
  1. # coding: utf-8
  2. import typing
  3. from random import choice
  5. from sandbox.engulf.exceptions import NotFoundWhereToGo
  6. from synergine2.simulation import Event
  7. from synergine2.simulation import SubjectBehaviour, SimulationMechanism, SimulationBehaviour, SubjectBehaviourSelector
  8. from synergine2.utils import ChunkManager
  10. get_direction_from_north_degree
  11. from synergine2_xyz.mechanism import ProximitySubjectMechanism
  12. from synergine2_xyz.utils import get_around_positions_of_positions, get_position_for_direction
  13. # Import for typing hint
  14. if False:
  15. from sandbox.engulf.subject import Grass
  16. from sandbox.engulf.subject import PreyCell
  17. class GrassGrownUp(Event):
  18. def __init__(self, subject_id, density, *args, **kwargs):
  19. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  20. self.subject_id = subject_id
  21. self.density = density
  22. def repr_debug(self) -> str:
  23. return '{}: subject_id:{}, density:{}'.format(
  24. self.__class__.__name__,
  25. self.subject_id,
  26. self.density,
  27. )
  28. class GrassSpawn(Event):
  29. def __init__(self, subject_id, position, density, *args, **kwargs):
  30. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  31. self.subject_id = subject_id
  32. self.position = position
  33. self.density = density
  34. def repr_debug(self) -> str:
  35. return '{}: subject_id:{}, position:{}, density:{}'.format(
  36. self.__class__.__name__,
  37. self.subject_id,
  38. self.position,
  39. self.density,
  40. )
  41. class GrassSpotablePositionsMechanism(SimulationMechanism):
  42. parallelizable = True
  43. def run(self, process_number: int=None, process_count: int=None):
  44. chunk_manager = ChunkManager(process_count)
  45. positions = list(self.simulation.subjects.grass_xyz.keys())
  46. positions_chunks = chunk_manager.make_chunks(positions)
  47. spotables = []
  48. for position in positions_chunks[process_number]:
  49. arounds = get_around_positions_of_positions(position)
  50. from_subject = self.simulation.subjects.grass_xyz[position][0]
  51. around_data = {
  52. 'from_subject': from_subject,
  53. 'around': [],
  54. }
  55. for around in arounds:
  56. if around not in self.simulation.subjects.grass_xyz and self.simulation.is_possible_position(around):
  57. around_data['around'].append(around)
  58. if around_data['around']:
  59. spotables.append(around_data)
  60. return spotables
  61. class GrowUp(SubjectBehaviour):
  62. frequency = 20
  63. def run(self, data):
  64. return True
  65. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  66. self.subject.density += 1
  67. return [GrassGrownUp(
  69. self.subject.density,
  70. )]
  71. class GrassSpawnBehaviour(SimulationBehaviour):
  72. frequency = 100
  73. use = [GrassSpotablePositionsMechanism]
  74. def run(self, data):
  75. spawns = []
  76. for around_data in data[GrassSpotablePositionsMechanism]:
  77. from_subject = around_data['from_subject']
  78. arounds = around_data['around']
  79. if from_subject.density >= 40:
  80. spawns.extend(arounds)
  81. return spawns
  82. @classmethod
  83. def merge_data(cls, new_data, start_data=None):
  84. start_data = start_data or []
  85. start_data.extend(new_data)
  86. return start_data
  87. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  88. from sandbox.engulf.subject import Grass # cyclic
  89. events = []
  90. for position in data:
  91. if position not in list(self.simulation.subjects.grass_xyz.keys()):
  92. new_grass = Grass(
  93. config=self.config,
  94. simulation=self.simulation,
  95. position=position,
  96. density=20,
  97. )
  98. self.simulation.subjects.append(new_grass)
  99. events.append(GrassSpawn(
  101. new_grass.position,
  102. new_grass.density,
  103. ))
  104. return events
  105. class GrassEatableDirectProximityMechanism(ProximitySubjectMechanism):
  106. distance = 1.41 # distance when on angle
  107. feel_collections = [COLLECTION_GRASS]
  108. def acceptable_subject(self, subject: 'Grass') -> bool:
  109. return subject.density >= self.config.simulation.eat_grass_required_density
  110. class PreyEatableDirectProximityMechanism(ProximitySubjectMechanism):
  111. distance = 1.41 # distance when on angle
  112. feel_collections = [COLLECTION_CELL]
  113. def acceptable_subject(self, subject: 'PreyCell') -> bool:
  114. # TODO: N'attaquer que des "herbivores" ?
