development.ini.base 9.4KB

  1. #
  2. # tracim - TurboGears 2 development environment configuration
  3. #
  4. # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file
  5. #
  6. # This file is for deployment specific config options -- other configuration
  7. # that is always required for the app is done in the config directory,
  8. # and generally should not be modified by end users.
  9. [DEFAULT]
  10. debug = true
  11. # Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive any error reports
  12. #email_to =
  13. smtp_server = localhost
  14. error_email_from = turbogears@localhost
  15. [server:main]
  16. # Below is the HTTP server to be used. See documentation online if you want to use another server
  17. #
  18. use = egg:gearbox#cherrypy
  19. # If you want to access to the instance through the network,
  20. # change host value below to or to the IP address
  21. # you want it to manage (this may be usefull if you have several
  22. # network interfaces)
  23. host =
  24. port = 8080
  25. [sa_auth]
  26. cookie_secret = 3283411b-1904-4554-b0e1-883863b53080
  27. [app:main]
  28. use = egg:tracim
  29. full_stack = true
  30. # You can set french as default language by uncommenting next line
  31. # lang = fr
  32. cache_dir = %(here)s/data
  33. beaker.session.key = tracim
  34. beaker.session.secret = 3283411b-1904-4554-b0e1-883863b53080
  35. # Auth type (internal or ldap)
  36. auth_type = internal
  37. # If auth_type is ldap, uncomment following ldap_* parameters
  38. # LDAP server address
  39. # ldap_url = ldap://localhost:389
  40. # Base dn to make queries
  41. # ldap_base_dn = dc=directory,dc=fsf,dc=org
  42. # Bind dn to identify the search
  43. # ldap_bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=directory,dc=fsf,dc=org
  44. # The bind password
  45. # ldap_bind_pass = toor
  46. # Attribute name of user record who contain user login (email)
  47. # ldap_ldap_naming_attribute = uid
  48. # Matching between ldap attribute and ldap user field (ldap_attr1=user_field1,ldap_attr2=user_field2,...)
  49. # ldap_user_attributes = mail=email
  50. # TLS usage to communicate with your LDAP server
  51. # ldap_tls = False
  52. # If True, LDAP own tracim group managment (not available for now!)
  53. # ldap_group_enabled = False
  54. # User auth token validity in seconds (used to interfaces like web calendars)
  55. user.auth_token.validity = 604800
  56. #By default session is store in cookies to avoid the overhead
  57. #of having to manage a session storage. On production you might
  58. #want to switch to a better session storage.
  59. beaker.session.type = cookie
  60. beaker.session.validate_key = 3283411b-1904-4554-b0e1-883863b53080
  61. # Disable template autoreload to boost performances in production
  62. # WARNING: if you want to deploy your application using a zipped egg
  63. # (ie: if your application's defines zip-safe=True, then you
  64. # MUST put "false" for the production environment because there will
  65. # be no disk and real files to compare time with.
  66. #auto_reload_templates = false
  67. # If you'd like to fine-tune the individual locations of the cache data dirs
  68. # for the Cache data, or the Session saves, un-comment the desired settings
  69. # here:
  70. #beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache
  71. #beaker.session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions
  72. # pick the form for your database
  73. # %(here) may include a ':' character on Windows environments; this can
  74. # invalidate the URI when specifying a SQLite db via path name
  75. # sqlalchemy.url=postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/databasename
  76. # sqlalchemy.url=mysql://username:password@hostname:port/databasename
  77. # sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://tracim_user:tracim_user_password@
  78. sqlalchemy.url = <replace_database_uri_here>
  79. #echo shouldn't be used together with the logging module.
  80. sqlalchemy.echo = false
  81. sqlalchemy.echo_pool = false
  82. sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600
  83. # This line ensures that Genshi will render xhtml when sending the
  84. # output. Change to html or xml, as desired.
  85. templating.genshi.method = xhtml
  86. templating.genshi.doctype = html5
  87. # the compiled template dir is a directory that must be readable and writable
  88. # by your webserver. It will be used to store the resulting templates once
  89. # compiled by the TemplateLookup system.
  90. # During development you generally don't need this option since paste's HTTP
  91. # server will have access to you development directories, but in production
  92. # you'll most certainly want to have apache or nginx to write in a directory
  93. # that does not contain any source code in any form for obvious security
  94. # reasons. If disabled, None, False, or not writable, it will fall back
  95. # to an in-memory cache.
  96. templating.mako.compiled_templates_dir = %(here)s/data/templates
  98. # Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to
  99. # execute malicious code after an exception is raised.
  100. # set debug = false
  101. # Logging configuration
  102. # Add additional loggers, handlers, formatters here
  103. # Uses pythons logging config file format
  104. #
  105. #turn this setting to "min" if you would like tw to produce minified
  106. #javascript files (if your library supports that)
  107. toscawidgets.framework.resource_variant=debug
  108. # if you want to setup analytics like piwik or google analytics,
  109. # put the JS tracking code in a file and set its path below
  110. #
  111. # js_tracker_path = analytics.js
  112. # Reset password through email related configuration.
