

Here is a short description of settings available in the file tracim/development.ini.

Listening port

Default configuration is to listen on port 8080. If you want to adapt this to your environment, edit the .ini file and setup the port you want:

port = 8080

Interface language

The default language is English. You can change it to French by uncommenting the following line in the .ini file:

lang = fr

SMTP parameters for resetpassword and notifications

For technical reason, you have to configure SMTP parameters for rest password process and SMTP parameters for notifications in separate places.

The reset password related parameters are the following ones :

resetpassword.email_sender =
resetpassword.smtp_host =
resetpassword.smtp_port = 25
resetpassword.smtp_login = username
resetpassword.smtp_passwd = password

The main parameters for notifications are the following ones:

email.notification.activated = true =
email.notification.from.default_label = Tracim Notification
email.notification.smtp.server =
email.notification.smtp.port = 25
email.notification.smtp.user = username
email.notification.smtp.password = password


You must define general parameters like the base_url and the website title which are required for home page and email notification links

website.title = My Company Intranet
website.base_url =


Tracim is able to authenticate users via LDAP. To enable this feature, start by setting the authentication type as follow:

auth_type = ldap

Then add these LDAP parameters:

# LDAP server address
ldap_url = ldap://localhost:389

# Base dn to make queries
ldap_base_dn = dc=directory,dc=fsf,dc=org

# Bind dn to identify the search
ldap_bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=directory,dc=fsf,dc=org

# The bind password
ldap_bind_pass = toor

# Attribute name of user record who contain user login (email)
ldap_ldap_naming_attribute = uid

# Matching between ldap attribute and ldap user field (ldap_attr1=user_field1,ldap_attr2=user_field2,...)
ldap_user_attributes = mail=email

# TLS usage to communicate with your LDAP server
ldap_tls = False

# If True, LDAP own tracim group managment (not available for now!)
ldap_group_enabled = False

You may need an administrator account to manage Tracim. Use the following command (from /install/dir/of/tracim/tracim):

gearbox user create -l admin@admin.admin -p admin@admin.admin -g managers -g administrators

Keep in mind must match with LDAP user.

Other parameters

There are other parameters which may be of interest to you. For example, you can:

  • include a JS tracker like Piwik or Google Analytics,
  • define your own notification email subject
  • personalize notification email
  • personalize home page (background image, title color...)
  • ...