# How to use webdav from different OS ? ## Windows ### Windows 7 - Open Start Menu. - Click on Computer. - click on "Map network drive". ### Windows 8 and 10 - Open File explorer. - Right click on "This PC" (left panel) - From the dropdown menu, select "Map network drive". ### Map Network drive Windows: Webdav Windows addresses are similar to: ``` https:///webdav/ (secure) http:///webdav/ (unsecure) ``` - Enter the address of webdav (you can find it in each workspace, under workspace details) - Check "Reconnect at sign-in" and "Connect using different credentials". - Click "Finish". - Your login/password will be ask. Use your Tracim credentials. - After that, your webdav access should be mounted. ### Unsecure HTTP using Windows If you want to use webdav with tracim without https, you need to set Windows to accept basic auth in http. To enable it: - Launch regedit. - Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel". - set "BasicAuthLevel" to "2". ### Fix Windows Big file >50Mb file download. To avoid security problems, Windows doesn't allow to download >50Mb file by default from WebDAV share. To change file size limit of Windows : - Launch regedit. - Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters". - set "FileSizeLimitInBytes" as DWORD decimal to the number of bytes needed, for example. 1Go is 1073741824, 500Mo is 524288000. see here for more info: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/900900/folder-copy-error-message-when-downloading-a-file-that-is-larger-than ### Fix Windows 30 Minutes timeout with big file. Windows add also a 30 minutes timeout for big file. If you want download who take more time, set the default timeout value. To set the default timeout value: - Launch regedit. - Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MRxDAV\Parameters" - set "FsCtlRequestTimeoutInSec" DWORD decimal to more than 1800 second (30Min). for example : 3600 : 1H , 14400 : 4H , 86400 : A day (24H). see here more info: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/2668751/you-cannot-download-more-than-50-mb-or-upload-large-files-when-the-upl ## OSX Webdav OSX addresses are similar to: ``` https:///webdav/ (secure) http:///webdav/ (unsecure) ``` - In the Finder, choose "Go > Connect to Server". - Enter the address of webdav (you can find it in each workspace, under workspace details). Click Connect. - Your login/password will be ask. Use your Tracim credentials. - After that, your webdav access should be mounted. ## Linux Webdav Linux addresses are similar to: ``` davs:///webdav/ (secure) dav:///webdav/ (unsecure) ``` ### Gnome3 (nautilus) - Launch nautilus. - Show url bar : Ctrl+l. - Enter the address of webdav (you can find it in each workspace, under workspace details). Press Enter. - Your login/password will be ask. Use your Tracim credentials. - After that, your webdav access should be mounted.