123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409 |
- import typing
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- from bs4 import Tag
- from bs4 import NavigableString
- class BodyMailPartType(object):
- Signature = 'sign'
- Main = 'main'
- Quote = 'quote'
- class BodyMailPart(object):
- def __init__(
- self,
- text: str,
- part_type: str
- )-> None:
- self.text = text
- self.part_type = part_type
- class BodyMailParts(object):
- """
- Data Structure to Distinct part of a Mail body into a "list" of BodyMailPart
- When 2 similar BodyMailPart (same part_type) are added one after the other,
- it doesn't create a new Part, it just merge those elements into one.
- It should always have only one Signature type part, normally
- at the end of the body.
- This object doesn't provide other set method than append() in order to
- preserve object coherence.
- """
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- self._list = [] # type; List[BodyMailPart]
- # INFO - G.M -
- # automatically merge new value with last item if true, without any
- # part_type check, same type as the older one, useful when some tag
- # say "all elem after me is Signature"
- self.follow = False
- def __len__(self) -> int:
- return len(self._list)
- def __getitem__(self, index) -> BodyMailPart:
- return self._list[index]
- def __delitem__(self, index) -> None:
- del self._list[index]
- # FIXME - G.M - 2017-11-27 - Preserve BodyMailParts consistence
- # check elem after and before index and merge them if necessary.
- def append(self, value) -> None:
- BodyMailParts._check_value(value)
- self._append(value)
- def _append(self, value) -> None:
- same_type_as_last = len(self._list) > 0 and \
- self._list[-1].part_type == value.part_type
- if same_type_as_last or self.follow:
- self._list[-1].text += value.text
- else:
- self._list.append(value)
- @classmethod
- def _check_value(cls, value) -> None:
- if not isinstance(value, BodyMailPart):
- raise TypeError()
- def drop_part_type(self, part_type: str) -> None:
- """
- Drop all elem of one part_type
- :param part_type: part_type to completely remove
- :return: None
- """
- new_list = [x for x in self._list if x.part_type != part_type]
- self._list = []
- # INFO - G.M - 2017-11-27 - use append() to have a consistent list
- for elem in new_list:
- self.append(elem)
- def get_nb_part_type(self, part_type: str) -> int:
- """
- Get number of elements of one part_type
- :param part_type: part_type to check
- :return: number of part_type elements
- """
- count = 0
- for elem in self._list:
- if elem.part_type == part_type:
- count += 1
- return count
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- s_mail = ''
- for elem in self._list:
- s_mail += elem.text
- return str(s_mail)
- class SignatureIndexError(Exception):
- pass
- class ProprietaryHTMLProperties(object):
- # Gmail
- Gmail_extras_class = 'gmail_extra'
- Gmail_quote_class = 'gmail_quote'
- Gmail_signature_class = 'gmail_signature'
- # Thunderbird
- Thunderbird_quote_prefix_class = 'moz-cite-prefix'
- Thunderbird_signature_class = 'moz-signature'
- # Outlook.com
- Outlook_com_quote_id = 'divRplyFwdMsg'
- Outlook_com_signature_id = 'Signature'
- Outlook_com_wrapper_id = 'divtagdefaultwrapper'
- # Yahoo
- Yahoo_quote_class = 'yahoo_quoted'
- # Roundcube
- # INFO - G.M - 2017-11-29 - New tag
- # see : https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/6049
- Roundcube_quote_prefix_class = 'reply-intro'
- class HtmlChecker(object):
- @classmethod
- def _has_attr_value(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString],
- attribute_name: str,
- attribute_value: str,
- )-> bool:
- if isinstance(elem, Tag) and \
- attribute_name in elem.attrs and \
- attribute_value in elem.attrs[attribute_name]:
- return True
- return False
- class HtmlMailQuoteChecker(HtmlChecker):
- @classmethod
- def is_quote(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- return cls._is_standard_quote(elem) \
- or cls._is_thunderbird_quote(elem) \
- or cls._is_gmail_quote(elem) \
- or cls._is_outlook_com_quote(elem) \
- or cls._is_yahoo_quote(elem) \
- or cls._is_roundcube_quote(elem)
- @classmethod
- def _is_standard_quote(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- if isinstance(elem, Tag) \
- and elem.name.lower() == 'blockquote':
- return True
- return False
- @classmethod
- def _is_thunderbird_quote(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- return cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Thunderbird_quote_prefix_class)
- @classmethod
- def _is_gmail_quote(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Gmail_extras_class):
- for child in elem.children:
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- child,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Gmail_quote_class):
- return True
- return False
- @classmethod
- def _is_outlook_com_quote(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'id',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Outlook_com_quote_id):
- return True
- return False
- @classmethod
- def _is_yahoo_quote(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- return cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Yahoo_quote_class)
- @classmethod
- def _is_roundcube_quote(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- return cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'id',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Roundcube_quote_prefix_class)
- class HtmlMailSignatureChecker(HtmlChecker):
- @classmethod
- def is_signature(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- return cls._is_thunderbird_signature(elem) \
- or cls._is_gmail_signature(elem) \
- or cls._is_outlook_com_signature(elem)
- @classmethod
- def _is_thunderbird_signature(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- return cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Thunderbird_signature_class)
- @classmethod
- def _is_gmail_signature(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Gmail_signature_class):
- return True
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Gmail_extras_class):
- for child in elem.children:
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- child,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Gmail_signature_class):
- return True
- if isinstance(elem, Tag) and elem.name.lower() == 'div':
- for child in elem.children:
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- child,
- 'class',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Gmail_signature_class):
- return True
- return False
- @classmethod
- def _is_outlook_com_signature(
- cls,
- elem: typing.Union[Tag, NavigableString]
- ) -> bool:
- if cls._has_attr_value(
- elem,
- 'id',
- ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Outlook_com_signature_id):
- return True
- return False
- class PreSanitizeConfig(object):
- Ignored_tags = ['br', 'hr', 'script', 'style']
- meta_tag = ['body','div']
- class ParsedHTMLMail(object):
- """
- Parse HTML Mail depending of some rules.
