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Join Tracim community : http://tracim.org ## Use-cases ## ### Collaborate with clients ### Share information with your clients. In the same place you will be able to share trouble-shooting threads, files and general information. You can define who the information is shared with. Example: share the documentation with all your users, run a forum open to your clients, another forum for your collaborators and share troubleshooting threads with each of your clients in a private workspace. ### Run a community of experts or passionate people ### Collaborate and share experience and stimulate knowledge growth. In a unique place, you centralize files and threads, and raw information too. Every collaborator can update the information status. Stop worrying about information loss: the traceability is at the hearth of Tracim. The newcomers knowledge growth is easy because all information has a status and full history. You get the status of information and know how it got there. ### Work on quality-driven projects ### In quality-driven projects like research and development, knowledge and quality are more important that task ownership and deadlines. With Tracim, you centralize information, you can stay in touch by configuring your email notifications and work on several projects. ### Manage documents and files ### Traceability and versionning are very important for high-quality processes. Unfortunately, specialized software are hard to setup and to use. Let's try Tracim ! You define access-control for each workspace and store documents and file there. Users can't delete information: everything is versionned and never deleted. The user interface is easy to use: it's based on the well-known folders and files explorer paradigm. ---- # Tracim - the software # ## Licence ## Tracim is licensed under the terms of the [GNU Affero General Public License](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt) as published by the [Free Software Foundation](http://www.fsf.org/). ## Technical information ## Tracim is a web application: * developed with python >=3.4. * based on the [TurboGears](http://www.turbogears.org/) web framework. * relying on [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org/) or [MySQL](https://www.mysql.fr/) or [sqlite](https://www.sqlite.org/) as the storage engine. The user interface is based on the following resources and technologies: * [Mako](http://www.makotemplates.org/) templating engine (server-side) * [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) * [jQuery](http://wwwjquery.corm) * Icons are taken from [Tango Icons](http://tango.freedesktop.org/) and [Font Awesome](http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/) * The design is based on the [Bootstrap dashboard example](http://getbootstrap.com/examples/dashboard/) and uses some images from [Start Boostrap free templates](http://startbootstrap.com/) It runs on [Debian GNU/Linux](http://www.debian.org/), it should work out-of-the-box on [Ubuntu](http://www.ubuntu.com/) and also on other GNU/Linux distributions. Hopefully it works on BSD and Windows OSes (but this has not been tested yet). ---- # Use it (or give it a try) # ## Online Demo ## The easiest way to test Tracim is to test it through the online demo: * [http://demo.tracim.fr](http://demo.tracim.fr) * login as admin: admin@admin.admin * password: admin@admin.admin ## Ask for a dedicated instance ## If you want your own dedicated instance but do not want to manage it by yourself, let's contact me at damien.accorsi@free.fr ## Install Tracim on your server ## Following the installation documentation below, you'll be able to run your own instance on your server. ---- # Installation # ## Dependencies ## _Note: the following information is for Debian. For other OS, adapt the package names._ You'll need to install the following packages on your Operating System: apt-get install git realpath python3 python-virtualenv python3-dev python-pip build-essential libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-lxml ## Database ## If you want use PostgreSQL as database engine: apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql postgresql-client Or if you want to use MySQL as database engine apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev Or if you want to use SQLite as database engine apt-get install sqlite3 ## Installation ## ### Get the source ### Get the sources from github with git: git clone https://github.com/tracim/tracim.git cd tracim/ *Note: Now everything is documented to be executed from the tracim directory newly created.* ### Setting-up python virtualenv ### _Reminder : Tracim is developed and tested using python3.4._ We strongly recommend to use virtualenv as deployment environment. This ensure that there will be no conflict between system-wide python installation and Tracim required ones. To Create the virtual environment: virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.4 tg2env And to activate it in your terminal session (**all tracim command execution must be executed under this virtual environment**)): source tg2env/bin/activate To install tracim and it's dependencies: cd tracim && python setup.py develop && cd - pip install -r install/requirements.txt **Note**: If you want to use MySQL database, please refer to Configuration/database schema note to install required package. ## Database Setup ## ### Minimalist introduction to PostgreSQL ### If you already