[egg_info] tag_build = dev tag_svn_revision = true # Babel configuration [compile_catalog] domain = pod directory = pod/i18n statistics = true [extract_messages] add_comments = TRANSLATORS: output_file = pod/i18n/pod.pot width = 80 keywords = l_ [init_catalog] domain = pod input_file = pod/i18n/pod.pot output_dir = pod/i18n [update_catalog] domain = pod input_file = pod/i18n/pod.pot output_dir = pod/i18n previous = true # Static files extraction for TW [archive_tw_resources] output = pod/public/toscawidgets/ distributions = pod #yuicompressor = /home/someuser/bin/yuicompressor.jar #compresslevel = 2 onepass = true [archive_tw2_resources] output = pod/public/tw2/ distributions = pod force = true #yuicompressor = /home/someuser/bin/yuicompressor.jar #compresslevel = 2 onepass = true [aliases] # A handy alias to make a release to pypi release = egg_info -RDb "" sdist bdist_egg register upload poddevelop = develop -i http://tg.gy/221 poddeps = easy_install -i http://tg.gy/221 AddOns BytecodeAssembler Chameleon coverage DecoratorTools Extremes Genshi Jinja2 Kajiki kid PEAK_Rules repoze.who repoze.who_friendlyform repoze.who.plugins.sa simplegeneric sprox SQLAlchemy SymbolType tgext.admin tgext.crud ToscaWidgets transaction TurboJson TurboKid tw.forms zope.interface zope.sqlalchemy tgupgrade = easy_install -i http://tg.gy/current -U AddOns Babel Beaker BytecodeAssembler Chameleon coverage decorator DecoratorTools Extremes Genshi Jinja2 Kajiki kid Mako MarkupSafe nose Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript PEAK_Rules Pygments Pylons repoze.who repoze.who_friendlyform repoze.who.plugins.sa simplegeneric simplejson sprox SQLAlchemy SymbolType Tempita tgext.admin tgext.crud ToscaWidgets transaction TurboJson TurboKid tw.forms WebError WebFlash WebHelpers WebOb WebTest zope.interface zope.sqlalchemy