# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """WebHelpers used in pod.""" #from webhelpers import date, feedgenerator, html, number, misc, text from markupsafe import Markup from datetime import datetime from tg.i18n import ugettext as _, lazy_ugettext as l_ import tg def current_year(): now = datetime.now() return now.strftime('%Y') def icon(icon_name, white=False): if (white): return Markup('' % icon_name) else: return Markup('' % icon_name) def getExplanationAboutStatus(psStatusId, psCurrentStatusId): lsMsg = "" if psStatusId==psCurrentStatusId: return _("This is the current status.") else: if psStatusId=='information': return _("The item is a normal document, like a howto or a text document.") if psStatusId=='automatic': return _("The item will be automatically computed as \"in progress\" or \"done\" according to its children status.") if psStatusId=='new': return _("No action done on the item.") if psStatusId=='inprogress': return _("The item is being worked on.") if psStatusId=='standby': return _("Waiting for some external actions.") if psStatusId=='done': return _("The work associated with the item is finished.") if psStatusId=='closed': return _("Close the item if you want not to see it anymore. The data won't be deleted") if psStatusId=='deleted': return _("This status tells that the item has been deleted.") class ID(object): """ Helper class that will manage html items ids that need to be shared""" @classmethod def AddDocumentModalForm(cls, poNode=None): if poNode: return 'add-document-modal-form-%d'%poNode.node_id else: return 'add-document-modal-form' @classmethod def AddContactModalForm(cls, poNode=None): if poNode: return 'add-contact-modal-form-%d'%poNode.node_id else: return 'add-contact-modal-form' @classmethod def AddFileModalForm(cls, poNode=None): if poNode: return 'add-file-modal-form-%d'%poNode.node_id else: return 'add-file-modal-form' @classmethod def MoveDocumentModalForm(cls, poNode): return 'move-document-modal-form-{0}'.format(poNode.node_id) @classmethod def AddEventModalForm(cls, poNode=None): if poNode: return 'add-event-modal-form-%d'%poNode.node_id else: return 'add-event-modal-form' ## Original id is 'current-document-add-event-form' @classmethod def AddCommentInlineForm(cls): return 'current-document-add-comment-form' class ICON(object): Shared = '' Private = '' def tracker_js(): js_file_path = tg.config.get('js_tracker_path', None) if js_file_path is not None: with open (js_file_path, "r") as js_file: data=js_file.read() return data else: return ""