
  1. """
  2. Engulf is simulation containing:
  3. * Subjects who need to:
  4. * eat
  5. * low energy ground stuff
  6. * other alive subjects
  7. * other dead subjects
  8. * sleep
  9. * want to be not alone
  10. * with non aggressive subjects
  11. * want to be alone
  12. * reproduce
  13. * with non aggressive subjects
  14. * and transmit tendencies because their cultures can be
  15. * eat: - eat background stuff, + eat subjects
  16. * alone/not alone: - be alone + not alone
  17. """
  18. from random import randint, seed
  19. from sandbox.engulf.behaviour import GrassGrownUp
  20. from sandbox.engulf.subject import Cell, Grass, COLLECTION_GRASS
  21. from synergine2.core import Core
  22. from synergine2.cycle import CycleManager
  23. from synergine2.terminals import TerminalManager, Terminal, TerminalPackage
  24. from import Simulation
  25. from sandbox.engulf.simulation import EngulfSubjects
  26. from synergine2.xyz_utils import get_around_positions_of, get_distance_between_points
  27. class Engulf(Simulation):
  28. pass
  29. class GameTerminal(Terminal):
  30. subscribed_events = [
  31. GrassGrownUp,
  32. ]
  33. def __init__(self):
  34. super().__init__()
  35. self.gui = None
  36. def receive(self, package: TerminalPackage):
  37. self.gui.before_received(package)
  38. super().receive(package)
  39. self.gui.after_received(package)
  40. def run(self):
  41. from sandbox.engulf import gui
  42. self.gui = gui.Game(self)
  44. def fill_with_random_cells(
  45. subjects: EngulfSubjects,
  46. count: int,
  47. start_position: tuple,
  48. end_position: tuple,
  49. ) -> None:
  50. cells = []
  51. while len(cells) < count:
  52. position = (
  53. randint(start_position[0], end_position[0]+1),
  54. randint(start_position[1], end_position[1]+1),
  55. randint(start_position[2], end_position[2]+1),
  56. )
  57. if position not in subjects.cell_xyz:
  58. cell = Cell(
  59. simulation=subjects.simulation,
  60. position=position,
  61. )
  62. cells.append(cell)
  63. subjects.append(cell)
  64. def fill_with_random_grass(
  65. subjects: EngulfSubjects,
  66. start_count: int,
  67. start_position: tuple,
  68. end_position: tuple,
  69. density: int=5,
  70. ) -> None:
  71. grasses = []
  72. while len(grasses) < start_count:
  73. position = (
  74. randint(start_position[0], end_position[0]+1),
  75. randint(start_position[1], end_position[1]+1),
  76. randint(start_position[2], end_position[2]+1),
  77. )
  78. if position not in subjects.grass_xyz:
  79. grass = Grass(
  80. simulation=subjects.simulation,
  81. position=position,
  82. )
  83. grasses.append(grass)
  84. subjects.append(grass)
  85. for grass in grasses:
  86. for around in get_around_positions_of(grass.position, distance=density):
  87. if around not in subjects.grass_xyz:
  88. new_grass = Grass(
  89. simulation=subjects.simulation,
  90. position=around,
  91. )
  92. distance = get_distance_between_points(around, grass.position)
  93. new_grass.density = 100 - round((distance * 100) / 7)
  94. subjects.append(new_grass)
  95. def main():
  96. seed(0)
  97. simulation = Engulf()
  98. subjects = EngulfSubjects(simulation=simulation)
  99. fill_with_random_cells(
  100. subjects,
  101. 30,
  102. (-34, -34, 0),
  103. (34, 34, 0),
  104. )
  105. fill_with_random_grass(
  106. subjects,
  107. 5,
  108. (-34, -34, 0),
  109. (34, 34, 0),
  110. )
  111. simulation.subjects = subjects
  112. core = Core(
  113. simulation=simulation,
  114. cycle_manager=CycleManager(simulation=simulation),
  115. terminal_manager=TerminalManager([GameTerminal()]),
  116. )
  118. if __name__ == '__main__':
  119. main()