# API documentation ## Authentication APi not actually implement authentication method. You must use cookies set by frontend login. ## Workspaces ### List GET /api/workspaces/ Return list of workspaces acessible by current connected user. #### Response { "value_list":[ { "id":30, "label":"my calendar", "description":"blablabla", "has_calendar":"true" }, { "id":230, "label":"my calendar other", "description":"blablabla 230", "has_calendar":"true" } ] } ## Users ### List GET /api/users/ Return list of all users of the tracim instance #### Response { "value_list": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Georges Abitbol", "email": "g.abitbol@laclasse.com", "canCreateWs": true, "isAdmin": true, "config": { "sendEmailNotif": true } }, { "id": 145, "name": "Peter", "email": "peter@laclasse.com", "canCreateWs": false, "isAdmin": false, "config": { "sendEmailNotif": false } ] } ## Users_Workspace (Role) ### List GET /api/users_workspace/ Return list of all roles of all workspaces the connected user has access to #### Response { "value_list": [ { "userId": 0, "workspaceId": 1, "roleId": 8, "subscribedNotif": true }, { "userId": 2, "workspaceId": 2, "roleId": 2, "subscribedNotif": true }, { "userId": 5, "workspaceId": 3, "roleId": 4, "subscribedNotif": false } ] } ## Timezone ### List GET /api/timezone/ Return list of all timezone available when creating a user #### Response { "value_list": [ "Africa/Abidjan", "Africa/Accra", "Africa/Addis_Ababa", "Africa/Algiers", "Africa/Asmara", ... ] } ## Calendars ### List GET /api/calendars/ Return list of calendars accessible by current connected user. #### Response { "value_list":[ { "id":30, "label":"my calendar", "description":"blablabla 230", "type": "workspace" }, { "id":230, "label":"my other calendar", "description":"blablabla 230", "type": "workspace" }, { "id":20, "label":"Name of the user", "description":"my personnal calendar", "type": "user" } ] }