  113. # These emails will be sent through SMTP
  114. #
  115. resetpassword.email_sender =
  116. resetpassword.smtp_host = smtp.sender
  117. resetpassword.smtp_port = 25
  118. resetpassword.smtp_login = smtp.login
  119. resetpassword.smtp_passwd = smtp.password
  120. # Specifies if the update of comments and attached files is allowed (by the owner only).
  121. # Examples:
  122. # 600 means 10 minutes (ie 600 seconds)
  123. # 3600 means 1 hour (60x60 seconds)
  124. #
  125. # Allowed values:
  126. # -1 means that content update is allowed for ever
  127. # 0 means that content update is not allowed
  128. # x means that content update is allowed for x seconds (with x>0)
  129. content.update.allowed.duration = 3600
  130. # The following parameters allow to personalize the home page
  131. # They are html ready (you can put html tags they will be interpreted)
  132. website.title = TRACIM
  133. website.title.color = #555
  134. website.home.subtitle = Default login: admin@admin.admin (password: admin@admin.admin)
  135. website.home.tag_line = <div class="text-center" style="font-weight: bold;">Collaboration, versionning and traceability</div>
  136. website.home.below_login_form = in case of problem, please contact the administrator.
  137. # Values may be 'all' or 'folders'
  138. website.treeview.content = all
  139. # The following base_url is used for links and icons
  140. # integrated in the email notifcations
  141. website.base_url =
  142. # If config not provided, it will be extracted from website.base_url
  143. website.server_name =
  144. email.notification.activated = False
  145. =
  146. email.notification.from.default_label = Tracim Notifications
  147. email.notification.content_update.template.html = ./tracim/templates/mail/content_update_body_html.mak
  148. email.notification.content_update.template.text = ./tracim/templates/mail/content_update_body_text.mak
  149. email.notification.created_account.template.html = ./tracim/templates/mail/created_account_body_html.mak
  150. email.notification.created_account.template.text = ./tracim/templates/mail/created_account_body_text.mak
  151. # Note: items between { and } are variable names. Do not remove / rename them
  152. email.notification.content_update.subject = [{website_title}] [{workspace_label}] {content_label} ({content_status_label})
  153. email.notification.created_account.subject = [{website_title}] Created account
  154. # processing_mode may be sync or async
  155. email.notification.processing_mode = sync
  156. email.notification.smtp.server = your_smtp_server
  157. email.notification.smtp.port = 25
  158. email.notification.smtp.user = your_smtp_user
  159. email.notification.smtp.password = your_smtp_password
  160. ## Radical (CalDav server) configuration
  161. # =
  162. # radicale.server.port = 5232
  163. # radicale.server.ssl = false
  164. # radicale.server.filesystem.folder = ~/.config/radicale/collections
  165. # radicale.server.allow_origin = *
  166. # radicale.server.realm_message = Tracim Calendar - Password Required
  167. ## url can be extended like
  168. ## in this case, you have to create your own proxy behind this url.
  169. # radicale.client.base_url =
  170. ## WSGIDAV
  171. wsgidav.config_path = wsgidav.conf
  172. ## url can be extended like
  173. ## in this case, you have to create your own proxy behind this url.
  174. ## Do not set http:// prefix.
  175. # wsgidav.client.base_url =<WSGIDAV_PORT>
  176. #####
  177. #
  178. # All configuration below is about logging.
  179. #
  180. [loggers]
  181. keys = root, tracim, sqlalchemy, auth
  182. [handlers]
  183. keys = console
  184. [formatters]
  185. keys = generic
  186. # If you create additional loggers, add them as a key to [loggers]
  187. [logger_root]
  188. level = INFO
  189. handlers = console
  190. [logger_tracim]
  191. level = DEBUG
  192. handlers =
  193. qualname = tracim
  194. [logger_sqlalchemy]
  195. level = WARN
  196. handlers =
  197. qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
  198. # "level = INFO" logs SQL queries.
  199. # "level = DEBUG" logs SQL queries and results.
  200. # "level = WARN" logs neither. (Recommended for production systems.)
  201. # A logger for authentication, identification and authorization
  202. # this is repoze.who:
  203. [logger_auth]
  204. level = WARN
  205. handlers =
  206. qualname = auth
  207. # If you create additional handlers, add them as a key to [handlers]
  208. [handler_console]
  209. class = StreamHandler
  210. args = (sys.stderr,)
  211. level = NOTSET
  212. formatter = generic
  213. # If you create additional formatters, add them as a key to [formatters]
  214. [formatter_generic]
  215. format = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
  216. datefmt = %H:%M:%S