared.create(['{id}', 'counter'], (0, 0, 0)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param position: tuple with (x, y, z) """ position = None try: position = kwargs.pop('position') except KeyError: pass self.previous_direction = None # TODO: shared super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if position: self.position = position class ProximityMixin(object): distance = 1 feel_collections = [COLLECTION_XYZ] direction_round_decimals = 0 distance_round_decimals = 2 def have_to_check_position_is_possible(self) -> bool: return True def get_for_position( self, position, simulation: 'XYZSimulation', exclude_subject: Subject=None, ): subjects = [] for feel_collection in self.feel_collections: # TODO: Optimiser en calculant directement les positions alentours et # en regardant si elles sont occupés dans subjects.xyz par un subject # etant dans fell_collection for subject_id in simulation.collections.get(feel_collection, []): subject = simulation.get_or_create_subject(subject_id) if subject.id == exclude_subject.id: continue if self.have_to_check_position_is_possible() and not simulation.is_possible_position(subject.position): continue distance = round( self.get_distance_of( position=position, subject=subject, ), self.distance_round_decimals, ) if distance <= self.distance and self.acceptable_subject(subject): direction = round( get_degree_from_north( position, subject.position, ), self.direction_round_decimals, ) subjects.append({ 'subject_id': subject.id, 'direction': direction, 'distance': distance, }) return subjects @classmethod def get_distance_of(cls, position, subject: XYZSubjectMixin): from synergine2_xyz.utils import get_distance_between_points # cyclic import return get_distance_between_points( position, subject.position, ) def acceptable_subject(self, subject: Subject) -> bool: return True def get_direction_from_north_degree(degree: float): for range, direction in DIRECTION_FROM_NORTH_DEGREES.items(): if range[0] <= degree <= range[1]: return direction raise Exception('Degree {} out of range ({})'.format( degree, DIRECTION_FROM_NORTH_DEGREES, )) def get_neighbor_positions(position: typing.Tuple[int, int]) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int]]: neighbors = [] for modifier_x, modifier_y, modifier_z in DIRECTION_MODIFIERS.values(): neighbors.append((position[0] + modifier_x, position[1] + modifier_y)) return neighbors