  115. from sandbox.engulf.subject import PreyCell # cyclic
  116. return isinstance(subject, PreyCell)
  117. class MoveTo(Event):
  118. def __init__(self, subject_id: int, position: tuple, *args, **kwargs):
  119. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  120. self.subject_id = subject_id
  121. self.position = position
  122. def repr_debug(self) -> str:
  123. return '{}: subject_id:{}, position:{}'.format(
  124. type(self).__name__,
  125. self.subject_id,
  126. self.position,
  127. )
  128. class EatEvent(Event):
  129. def __init__(self, eaten_id: int, eater_id: int, eaten_new_density: float, *args, **kwargs):
  130. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  131. self.eaten_id = eaten_id
  132. self.eater_id = eater_id
  133. self.eaten_new_density = eaten_new_density
  134. class EatenEvent(Event):
  135. def __init__(self, eaten_id: int, *args, **kwargs):
  136. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  137. self.eaten_id = eaten_id
  138. class AttackEvent(Event):
  139. def __init__(self, attacker_id: int, attacked_id: int, *args, **kwargs):
  140. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
  141. self.attacker_id = attacker_id
  142. self.attacked_id = attacked_id
  143. class SearchFood(SubjectBehaviour):
  144. mechanism_data_class = NotImplemented
  145. def get_required_appetite(self) -> float:
  146. raise NotImplementedError()
  147. def run(self, data):
  148. if self.subject.appetite < self.get_required_appetite():
  149. return False
  150. if not data[self.mechanism_data_class]:
  151. return False
  152. direction_degrees = [d['direction'] for d in data[self.mechanism_data_class]]
  153. return get_direction_from_north_degree(choice(direction_degrees))
  154. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  155. direction = data
  156. position = get_position_for_direction(self.subject.position, direction)
  157. self.subject.position = position
  158. self.subject.previous_direction = direction
  159. return [MoveTo(, position)]
  160. class SearchGrass(SearchFood):
  161. """
  162. Si une nourriture a une case de distance et cellule non rassasié, move dans sa direction.
  163. """
  164. use = [GrassEatableDirectProximityMechanism]
  165. mechanism_data_class = use[0]
  166. def get_required_appetite(self) -> float:
  167. return self.config.simulation.search_food_appetite_required
  168. class SearchPrey(SearchFood):
  169. """
  170. Si une nourriture a une case de distance et cellule non rassasié, move dans sa direction.
  171. """
  172. use = [PreyEatableDirectProximityMechanism]
  173. mechanism_data_class = use[0]
  174. def get_required_appetite(self) -> float:
  175. return self.config.simulation.search_and_attack_prey_apetite_required
  176. class EatGrass(SubjectBehaviour):
  177. def run(self, data):
  178. if self.subject.appetite < self.config.simulation.eat_grass_required_density:
  179. return False
  180. for grass in self.simulation.collections.get(COLLECTION_GRASS, []):
  181. # TODO: Use simulation/xyz pre calculated indexes
  182. if grass.position == self.subject.position:
  183. return
  184. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  185. subject_id = data
  186. grass = self.simulation.subjects.index[subject_id] # TODO: cas ou grass disparu ?
  187. grass.density -= self.config.simulation.eat_grass_density_reduction
  188. self.subject.appetite -= self.config.simulation.eat_grass_appetite_reduction
  189. # TODO: Comment mettre des logs (ne peuvent pas être passé aux subprocess)?
  190. return [EatEvent(
  192. eaten_id=subject_id,
  193. eaten_new_density=grass.density,
  194. )]
  195. class EatPrey(SubjectBehaviour):
  196. def run(self, data):
  197. if self.subject.appetite < self.config.simulation.search_and_attack_prey_apetite_required:
  198. return False
  199. for prey in self.simulation.collections.get(COLLECTION_PREY, []):
  200. # TODO: Use simulation/xyz pre calculated indexes
  201. if prey.position == self.subject.position:
  202. return
  203. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  204. subject_id = data
  205. # Cell already eaten ?
