migration.md 1.0KB

Performing migrations


This document is intended to developers.

Migrations on Tracim lays on gearbox migrate, which in turn lays on alembic which is the migration tool dedicated to SQLAlchemy.

In order to use the gearbox migrate [...] commands, change your current directory to be tracim/ from the root of the project, also usually named tracim/ :

(tg2env) user@host:~/tracim$ cd tracim/
(tg2env) user@host:~/tracim/tracim$

Migration howto - Overview

Upgrading schema

gearbox migrate upgrade

Downgrading schema

gearbox migrate downgrade

Migration howto - Advanced (for developers)

Retrieving schema current version

gearbox migrate db_version

Creating new schema migration

This creates a new python migration file in tracim/migration/versions/ ending by migration_label.py:

gearbox migrate create 'migration label'