use/know PostgreSQL, you can directly go to *Test the database access*. #### Allowing local connections on PostgreSQL #### PostgreSQL stores connections ahtorization in *pg\_hba.conf* Edit the pg_hba.conf file and check that connectionx from are allowed using user/password. You should find the following line in the file: # IPv4 local connections: host all all md5 Note: on Debian, the *pg\_hba.conf* file is found at */etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg\_hba.conf* If you changed the file, reload PostgreSQL: service postgresql reload #### Creating a user and associated database #### You need a database and associated user/password. Tracim comes with a tool that will make this step easy : pgtool. ~/tracim$ ./bin/pgtool help login as *postgres* user and run the follwoing commands (which are self explanatory) ./bin/pgtool create_user tracimuser tracimpassword ./bin/pgtool create_database tracimdb ./bin/pgtool grant_all_privileges tracimdb tracimuser Notes : * in order to login as postgres user, su as root (with your password) then su postgres. * pgtool also offers options to delete users / databases. Run *./bin/pgtool help* for more information #### Test the database access #### So, now you have a database and an associated user/password. A good habit is to test things before to use them, that's why we want to test the database access now. This is easily done with tracim pgtool : ./bin/pgtool test_connection tracimdb tracimuser tracimpassword The result is similar to the following : PG # CONNECT TO DATABASE ------------------------ server: database: tracimdb username: bibi now ------------------------------- 2014-11-10 09:40:23.306199+01 (1 row) In case of failure, you would get something like this: PG # CONNECT TO DATABASE ------------------------ server: database: tracimdb username: bibi psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "bibi" FATAL: password authentication failed for user "bibi" ERRROR In this case, delete the user and database you previously created (using pgtool) and do it again. Do not forget to run the grant_all_rights command! ### Minimalist introduction to MySQL ### ## Create database ## Connect to mysql with root user (password has been set at "Installation" -> "Dependencies" chapter, when installing package) mysql -u root -p Create a database with following command: CREATE DATABASE tracimdb; Create a user with following command: CREATE USER 'tracimuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'tracimpassword'; And allow him to manipulate created database with following command: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tracimdb . * TO 'tracimuser'@'localhost'; Then flush privileges: FLUSH PRIVILEGES; You can now quit mysql prompt: \q ## Configuration ## At this point, you have : * an installation of Tracim with its dedicated python3-ready virtualenv * a PostgreSQL/MySQL server and dedicated database (if you don't use sqlite) What you have to do now is to configure the application and to initialize the database content. ### Create configuration ### cp tracim/development.ini.base tracim/development.ini You can now edit the file and setup required files. Here are the main ones: #### Database access #### Configure database in the development.ini file. This is defined as sqlalchemy.url. There is an example value for PostgreSQL below: sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://tracimuser:tracimpassword@ There is an example value for MySQL below (please refer to Configuration/database schema note to install required package): sqlalchemy.url = mysql+oursql://tracimuser:tracimpassword@ There is an example value for SQLite below : sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///tracimdb.sqlite #### Listening port Default configuration is to listen on port 8080. If you want to adapt this to your environment, edit the .ini file and setup the port you want: port = 8080 #### Interface language The default language is English. You can change it to French by uncommenting the following line in the .ini file: lang = fr #### SMTP parameters for resetpassword and notifications for technical reason, you have to configure SMTP parameters for rest password process and SMTP parameters for notifications in separate places. The reset password related parameters are the follwoing ones : resetpassword.email_sender = tracim@mycompany.com resetpassword.smtp_host = smtp.mycompany.com resetpassword.smtp_port = 25 resetpassword.smtp_login = username resetpassword.smtp_passwd = password The main parameters for notifications are the following ones: email.notification.activated = true email.notification.from = Tracim Notification email.notification.smtp.server = smtp.mycompany.com email.notification.smtp.port = 25 email.notification.smtp.user = username email.notification.smtp.password = password #### Website #### You must define general parameters like the base_url and the website title which are required for home page and email notification links website.title = My Company Intranet website.base_url = http://intranet.mycompany.com:8080 #### LDAP #### To use LDAP authentication, set ``auth_type`` parameter to "ldap": auth_type = ldap Then add LDAP parameters # LDAP server address ldap_url = ldap://localhost:389 # Base dn to make queries ldap_base_dn = dc=directory,dc=fsf,dc=org # Bind dn to identify the search ldap_bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=directory,dc=fsf,dc=org # The bind password ldap_bind_pass = toor # Attribute name of user record who contain user login (email) ldap_ldap_naming_attribute = uid # Matching between ldap attribute and ldap user field (ldap_attr1=user_field1,ldap_attr2=user_field2,...) ldap_user_attributes = mail=email # TLS usage to communicate with your LDAP server ldap_tls = False # If True, LDAP own tracim group managment (not available for now!) ldap_group_enabled = False You may need an administrator account to manage Tracim. Use the following command (from ``/install/dir/of/tracim/tracim``): gearbox user create -l admin@admin.admin -p admin@admin.admin -g managers -g administrators Keep in mind ``admin-email@domain.com`` must match with LDAP user. #### Other parameters #### There are other parameters which may be of some interest for you. For example, you can: * include a JS tracker like Piwik or Google Analytics, * define your own notification email subject * personalize notification email * personalize home page (background image, title color...) * ... ### database schema ### The last step before to run the application is to initialize the database schema. This is done through the following command: **Note**: If you want to use MySQL database, please install this pip package: ```pip install https://launchpad.net/oursql/py3k/py3k-0.9.4/+download/oursql-0.9.4.zip``` cd tracim && gearbox setup-app && cd - ## Running the server ## ### Running Tracim in standalone mode ### Now you can run the standalone server: ./bin/run.sh Which should result in something like this: 13:53:49,982 INFO [gearbox] Starting subprocess with file monitor 13:53:50,646 WARNI [py.warnings] /tmp/tracim/protov1/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/tw2/core/validation.py:12: ImportWarning: Not importing directory '/tmp/tracim/protov1/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/tw2/core/i18n': missing __init__.py from .i18n import _ 13:53:50,862 INFO [gearbox] Starting server in PID 11174. Starting HTTP server on You can now enter the application at [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) and login with admin user. * user : admin@admin.admin * password : admin@admin.admin If admin user not created yet, execute following command: gearbox user create -l admin@admin.admin -p admin@admin.admin -g managers -g administrators Enjoy :) ### Running Tracim through Apache WSGI ### #### Dependencies #### Install dependencies: apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 #### WSGI configuration #### Example of Apache WSGI configuration. This configuration refers to productionapp.wsgi which is a copy of the file *app.wsgi* available in the repo. (this file has to be updated to match with your environment and installation) ServerAdmin webmaster@tracim.mycompany.com ServerName tracim.mycompany.com WSGIProcessGroup tracim WSGIDaemonProcess tracim user=www-data group=adm threads=4 python-path=/opt/traciminstall/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/traciminstall/tracim/productionapp.wsgi #Serve static files directly without TurboGears Alias /assets /opt/traciminstall/tracim/tracim/public/assets Alias /favicon.ico /opt/traciminstall/tracim/tracim/public/favicon.ico CustomLog /var/log/apache2/demotracim-access.log combined ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/demotracim-error.log LogLevel debug ## Docker ### Build images To build tests designed image docker build -t tracim:tests docker/Debian_Tests To build Prod/dev designed image docker build -t tracim:latest docker/Debian_Uwsgi ### Run containers #### Run tests containers Run tests with PostgreSQL docker run -e TEST_DATABASE_ENGINE=postgresql tracim:tests Run tests with MySQL docker run -e TEST_DATABASE_ENGINE=mysql tracim:tests Run tests with SQLite docker run -e TEST_DATABASE_ENGINE=sqlite tracim:tests ##### Run test on specific commit/branch To run tests on specific branch or commit, use ``CHECKOUT`` parameter, eg: docker run -e TEST_DATABASE_ENGINE=postgresql -e CHECKOUT= tracim:tests ##### Other parameters (environment variables) * FETCH: (0 or 1) Apply a ``git fetch origin`` on tracim repository * PULL: (0 or 1) Apply a ``git pull origin master`` on tracim repository to set tracim on latest master branch #### Run Prod/dev containers Environment variables are: * DATABASE_TYPE (values: postgresql, mysql, sqlite) * DATABASE_USER * DATABASE_PASSWORD * DATABASE_HOST * DATABASE_PORT * DATABASE_NAME Volumes are: * /etc/tracim * /var/tracim (used for SQLite database and radicale) Ports are: * 80 (industracim web interface) * 3060 (webdav) * 5232 (caldav) To run tracim container with MySQL or PostgreSQL, you must set environment ``DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_PORT, DATABASE_NAME`` variable. Example with PostgreSQL: docker run -e DATABASE_TYPE=postgresql -e DATABASE_USER=tracim -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=tracim -e DATABASE_HOST= -e DATABASE_NAME=tracim -p -p -p -v /tmp/tracim:/etc/tracim tracim:latest Example with MySQL docker run -e DATABASE_TYPE=mysql -e DATABASE_USER=tracim -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=tracim -e DATABASE_HOST= -e DATABASE_NAME=tracim -p -p -p -v /tmp/tracim:/etc/tracim tracim:latest Example with SQLite docker run -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite -p -p -p -v /tmp/tracim:/etc/tracimetc -v /tmp/tracimvar:/var/tracim tracim:latest # Support and Community # Building the community is a work in progress. Need help ? Do not hesitate to contact me : damien.accorsi@free.fr