- Distinct part of html mail body using BodyMailParts object and
- process different rules.
- """
- def __init__(self, html_body: str):
- self.src_html_body = html_body
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._parse_mail())
- def get_elements(self) -> BodyMailParts:
- tree = self._get_proper_main_body_tree()
- return self._distinct_elements(tree)
- def _parse_mail(self) -> BodyMailParts:
- elements = self.get_elements()
- elements = self._process_elements(elements)
- return elements
- def _get_proper_main_body_tree(self) -> BeautifulSoup:
- """
- Get html body tree without some kind of wrapper.
- We need to have text, quote and signature parts at the same tree level
- """
- tree = BeautifulSoup(self.src_html_body, 'html.parser')
- # Only parse body part of html if available
- subtree = tree.find('body')
- if subtree:
- tree = BeautifulSoup(str(subtree), 'html.parser')
- # if some kind of "meta_div", unwrap it
- while len(tree.findAll(recursive=None)) == 1 and \
- tree.find().name.lower() in PreSanitizeConfig.meta_tag:
- tree.find().unwrap()
- for tag in tree.findAll():
- # HACK - G.M - 2017-11-28 - Unwrap outlook.com mail
- # if Text -> Signature -> Quote Mail
- # Text and signature are wrapped into divtagdefaultwrapper
- if tag.attrs.get('id'):
- if ProprietaryHTMLProperties.Outlook_com_wrapper_id\
- in tag.attrs['id']:
- tag.unwrap()
- return tree
- @classmethod
- def _distinct_elements(cls, tree: BeautifulSoup) -> BodyMailParts:
- parts = BodyMailParts()
- for elem in list(tree):
- part_txt = str(elem)
- part_type = BodyMailPartType.Main
- # sanitize NavigableString
- if isinstance(elem, NavigableString):
- part_txt = part_txt.replace('\n', '').strip()
- if HtmlMailQuoteChecker.is_quote(elem):
- part_type = BodyMailPartType.Quote
- elif HtmlMailSignatureChecker.is_signature(elem):
- part_type = BodyMailPartType.Signature
- else:
- # INFO - G.M -2017-11-28 - ignore unwanted parts
- if not part_txt:
- continue
- if isinstance(elem, Tag) \
- and elem.name.lower() in PreSanitizeConfig.Ignored_tags:
- continue
- part = BodyMailPart(part_txt, part_type)
- parts.append(part)
- # INFO - G.M - 2017-11-28 - Outlook.com special case
- # all after quote tag is quote
- if HtmlMailQuoteChecker._is_outlook_com_quote(elem):
- parts.follow = True
- return parts
- @classmethod
- def _process_elements(cls, elements: BodyMailParts) -> BodyMailParts:
- if len(elements) >= 2:
- # Case 1 and 2, only one main and one quote
- if elements.get_nb_part_type('main') == 1 and \
- elements.get_nb_part_type('quote') == 1:
- # Case 1 : Main first
- if elements[0].part_type == BodyMailPartType.Main:
- cls._process_main_first_case(elements)
- # Case 2 : Quote first
- if elements[0].part_type == BodyMailPartType.Quote:
- cls._process_quote_first_case(elements)
- else:
- # Case 3 : Multiple quotes and/or main
- cls._process_multiples_elems_case(elements)
- else:
- cls._process_default_case(elements)
- # default case (only one element or empty list)
- return elements
- @classmethod
- def _process_quote_first_case(cls, elements: BodyMailParts) -> None:
- elements.drop_part_type(BodyMailPartType.Signature)
- @classmethod
- def _process_main_first_case(cls, elements: BodyMailParts) -> None:
- elements.drop_part_type(BodyMailPartType.Quote)
- elements.drop_part_type(BodyMailPartType.Signature)
- @classmethod
- def _process_multiples_elems_case(cls, elements: BodyMailParts) -> None:
- elements.drop_part_type(BodyMailPartType.Signature)
- @classmethod
- def _process_default_case(cls, elements: BodyMailParts) -> None:
- elements.drop_part_type(BodyMailPartType.Quote)
- elements.drop_part_type(BodyMailPartType.Signature)