# Introduction to POD # Pod is collaborative software designed to allow people to work on and share various data and document types. It is [AGPL licenced](http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Affero_General_Public_License) software. Pod is licensed under the terms of the [GNU Affero General Public License](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt) as published by the [Free Software Foundation](http://www.fsf.org/). It is currently unstable, it is recommended to use it for test purpose only. It's a python 3 web application based on [TurboGears](http://www.turbogears.org/); it uses [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org/) as storage engine. ## Features ## * Data and document sharing: text documents, files, contact, calendar, comments * Data and document status * Full traceability * Access control management, document granularity. It allows to keep private and shared data in the same place. The ACL is based on share with groups or individual users. ## Give it a try ## ### Online demo ### The fastest way to test it is to test the demo: * http://demo.archipeldata.com * login: demo@localhost * password: demo ### Install your own instance ### The other way to test it is to install it on your computer. See documentation below. ## Installation ## ### Dependencies### Note: the following information is for Debian. For other OS, adapt the package names. You'll need to install the following packages: apt-get install realpath python3 python-virtualenv python3-dev python-pip build-essential postgresql-server-dev-all If you work on a local database, then you also need to install PostgreSQL: apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client ### Get the source ### Get the sources from Bitbucket: git clone https://bitbucket.org/lebouquetin/pod.git **Note: Now everything is documented to be executed from the pod directory newly created.** ### Setup a database ### #### Allowing local connections on PostgreSQL #### Check the pg_hba.conf file, it should allow connection for user/pass through loopback IP address. The file should include the following configuration: # IPv4 local connections: host all all md5 Note: on Debian, the pg\_hba file is found at /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf If you changed the file, reload PostgreSQL: service postgresql reload #### Create a new database and user on PostgreSQL #### We suppose you will create a user named _poduser_ with passowrd _podpassword_ and a database _poddb_ First login as root, then su as postgre and run a PostgreSQL client: root@hostname:~# su postgres postgres@hostname:/root$ psql psql (9.1.13) Type "help" for help. postgres=# Now, type the following commands: CREATE ROLE poduser WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'podpassword'; CREATE DATABASE poddb OWNER poduser; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE poddb TO poduser; At the end, you can quit the psql client by running the \q quit command: postgres=# \q postgres@mozart:/root$ #### Test the database access #### You can test your newly created user by running the following command: psql -h -W -U poduser poddb -c 'SELECT NOW();' The result should be similar to: user@hostname:~$ psql -h -W -U poduser poddb -c 'SELECT NOW();' Password for user poduser: now ------------------------------- 2014-06-16 11:35:48.590838+02 (1 row) #### Setup the database schema and initial data #### Your database is now ready. Fill it with the required schema and data by importing SQL: psql -h -W -U poduser poddb < doc/database/pod-init-database.sql You can test it through the following command: user@hostname:~$ psql -h -W -U poduser poddb -c 'SELECT * from pod_user;' You should find the admin@localhost user entry. ### Setup python virtualenv ### Pod uses virtualenv as deployment environment. This ensure that there will be no conflict between system-wide python modules and pod required ones. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 tg2env source tg2env/bin/activate cd pod && python setup.py develop && cd - pip install -r install/requirements.txt Notes: * Debian: you may get errors with stevedore/pbr which is not supported by python 3.2 (debian version of python 3). This is not a real problem * Ubuntu (at least 14.04): you should remove _distribute_ and _wsgiref _ from the requirements.txt file ### Create configuration ### cp pod/development.ini.base pod/development.ini Configure database in the development.ini file. This is defined as sqlalchemy.url and the default value is below: sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://pod_user:pod_user_password@ ### Running Pod as standalone ### Now you can run the standalone server: ./bin/run.sh Which should result in something like this: 13:53:49,982 INFO [gearbox] Starting subprocess with file monitor 13:53:50,646 WARNI [py.warnings] /tmp/pod/protov1/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/tw2/core/validation.py:12: ImportWarning: Not importing directory '/tmp/pod/protov1/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/tw2/core/i18n': missing __init__.py from .i18n import _ 13:53:50,862 INFO [gearbox] Starting server in PID 11174. Starting HTTP server on You can now enter the application at [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) and login: * user : admin@localhost * password : admin Enjoy :) ### Running Pod through Apache WSGI ### #### Dependencies #### Install dependencies: apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 #### WSGI configuration #### Example of Apache WSGI configuration. This configuration refers to productionapp.wsgi which is a copy of the file *app.wsgi* available in the repo. (this file has to be updated to match with your environment and installation) ServerAdmin webmaster@archipeldata.com ServerName demo.archipeldata.com WSGIProcessGroup pod WSGIDaemonProcess pod user=www-data group=adm threads=4 python-path=/opt/podinstall/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/podinstall/pod/productionapp.wsgi #Serve static files directly without TurboGears Alias /img /opt/podinstall/pod/pod/public/img/ Alias /favicon.ico /opt/podinstall/pod/pod/public/favicon.ico Alias /css /opt/podinstall/pod/pod/public/css Alias /javascript /opt/podinstall/pod/pod/public/javascript CustomLog /var/log/apache2/demopod-access.log combined ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/demopod-error.log LogLevel debug ### Help required ### If you need help, contact us. If you want to help, contact us. So... contact us ;) Damien Accorsi - damien.accorsi@free.fr