  206. if subject_id not in self.simulation.subjects.index:
  207. return []
  208. prey = self.simulation.subjects.index[subject_id]
  209. self.simulation.subjects.remove(prey)
  210. self.subject.appetite -= self.config.simulation.eat_prey_required_density
  211. return [EatenEvent(
  213. )]
  214. class Explore(SubjectBehaviour):
  215. """
  216. Produit un mouvement au hasard (ou un immobilisme)
  217. """
  218. use = []
  219. def run(self, data):
  220. # TODO: Il faut pouvoir dire tel behaviour concerne que tel collections
  221. if COLLECTION_ALIVE not in self.subject.collections:
  222. return False
  223. return True
  224. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  225. try:
  226. position, direction = self.get_random_position_and_direction()
  227. self.subject.position = position
  228. self.subject.previous_direction = direction
  229. return [MoveTo(, position)]
  230. except NotFoundWhereToGo:
  231. return []
  232. def get_random_position_and_direction(self) -> tuple:
  233. attempts = 0
  234. while attempts <= 5:
  235. attempts += 1
  236. direction = self.get_random_direction()
  237. position = get_position_for_direction(self.subject.position, direction)
  238. if self.simulation.is_possible_subject_position(self.subject, position):
  239. return position, direction
  240. # If blocked, permit any direction (not slightly)
  241. if attempts >= 3:
  242. self.subject.previous_direction = None
  243. raise NotFoundWhereToGo()
  244. def get_random_direction(self):
  245. if not self.subject.previous_direction:
  246. return choice(DIRECTIONS)
  247. return choice(DIRECTION_SLIGHTLY[self.subject.previous_direction])
  248. class Hungry(SubjectBehaviour):
  249. def run(self, data):
  250. return True
  251. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  252. self.subject.appetite += self.config.simulation.hungry_reduction
  253. return []
  254. def get_random_direction(self):
  255. if not self.subject.previous_direction:
  256. return choice(DIRECTIONS)
  257. return choice(DIRECTION_SLIGHTLY[self.subject.previous_direction])
  258. class Attack(SubjectBehaviour):
  259. use = [PreyEatableDirectProximityMechanism]
  260. def run(self, data):
  261. if self.subject.appetite < self.config.simulation.search_and_attack_prey_apetite_required:
  262. return False
  263. eatable_datas = data[PreyEatableDirectProximityMechanism]
  264. attackable_datas = []
  265. for eatable_data in eatable_datas:
  266. if COLLECTION_ALIVE in eatable_data['subject'].collections:
  267. attackable_datas.append(eatable_data)
  268. if attackable_datas:
  269. return choice(attackable_datas)
  270. return False
  271. def action(self, data) -> [Event]:
  272. attacked = self.simulation.subjects.index[data['subject'].id]
  273. try:
  274. # TODO il faut automatiser/Refactoriser le fait de retirer/ajouter un collection
  275. self.simulation.collections[COLLECTION_ALIVE].remove(attacked)
  276. attacked.collections.remove(COLLECTION_ALIVE)
  277. except ValueError:
  278. pass # On considere qu'il a ete tué par une autre, TODO: en être sur ?
  279. return [AttackEvent(, attacked_id=data['subject'].id)]
  280. class CellBehaviourSelector(SubjectBehaviourSelector):
  281. # If behaviour in sublist, only one be kept in sublist
  282. behaviour_hierarchy = ( # TODO: refact it
  283. (
  284. EatPrey,
  285. EatGrass, # TODO: Introduce priority with appetite
  286. Attack,
  287. SearchPrey,
  288. SearchGrass, # TODO: Introduce priority with appetite
  289. Explore,
  290. ),
  291. )
  292. def reduce_behaviours(
  293. self,
  294. behaviours: typing.Dict[typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour], object],
  295. ) -> typing.Dict[typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour], object]:
  296. reduced_behaviours = {} # type: typing.Dict[typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour], object]
  297. for behaviour_class, behaviour_data in behaviours.items():
  298. if not self.behaviour_class_in_sublist(behaviour_class):
  299. reduced_behaviours[behaviour_class] = behaviour_data
  300. elif self.behaviour_class_is_prior(behaviour_class, behaviours):
  301. reduced_behaviours[behaviour_class] = behaviour_data
  302. return reduced_behaviours
  303. def behaviour_class_in_sublist(self, behaviour_class: typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour]) -> bool:
  304. for sublist in self.behaviour_hierarchy:
  305. if behaviour_class in sublist:
  306. return True
  307. return False
  308. def behaviour_class_is_prior(
  309. self,
  310. behaviour_class: typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour],
  311. behaviours: typing.Dict[typing.Type[SubjectBehaviour], object],
  312. ) -> bool:
  313. for sublist in self.behaviour_hierarchy:
  314. if behaviour_class in sublist:
  315. behaviour_position = sublist.index(behaviour_class)
  316. other_behaviour_top_position = self.get_other_behaviour_top_position(
  317. behaviour_class,
  318. behaviours,
  319. sublist,
  320. )
  321. if other_behaviour_top_position is not None and behaviour_position > other_behaviour_top_position:
  322. return False
  323. return True
  324. def get_other_behaviour_top_position(
  325. self,
  326. exclude_behaviour_class,
  327. behaviours,
  328. sublist,
  329. ) -> typing.Union[None, int]:
  330. position = None
  331. for behaviour_class in behaviours.keys():
  332. if behaviour_class != exclude_behaviour_class:
  333. try:
  334. behaviour_position = sublist.index(behaviour_class)
  335. if position is None or behaviour_position < position:
  336. position = behaviour_position
  337. except ValueError:
  338. pass
  339. return position